It was a zeta-rip, but it is completely reprogrammed.
I stole some guys game completely, it was that one rotation movement demo that had shooting in it. I put in crap halo icons i made and put in a death system. Called the game mechanical warfare heheheh god im lame. And later on i ripped from scarey game to make estate, though now its bug and im too lazy to dig through the source to see wha is wrong. Was a fun game though :(.
I find that learning is easier and faster when you're doing something interactive and not just reading. Reading is slow and boring, but sometimes you have to do it. I think I'm learning pretty fast.
My first game was a form of bug hockey with flatulent spiders. They tended to let one rip, but I don't think that counts.
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:
I find that learning is easier and faster when you're doing something interactive and not just reading. I did say "reading then doing." Doing is an important part of the process. That is yet another reason it's better to do things yourself. If you're using someone elses material, you are not doing it yourself and therefor you are not doing something interactive as you like to do. Of course, when there are no in-depth tutorials or demos that can take you through a process step by step, then you have no alternative. But when you do have that choice, it works wonders. |
I still dont understand DM