In response to Flame Sage
Why don't you write one up in DMCGI, I've done it. Well most of it.
In response to Bunchie
I've been trying. All the DMCGI script "should" do is send back the users ckey, and then (somehow) get the php to manually create a forum, after the user submits that forum, add it back into the database?

I'm confused on how to do it.
Any help Kajika? =)
In response to Justin Knight
Justin Knight wrote:
O-matic wrote:
Consider that the average is around 12-13 on BYOND.


$15 is a third of the cost of a new $50 video/computer game.

A computer game is easy to explain to parents, they just see it as a game. But an online membership would be a bit harder to explain.

As for the ask-parents-for-money, this has been discussed before. Most parents haven't had internet while they were young, so they'd look at their son/daughter very strangely if they asked them money for an "online membership thing". And would ask some more questions, then the kids need to explain what BYOND is and all that crap - and there's the black hole. An 12-13 year old kid wouldn't quite be able to explain it, if (s)he would, the explanation wouldn't be very ..clear, which will in most cases lead to an "no".

In response to O-matic
I am 12 i will be 13 in may, but thats not the point. I got membership with my own money I just asked my step-mom to put it in her bank account. My parents let me get any membership i want just as long as they dont have to pay. I pay for my byond membership and my runescape membership ($5 a month) out of my own wallet.
In response to Mxjerrett
10 categories for members.
5 categories for non-members.
CSS edits for members.
And the ability to add more forum moderators for members.

That would keep the whole thing clean and happy =P
But you would have to keep it clean somehow, so like, have the forums collective, so they can't just make another hub entry and add another 10 categories etc.
Like "Use this as my active forum" so there is the whole individual forums for hub entries, but you can have an active form as a collective forum for your games and so on. If that makes any sense.

As for the membership deal.
"Can't afford it" is, in my opinion, a load of crap.
Money Orders and all that are easy. And money is not a hard thing to come by. Make a deal with parents for petty change in exchange for chores.
And it's also been my experence, that the average age of BYOND users is 15 - 20. Almost everyone I know on BYOND (Which is alot of people) range from those age limits. Some even older.
So the possibility of getting a job is there aswell.
The only people at a disadvantage are those in countries other then america. Because BYOND doesn't accept other currencies, I believe.

And besides, not being able to afford it doesn't really mean anything. Look at the benafactors list. All you have to do is impress people who donate alot. <.<
In response to Mxjerrett
Mxjerrett wrote:
I am 12 i will be 13 in may, but thats not the point. I got membership with my own money I just asked my step-mom to put it in her bank account. My parents let me get any membership i want just as long as they dont have to pay. I pay for my byond membership and my runescape membership ($5 a month) out of my own wallet.

That's good to hear =). But, though, in most cases it isn't easy as in your case.

In response to Tiberath
Tiberath wrote:
10 categories for members.
5 categories for non-members.
CSS edits for members.
And the ability to add more forum moderators for members.

Ditto, but I think 5 is a lot, people might start using them as personal forums, which is not really the point. I still say 4 or 5 for members, 1 for non.

And besides, not being able to afford it doesn't really mean anything. Look at the benafactors list. All you have to do is impress people who donate alot. <.<

I don't know about you, but I have donated a membership, and all I asked was that he (the person I donated it to) passed the favor forward if he got the chance. Along with that I donated my leftover dimes to BYOND. Although the money was already in their hands, I prefer them to be able to call it theirs without any moral recourse.
In response to Scoobert
I've donated about 13 - 15 memberships now.
I'm fifth on the benafactors list =P

And all a person has to do is catch me at a time when I have money and make a good impression on me.
In response to Tiberath
Are you sure thats it? Because, I have donated about 15 on my N1ghtW1ng key and you are still beating me. We should have a way to see how many we have donated >.>
In response to Mxjerrett
Mxjerrett wrote:
I am 12 i will be 13 in may, but thats not the point. I got membership with my own money I just asked my step-mom to put it in her bank account. My parents let me get any membership i want just as long as they dont have to pay. I pay for my byond membership and my runescape membership ($5 a month) out of my own wallet.

But do you work for a living? Or do you get an allowance?
In response to Strawgate
i do chores but still if someone wants something enough they will find a way
In response to Tiberath
You don't even nescesarily have to impress someone. I got mine simply by saying, "I don't have a membership...(some more stuff here, but I don't remember", and I got a membership. This is back when I acted like (more of) an idiot. Luck, not just talent, is helpful in getting a membership donated.
In response to Popisfizzy
I entered a competition and drawed with another person. Lucky for me, the other person got one the day before.
In response to Kalzar
He might be adding more extra money on when he gives people memberships. I know I usually do.
In response to Elation
When you guys do the GUILDs update, could you add categories into forums too?!
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
1 forum per key for both members and non-members...

This would cut down on the unneeded forums...

It would also cause an increase in creating extra keys, I'd think. :\
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