I found this funny flash music video about the crimes Ebaums has done(I.E, stealing others content and making a prophet off it). I figured Id share it.
You found it? No, no you didn't find it. That's been "found" on BYOND for a long while and it's been on the internet for a much longer while. It'd also be better to link to the actual website rather than an albinoblacksheep mirror of it.
In response to Artemio
Yes, he found it. Do you have a problem with that?
He didn't claim he found it first.
More than one person can find something.
They need a better IM bot.
In response to Artemio
Enough with the misplaced hostility there, dude...
In response to Artemio
Artemio wrote:
You found it? No, no you didn't find it. That's been "found" on BYOND for a long while and it's been on the internet for a much longer while. It'd also be better to link to the actual website rather than an albinoblacksheep mirror of it.

I never knew one existed, so I found it, maybe not first, but I found it.
In response to Nyck
Nyck wrote:

I'm a moron*

I've noticed before you making totally pointless posts correcting often just one spelling mistake in a person's post. It ticks me off- stop it!
In response to Elation
I don't know what's with all the hostility on this thread, but everybody needs to take a deep breath and chill out a bit. Since no one has anything nice to say, I'm going to go ahead and lock the thread.