In response to Data-Con
O.o Weird, I could have sworn I spelled it correctly, don't know what I was thinking, oh well. =P Not the first time I have used the word grammar and I spelled it correctly earlier, just not here I guess.
In response to Ben G
Ben G wrote:
Oh, gosh, how silly of me to expect maturity in a developer forum.

His point still stands. If DM was a more serious language I'd be right on board with you that we shouldn't put up with kids screwing around here, but at the end of the day it's not.
DM is a basic language aimed at younger developers.
To be blunt, these forums are becoming painful to read. I don’t mean this in a metaphorical fashion, either. I experience physical pain when trying to comprehend what’s being said half of the time. Please, everyone, use some damn common sense.

Here's common sense: Don't like something? Stop giving attention to it.
57fu p|z.
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
Flame Sage wrote:

That's an interesting viewpoint, seeing as the minute we stop "slacking off" we get accused of overreacting / being too harsh / being Nazis. =P

Seriously though, we are actually pretty active.

to concur with Crispy, forum mods are quite active. it's just that no-one pays attention to the provate warnings until they are banned.

a big problem is that many of you kids have the annoying tendancy to don your 'hallpass-monitor-slash-forum-wannabe-moderator' hats and actually waste more forum space by posting crap like 'this doesn't belong here', 'your grammer/speeling sucks' (yes, i've actually seen the hypocrisy), and other commentary roughage that we generally end up weeding out, which takes away time from moderating more important discussions, like this one which is starting to catch flame by the look of recent posts.

we patrol the boards quite actively, though maybe not 24/7. we know posts that are in the wrong place will get moved by us in due time - pointing it out wastes our time, and clutters the boards.

we know that some posts are a waste of space, and we go to various lengths at different times of the week to weed out the crap for you.

it's our responsibility do moderate, yet we constantly run into people 'testing the boundaries', or trying to do our job for us.

cut out the roughage and the 'i-post-like-a-mod-but-i-aint-really-one' junk, and this place would be a *lot* nicer in many aspects.

oh, and the rude posts (like the stfu ones i see cropping up recently) can stop too. this community is meant to be open and friendly - not full of whiners with chips on their shoulders.
In response to DarkView
Thats right, I have already gotten these nice little messages in the forums, it appears right under the forum under under the "Index · Preferences · Help" thing.

I am glad they are not nazis or hard arses, if they were, half of the forums users would be banned. =/
In response to digitalmouse
I didn't know there were private warnings. :o
Where do they show up, should someone get one?
In response to Sarm
should appear near the top of all forums, under the navigation, if i recall correctly. look around, i just gave you one to see what it looks like.
In response to digitalmouse
Either I'm dumb, or I don't see one anywhere.
Could you point it out to me? It looks the same as ever. :(
In response to Nesso
Nesso wrote:
Here's common sense: Don't like something? Stop giving attention to it.
57fu p|z.

I'm gonna side with Ben G on this one. It's not common sense at all, Nesso.
If Martin Luthor King had thought "I shouldn't give attention to racism", if Joan of Arc had thought "The war will be over soon anyway", if Coke hadn't've invented Lite flavour, what would the world be like? Eh?
In response to Sarm
It happens when you try to make a post...or it did for me when I was warned/banned.
In response to Kalzar
I tried the post button and nothing popped up either. :-/

  • This is a bulleted list
  • These lists hold information on each bullet
  • Only, you can prevent forest fires
  • Google is cool, also Digg is cool
  • The cave song is the same on SMB as it is on SMB3!

In response to Ben G
I've signed my posts since like 2001!

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In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:
I would rather you be Nazi's than let this forum get this way.
That's what your supposed to do! Be hard asses!

I'll elaborate a bit on this.

The function of moderators is NOT to be a hard ass. The function of a moderator is to help maintain a pleasurable atmosphere in the forums. In doing so, making sure that the conduct of individuals is appropriate according to what the rules state.

In other words, most of what goes on you shouldn't notice - The fact that you don't is in fact a positive thing most of the time.

Y'know, when I first glanced at the forum I mis-read the title as "Okay, seriously though, lighten up." Which, I might add, seems to be very applicable advice for this situation.
In response to Sarm
it should show when you reply, like so:

in retrospect, i guess it could stand out a bit more.
In response to Elation
Is this on the same level as racism, war, or diet coke?
He doesn't need to use the forums if he doesn't like how people act on the internet.
In response to digitalmouse
...that's really odd. I tried checking the post/reply buttons but I still never saw anything out of the ordinary. I checked within the same minute you first told me to look, too. Could something be wrong with the message system?
In response to Sarm
Sarm wrote:
...that's really odd. I tried checking the post/reply buttons but I still never saw anything out of the ordinary. I checked within the same minute you first told me to look, too. Could something be wrong with the message system?

Warnings work, but I'm pretty sure only with post/reply. No idea what your problem is.

  • This is a message board (a developer message board), not a chat room. If it’s not worth the time to eloquently type out what you have to say, it’s not worth the time for anyone else to read it. When requesting help, be clear.
  • If your post doesn’t add anything to a thread except for vertical space, don’t add it. Posts like “LMAO” are not cool.

  • Those two problems remind me more of newbies, and newbies just keep coming and coming. Not really worth fussing over it past putting it in the community guidelines, because you know they will keep coming.
  • If you can’t help people, don’t try. I don’t care if you think you’re teh bestest codez0r in the world, if you’re not sure you can help the problem at hand, don’t try.

  • Although I hate to think about how much work some of the gurus have in those forums, I agree with you. It just causes so many more problems when instead of directly helping someone, people give either jack advice or are like "um, try this:".
  • Demanding help is not a way to get help. Don’t tell anyone to help you – ask politely, and someone will help.

  • Another newbie problem, usually they are critisized for doing so they stop for the next time they do it, I assume.

    Furthermore, don’t criticize people who try to help you.

    This absolutely infuriates me when people do this. And no, I'm not pointing any Developous... Erm, fingers.
  • Use the damn forum search. I swear to God, if one more thread about MP3 support comes up, I’m going to kill my cat.

  • I agree with you, but I am seldomly guilty of this as well. Sometimes, I will not think about it/am too lazy to do it, and other times I won't google things/use the forum search because there is just something attractive to having personalized support.

    Please, I used to really enjoy the developer forums. Now they’re just a collection of garbage. I know I’m not a particularly nice person, but I’m a jerk because this community, as a whole, has really begun to irritate me (and, I’m sure, a lot of other people also). The staff has enough work to do without holding the hands of everyone new user on the forums.

    You just have to expect it and ignore it when you have to. The community will always have a majority of these people in it, so best thing to do is to pick the posts you read selectively.
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