Keywords: drop, soulbound, visible
(See the best response by Kaiochao.)
I was wondering how one would go about having an enemy drop an item on death that is only visible to one player. Or different drops for different players that helped defeat the enemy.

Best response
This is the most basic use of /image objects. They are virtual appearances that can override the normal appearance of the object they're attached to, allowing you to display them to only certain clients.
Okay, thanks! I was able to get the image to appear, but even if the image doesn't appear, the verb still is accessible. Would I do this by manually adding the verb to the player's verb list? I'm not quite clear on the specifics of this.
That is indeed possible (though perhaps not the best way to do it, esp. if you forget to remove the verb after you pick up the item or if the person logs out and you save the verbs list).

Another alternative is using Crossed() to pick up the object once the user walks over it (and verify that the person who walked over is whom the item is bound to).

Or you can have a corpse with a Loot verb and have the items listed in a browse()r to pick, etc.
In response to Hypnautilus
Hypnautilus wrote:
Okay, thanks! I was able to get the image to appear, but even if the image doesn't appear, the verb still is accessible. Would I do this by manually adding the verb to the player's verb list? I'm not quite clear on the specifics of this.

You could add a few lines of code the mobs deathcheck so it sends a message to the target to turn the hidden on and off for the verb and i am sure you could make it so you must be within a certain range to activate it.

Or you make a bound objects list where if the items on there and with in range of the player. The player will have the verb
If you don't place the 'set src in' in line, you can add the verb when the correct player crosses (you'll add a reference to a list...while there is at least 1 item in the list, display the verb. When user uses said verb, it gives them the top reference, or asks them to select), or you can click to pickup.