![]() Feb 23 2006, 11:00 am
How do i make an attack system were i can get lvls, make my skills go up when i get a lvl and make monster drop gold/ items(gold is good enought but if u know how to make them drop items to it would be good.) it will be nice if some tells me plz. ty |
![]() Feb 23 2006, 11:32 am
Euhm. Go out reading some tutorials.
Couldn't find any? I find that hard to believe. Search for "attack system" or "battle system" and you should get some good libraries and demos...
i got a attack system but icant make the monster attack me and i dont know how to make it drop gold this is what i got so far.
mob var hp = 100 maxhp = 100 maxexp = 100 level = 1 strength = 15 defense = 5 proc/death_check(mob/M as mob)//handles death if(src.hp <= 0) M <<"You killed [src]!" if(src.client) src <<"[M] killed you!" src.loc = locate(1,1,1) src.hp = src.maxhp else src <<"You have been killed by [M]!" del(src) proc/stat_up() src.strength += rand(2,10) src.defense += rand(3,10) src.maxhp += rand(1,20) src.hp = src.maxhp src <<"\blue You begin to feel stronger as your stats increase!" proc/level_up() if(src.client) if(src.exp >= src.maxexp)//if the players exp matches or is higher then the players maxexp src.stat_up() src.level += 1//adds a level src <<"\red You gained a Level!"//informs player that they gained a level src.maxexp *= 2//doubles the max exp by 2 src.exp = 0//exp back to zero else return..() verb/Attack(mob/M in oview(1)) set category = "Battle" var/damage = src.strength - M.defense if(M.client) M.hp -= damage src <<"You attack [M] for [damage]!" M <<"You are being attacked by [src]!" src.level_up() M.death_check(src) else M.hp -= damage src <<"<font color = Green>You attack [M] for [damage]!" M <<"<font color = Green>You are being attacked by [src]!" var/random = rand(1,3) if(random == 1) src.exp += 4 if(random == 2) src.exp += 3 if(random == 3) src.exp ++ src.level_up() M.death_check(src) mob villan Monster icon = 'monster.dmi' name = "cat" hp = 200 strength = 15 defense = 9 var/mob/character/player New() . = ..() spawn(1) move() proc/move() while(src) var/player_found = 0 for(Player in oview(8,src)) step_towards(src,Player) player_found = 1 break if(player_found != 1) step_rand(src) sleep(10) sleep(5) Bump(mob/M) if(istype(M,/mob/character)) attack(M) proc/attack(mob/M) var/damage = rand(1,strength) M.hp -= damage M <<"You are being attacked by [src]!" src.exp += rand(5,10) src.level_up() M.death_check(src) mob character icon = 'char.dmi' hp = 100 maxhp = 100 exp = 0 maxexp = 100 level = 1 strength = 15 defense = 6 the monster is walking around and i can kill it but it wont att me and it wont drop gold. |
Stone cold, the main problem is that you're copy/pasting, thus not learning anything. You need to understand the code, and
then breed some logic inside your head on how to do stuff. Normally, when someone asks a developer to do something, his head is mostly filled with 5 ideas on how to do in it less than a minute. By copy/pasting, however, this will never happen, and you'll always be posting every tiny thing in this forum. |