In response to Game sabre
I dunno if you ask me they encourge it.

You have sex with hookers to get back your health. But you gotta pay money for the secks.

Well all you gotta do is kill them and get your money back..

Free healing, free secks.. I think it encourages the killing of the hookers.

Thats like saying Super Mario dosen't encourage eating mushrooms... lol
In response to Shades
Shades wrote:
Thats like saying Super Mario dosen't encourage eating mushrooms... lol

Finally, someone who understands that my 'shroom addiction was not caused by excessive playing of Super Mario Bros.

Seriously though, if Mario encourages someone to eat mushrooms, that person is way too influencable.
In response to Loduwijk
Loduwijk wrote:
Seriously though, if Mario encourages someone to eat mushrooms, that person is way too influencable.

Yeah but those people still exist, and are pretty common to boot. Pointing out that someone who is influenced by video games, music, TV/movies is way too influencable doesn't really solve anything.
They may very well be idiots, but pointing out that they're idiots doesn't make life easier for the prostitute getting bashed.

In all fairness it happens anyway, and always will, but I think what's really getting to the prostitutes is the fact that games and movies like this really dehumanize them. To the point where beating, robbing and raping a prostitute is becoming acceptable to more and more people.

Many people here have pointed out that they're breaking the law (which in a lot of cases is true) but they're still people. Which is pretty much the basis of all our criminal justice systems.
In response to DarkView
DarkView wrote:
Pointing out that someone who is influenced by video games, music, TV/movies is way too influencable doesn't really solve anything.

I thought my statement was rhetorical. I didn't think anyone was being influenced by Mario to eat mushrooms. However, I agree that GTA is miles away from that.

As for there being many people who are influenced by games, I don't think they are influenced to the degree where they would do some of the terrible things that are in their games. Most people only mimic what they see in games as long as it isn't too dangerous. I think the few who take things way too far just get enough attention that it seems more common than it is.

I've heard of people doing the stupidest stuff, like playing "Reality Froggore" on a busy street, but I've never been pointed to someone who's actually done it. Same with violent games; we hear about all the major shootings on TV, but how many of them are linked to video games? I would say few if any.

I just don't think it's really as big a problem as people say. They say people are impressionable, but the cases I've seen where harm was directly linked to video games is few and far between. Pointing to a small handful of cases that you can count on your fingers and toes doesn't count.
In response to Loduwijk
Loduwijk wrote:
Same with violent games; we hear about all the major shootings on TV, but how many of them are linked to video games? I would say few if any.

Directly, none. Although a lot of them do have roots in video games. Video game violence can easily bring out an interest in real-life violence. Much like how old action movies make people think guns are cool.
Also those are the extreme of the extreme cases. I think that's the real problem with the entire issue. Both sides only really focus on mass murders, crime sprees and idoits trying to weasle out of what they did by blaming it on video games. They seem to completely over-look anything that doesn't involve people who are obviously insane.
You don't really hear the stories about people who go out and carjack people at gun point for fun. That's where I think the real link between video games (and other media) and crime is.
The smaller stuff where instead of someone going out and shooting up a High School they talk like San Andreas characters and start mimicing the non-insane elements of the game.
I mean you'd have to be outright insane to go on a GTA style crime spree, and if you're that crazy you don't really need GTA for inspiration, but going out and pulling a smash and grab after seeing it done in heaps of games isn't that far fetched.
Sure, that sort of stuff existed before and after games, but seeing it glorified in movies, games, music videos, etc makes it appear more socially acceptable and more importantly it makes it seem impressive.

I just don't think it's really as big a problem as people say.

I don't see it as the huge problem it's made out to be. I don't think children are being trained to be pyscho killers by violent video games. However in this case I really do agree 100% with the prostitutes.
Hookers are easy to treat like trash as it is, so people don't have to be pushed very hard or far to start thinking of them as some sort of lesser-human that has no real rights.

I'm really against banning video games based on their content, I just think there are a lot of issues that come with 'adult' content in games that people either completely ignore or blow out of proportion. All I want is a better way to keep this stuff out of the hands of the people who will be influenced by it.
In response to Loduwijk
The point remains people are still influenced by these things, be it TV, Movies or Video Games..

Look at Jack Ass for MTV, many kids were hurt or died because they were stupid enough to try and copy something they saw.
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