set category="Moderator"
world<<"World Reboot in 30 seconds!"
Problem description:
My Game doesn't Reboot. Even if I try Ctrl+R it still doesnt work.
Jan 8 2006, 9:04 am
mob/Mod Problem description: My Game doesn't Reboot. Even if I try Ctrl+R it still doesnt work. |
In response to Hiead
Don't think so, since Reboot() is a built-in proc its already defined. All I basically do is call it.
In response to Sharingan_User
Did you change client/Topic(). I think that might be the problem. If you did, add ..() to the top of client/Topic()
In response to Sharingan_User
Try naming the verb something else, you might be confusing the system naming it 'Reboot()'.
In response to Nadrew
It shouldn't be that, because I name it 'Reboot() anytime I use it.
In response to Chwgt
You should do it anyway, just in case. Name it Reboot2() if you want to. You should try to make every precaution possible when trying to fix a problem. For all you know, that is the cause.
In response to Nadrew
don't bother adding 2, just lowercase it
mob/mod //lowercase mod
verb Reboot() set category="Moderator" world<<"World Reboot in 30 seconds!" sleep(300) world.Reboot() |
In response to Dmingmage
Dmingmage wrote:
mob/mod //lowercase mod That won't really have any effect on whether this verb works or not. If it fails when moderators are mob/Mod, it'll fail when they're mob/mod too. Nadrew's suggestion, that maybe the verb could stand to be renamed, could possibly be right. Also, I'd strongly suggest looking into anywhere else Reboot() might have accidentally been redefined, in case perhaps it was overridden somewhere else. Lummox JR |
GM_Reboot() set category = "GM" var/a = input("Are you sure you want to reboot?")in list("No","Yes") if(a=="Yes") world <<"<font color=blue>Save! [usr] is Rebooting in...30" sleep(200) world <<"<font color=blue>Save! Rebooting in...10" sleep(10) world <<"<font color=blue>Save! Rebooting in...9" sleep(10) world <<"<font color=blue>Save! Rebooting in...8" sleep(10) world <<"<font color=blue>Save! Rebooting in...7" sleep(10) world <<"<font color=blue>Save! Rebooting in...6" sleep(10) world <<"<font color=blue>Save! Rebooting in...5" sleep(10) world <<"<font color=blue>Save! Rebooting in...4" sleep(10) world <<"<font color=blue>Save! Rebooting in...3" sleep(10) world <<"<font color=blue>Save! Rebooting in...2" sleep(10) world <<"<font color=blue>Save! Rebooting in...1" sleep(10) world <<"<font color=blue>Save! Rebooting NOW!" world.Reboot() |
In response to Killer22 and Grand Duelist
Could shorten that up a bit. Personally I would allow the person to set a specific time and add an allowance to stop the reboot.
mob/gm Also- Please use <dm></dm> tags, and close your font tags. |
In response to Dmingmage
why wont you understand that lowercasing the "mod" wont have an effect on if it works or not >_>