In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
You make an excellent point, Scoobert. Policing of the hub cannot, realistically, be total nor can anyone expect the players will make any given game a family-friendly environment.

That said, though, Hentai Hill has no place on the hub, and was removed for just that reason. When Strai reposted the entry after knowing full well why it was removed, he got banned from the hub. It only appears now because Strai decided that having to host his game without hub involvement just wasn't good enough, so he made it a raw entry (no world.hub setting) and kept it up. Now in the end a raw entry is exactly what it should be, but for now he's basically using it as a way of forcing it to appear on the hub. When we 86 raw entries for good, Hentai Hill will be gone along with them. Just because we can't police the hub completely doesn't mean we'll tolerate stuff that's way way over the line.

As for Strai, he's made it very clear that if he ever has the opportunity to plague the hub again with this garbage, he'll do so. He continues to make that clear. As a result I don't think he's likely to be unbanned any time soon.

Lummox JR

Isn't this basicly saying the game should be shut down?
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
When we 86 raw entries for good

How will it be done instead? Will you just have to have a hub entry? Or will the unpublished section disappear?
In response to Shades
Shades wrote:
I've seen games were you poop and pee to gain levels, I've seen games where you whip black slaves and shoot mexicans who try to cross the border.

That has Grei written all over it. =P

But seriously though, the new filter system should have a rating system, as well as the games. Such as when you put a game into the HUB, the HUB has to have a rating such as "PG", "PG-13", "R", etc., and the BYOND filter system can have an option of which ratings to block and which you can play, and then have you set a password in order to access it again. This will help parents (or older brothers) from preventing their kids (or little brothers) from entering these sort of games. Sure, people could lie about the rating, but that is what HUB Moderators are for. =P I know it is extra work, but hard work is needed in order to keep BYOND clean, safe, and as best as possible. Us players will help the BYOND Staff out by telling them what we think the game's rating should really be, or maybe, the Hub Moderator has to set a rating in order for it to be on the HUB. Just a thought.
In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:
Isn't this basicly saying the game should be shut down?

The problem is, you can't shut a game down. As it stands now, all you can do is prevent the game from having a hub entry, but anyone can still host it without one, and it will show in unpublished. Even after raw entries go away, people will still be able to host stuff like this. The difference is, they will have to advertise it on their own dime, and outside of the official Byond website.
In response to Flick
Question - I thought this was Build Your Own net Dream...Why is everyone complaining? If he doesn't have a hub entry then he is not breaking the rules...Just my opinion though..
In response to Sniper Joe
Sniper Joe wrote:
Question - I thought this was Build Your Own net Dream

That's just a slogan. You have to abide by BYOND's rules if you want to advertise for free on BYOND- I mean, that's the least BYOND could expect, right?

...Why is everyone complaining? If he doesn't have a hub entry then he is not breaking the rules...Just my opinion though..

He doesn't have a hub entry because it was supressed and Strai has been hub-banned for repeatedly trying to make a hub entry 'n' such like that.
In response to Lummox JR
Removing the Raw channel? I can see the benefits, however, I am wondering on how people would be able to view games that aren't system coming soon, I'm guessing?
In response to Tiko
Tiko wrote:
Removing the Raw channel? I can see the benefits, however, I am wondering on how people would be able to view games that aren't system coming soon, I'm guessing?

The whole unpublished games channel isn't being taken off, but just games with no hub entry. If the owner of the game wants to create the hub entry, they can do so.

~~> Unknown Person
In response to Tiko
I think problems like these have been fixed. See for more details.
In response to DarkCampainger
DarkCampainger wrote:
Lummox JR wrote:
When we 86 raw entries for good

How will it be done instead? Will you just have to have a hub entry? Or will the unpublished section disappear?

86? This calls for at least an 87! Don't be so cheap DC.
In response to Elation
Hentai Hill has I believe 2 warnings at the start, asking you to put in your age (WOW, SO SECURE!) and that you press Enter only if you realize that it has 18 year old or older material and blah blah blah.

But I am fully against that game being on BYOND. It's just pixel porn drawn by someone who isn't even 18 or older himself, and therefore should not be making it in the first place, and especially not requiring anyone who plays 18 years old or older.
In response to GokuDBZ3128
Oh I love the idea of giving a rating to your game and then filtering them based on rating and having a password to block certain ratings. I love it 100%.
In response to ADGryphonKnight
Yeah well thats how like 90% of the internet is now adays, you can type in something wrong on goggle pictures and get a nice set of naked breasts for your viewing pleasure and there isn't even a warning.

In response to ADGryphonKnight
You know, I used to use rateings for my games, it have an actual lable on the screen shots and stuff.

Too bad so many people complained about it I removed it. Those rateings are copy righted material, and each game would have to be viewed by one of those offical boards of ratings if you wanted to use PG, PG-13, R, ect.

Instead you should just put a age rateing in, like Under 13, or above 18.

Elysium had a warning saying that most suggested players had to be 18 or older anyways due to the graphic launage and why the late night players acted.
In response to ADGryphonKnight
ADGryphonKnight wrote:
Oh I love the idea of giving a rating to your game and then filtering them based on rating and having a password to block certain ratings. I love it 100%.

Do you really think the players would rate their games approperatly?

What about the people huh? You think if they know this kind of system is in place, you think there going to set their correct age?
In response to Flame Sage
Personally, I think something like that carries as much weight as those ridiculous "you cannot enter this site if you are/were in a government job and as long as you own a copy/delete it within 24 hours, it's legal" warnings that appear now and then on emulation websites. :P
In response to Sniper Joe
Man, no offense to you personally, but I am so sick of seeing this question. You can make whatever you want, we're talking about the advertisement BYOND provides to game makers, which has nothing to do with the "building of it".
In response to Kunark
Sorry I didn't notice that, I was just stating that I don't see the reason behind his game not being able to get published..

Wait, on second thought I do. It's kinda illegal, since porn is illegal in the first place.

Sorry :-P.
In response to Sniper Joe
Eh? That's new to me.

Now if it were underage porn (even drawn) I believe that's illegal as well as disturbingly nasty. Does Hentai Hill depict characters that appear to be underage?
In response to Sarm
Wait, I ment it is illegal for everyone under 18...
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