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I thought Hentai Hill was banned from the unpublished hub?
Also, with this new hub system in place, will we have the option to filter games we don't want to see?
(Either by name, maker, category, etc.)

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[EDIT: Fixed post]
And people think DBZ puts BYOND down, what happens if a new group of BYONDers find a hentai game? With my 8 year old brother playing BYOND frequently, I sure as heck don't want this game floating around on the hub during a moment of curiosity.
In response to Cheetoz
It warns him not to join in the first place.
In response to Sniper Joe
If you are young, and curious, and somebody tells you not to do something, what does it do? Make you want to do it even more. Plus, this trash dosen't belong here anyway.
Well, something is wrong with ImageShack right now because it won't show your full screen shot. However I assume Hentai Hill is the raw entry at the bottom.

In a nutshell, Hentai Hill only is listed now as a raw entry. It has no world.hub set, because Strai putzily decided to foist it on the hub no matter what. He's perfectly free to develop the game, but not to have it appear on the hub, as he has been told. He's chosen to ignore this. As a result of this and other infractions of the raw channel, we'll soon be eliminating it entirely.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Thank you..

Will these new hub features bring along filtering and such other things BYOND desperatly needs?
In response to Cheetoz
Ok, I was just saying.
In response to Cheetoz
I understand your concern, but shouldn't your 8 year old little brother be supervised while playing games online? Very rarely is my 8 year old little brother not supervised while on the internet, and when he is not, he is just at If my 8yo brother was on byond, he would not go 2 minutes unattened, byond is just not geared to little kids. Granted it is normally sutable for the 13+ crowd, but the people who make it suitable for the only the 17+ are normaly only 13 themselfs. My point is, you should be watching him to make sure this doesn't happen, because you know what type of an environment byond is, and it is not made for someone his age. You cannot expect the BYOND staff to make a special effort to make sure it is safe for your 8yo brother, I don't expect them to do it for mine. It is like walking into a video store and complaining while in the action row that your kid might pick up one of the rated R, and then you might rent it for him, because you didn't read the label, and then blaming the movie company. I can understand being upset at games who do not mention thier content, but Hentai Hill does, infact, it is in the name. It is your job to keep your brother safe, not DanToms.
In response to Scoobert
Yes, but we can't moniter kids 24/7 you realize.

I don't think this kind of stuff should be on the hub at all.

[EDIT: I just looked up on the hub, and this is ridiculious.]
In response to Flame Sage
It is just nasty that peoples net dream is a porn game.

->Calus CoRPS<-
In response to Calus CoRPS
BYOND should be for all ages right?
BYOND should be a place where we don't HAVE to worry about kids going on 'games' (if you can even call it a game.) like that.

I think things of pornograhpic nature should be banned from BYOND altogether..
In response to Scoobert
I agree with both Flamesage and Scoobert.
This isn't a post bashing any BYOND games, but rarely has there been a BYOND social/chatting program that's been suitable for younger audiences.
While that kind of thing really can't be helped (such is the nature of idle chatting and a player base from 13+), games such as Hentai Hill, where the actual game is orientated towards that kind of thing, should be suppressed/eliminated.

I was supervised whilst I journeyed across the internet in my earlier years, especially in chat rooms and such.
Whilst the BYOND staff should work to make sure BYOND isn't infected by inappropriate rubbish, it is also on the client's end that parents should make sure their kids don't stumble onto unsavoury stuff.

One criticism of what Scoobert said:
I can understand being upset at games who do not mention thier content, but Hentai Hill does, infact, it is in the name.

Would the average 8 year old, or indeed, parent of said 8 year old know what "Hentai" really means?
I know I only found out what hentai means in the last couple of months of being on the internet. At the very least they should add some kind of age restriction sign or warning next to the name (if games similar to this were allowed to exist) such as:

[18+] Hentai Hill
or any kind of variant.
In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:
BYOND should be for all ages right?
BYOND should be a place where we don't HAVE to worry about kids going on 'games' (if you can even call it a game.) like that.

I think things of pornograhpic nature should be banned from BYOND altogether..

Yeah and lets also take anything out of the news papers, TV Channels and radio stations that seem inappropriate.

Its BYOND for gods sake and its online. You may not be able to monitor your children 24/7, but the computer is one thing you CAN. Your right, BYOND was designed for ALL ages groups, so then why not try and figure something out, so people can have this sort of content if they want?

I know 3 or 4 parents, with kids that are in the 4-8 age range, and the children are only allowed on the PC when the parents are home. Otherwise the PC is in lock down.

During that time, if the kids want to go online, they have to ask their parents, and then the parents have to put in their user name and password.

I am not supporting this because its Hentai, so if your going to make a comment about that, shut up. I've never even logged into it.

But Id like to see BYOND some how manage to at least find some sort of way to at least comprimise, so that people who want to develope and host this sort of stuff can.

Believe it or not, theres going to be people who enjoy it. Last night there was like 16 people listed for that game when i was in the unpublished channel.

What BYOND needs to do, is set up some sort of system, so they can make a adult channel, that requires age verification for people to access that channel.

When Elysium used to be up, some of the late nighters would post pornographic links and pictures, if you would have been around for that would I have seen a listing on the forums about this too asking for the hub entry to be banned?

If BYOND is going to ban this sort of stuff, I want all the disgusting and racist stuff removed from the hub too. I've seen games were you poop and pee to gain levels, I've seen games where you whip black slaves and shoot mexicans who try to cross the border.
In response to Scoobert
You make an excellent point, Scoobert. Policing of the hub cannot, realistically, be total nor can anyone expect the players will make any given game a family-friendly environment.

That said, though, Hentai Hill has no place on the hub, and was removed for just that reason. When Strai reposted the entry after knowing full well why it was removed, he got banned from the hub. It only appears now because Strai decided that having to host his game without hub involvement just wasn't good enough, so he made it a raw entry (no world.hub setting) and kept it up. Now in the end a raw entry is exactly what it should be, but for now he's basically using it as a way of forcing it to appear on the hub. When we 86 raw entries for good, Hentai Hill will be gone along with them. Just because we can't police the hub completely doesn't mean we'll tolerate stuff that's way way over the line.

As for Strai, he's made it very clear that if he ever has the opportunity to plague the hub again with this garbage, he'll do so. He continues to make that clear. As a result I don't think he's likely to be unbanned any time soon.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Thank you.

In the future will the BYOND Staff (notice, I did not say BYOND GM) be placing up customizable filters to block certain games (either by title, hub owner, etc.) so that if we choose not to see DBZ games, we can filter them out?
In response to Flame Sage
In response to Joseph Constantine
Well, still, I really would like theese hub filter options available soon.

If I see another DBZ game, I think I might go insayne.
In response to Joseph Constantine
Joseph Constantine wrote:
That does'nt pose a strong argument because dbz games have thier own channel.If you do'nt want to see dbz games do not

Unfortunately there aren't many DBZ games in that channel.
They're all in the unpublished section and, instead of debating over names and terms of various channels, we should address the true reality that the unpublished section is DBZ heaven.
A filter would aid viewing and if you're looking for new BYOND games/talent and don't want to see DBZ then so be it.

"Unfiltered, unpublished ... this public BYOND channel is where you will find raw games in the making. Explore at your own risk!"
meaning by entering that channel you agree to allow any game on display in that channel to appear on your monitor.

It means by entering that channel you agree that exploring said channel will be done so at your own risk- not that you must be subjected to viewing every game residing there.
In response to Elation
Wow... I logged in there (they even allow you to say stuff even though you never accept the disclaimer) and asked them to close down the game in order of "Lord Lummox" and they banned me.
(Not like I would play that game anyway)

Would you guys be going in there forcing them to shut down the server because it appears on the hub? (What kind of action will be taken?)
In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:
Wow... I logged in there (they even allow you to say stuff even though you never accept the disclaimer) and asked them to close down the game in order of "Lord Lummox" and they banned me.

Hm. It's not going to help your vendetta against Hentai Hill if you go around claiming to be following the word of a staff member, Flame.

Would you guys be going in there forcing them to shut down the server because it appears on the hub? (What kind of action will be taken?)

SWAT teams, duh.
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