In response to Calus CoRPS
Shouldn't Nazi be capitalized?
In response to Calus CoRPS
hey i never claimed to have good grammar myself! =P
In response to Calus CoRPS
Calus CoRPS wrote:
JMT wrote:


The apostrophe marks the omitted letter O, not the omitted space.

Oh, and you missed the most important mistake of all:

"Isometric games - are they the future?"
In response to Zog 200
You might consider at least creditting your source when you repost his code verbatim. ;p
In response to Flame Sage
I would make isometric icons but I've never had the inspiration to finish a regular game, let alone an isometric one. I did build a nice isometric random terrain generator akin to free-civ's one though. I just never got around to making mountain or hill graphics. But trees looked rather nice, and the water too. Star Ships Inc. could technically pass for isometric though, and Isometric Demo definitely is.
In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:
Shouldn't Nazi be capitalized?

Only if you're one of them! >=|
In response to Foomer
BYOND's lack of client.eye pixel offsets tends to be a discouraging factor, too.
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