In response to Joseph Constantine
Is there a reason you stick around Byond even though all your posts are generally show you have a negative view toward it?

And don't give me the,"I want to make it better." crap.
In response to Polantaris
Polantaris wrote:
For all we know, someone on the G4 Staff plays the games on BYOND all the time without telling anyone who he/she is, and we just don't even know it =P

Probably some Zeta noob.
In response to Worldweaver
In response to Joseph Constantine
I vote you leave.
In response to Sniper Joe
I second that, times a thousand.

BYOND games aren't fun? There's plenty of fun games, you probaly just never played them.
In response to Joseph Constantine
Joseph Constatine blurted out:
BYOND as a community sucks,and thats all byond is a community full of zeta lovers and rippers.

I'm going to go ahead and question your assertion. As has been said in the past, one has to really look at which community various BYONDers do belong to. "zeta lovers and rippers" are not part of the BYOND community- they're part of the DBZ community. If you were to impost a strict anti-DBZ ban on every single DBZ-themed BYOND game, then where would all these players go? I expect a majority of them would leave BYOND altogether, finding a new online DBZ game.

You also have to consider the differences between the developer and player community. Yes, there are overlaps, but a large percentage of BYOND developers do not play that many BYOND games.
I have often wondered why the BYOND games forum is not more crowded than it is at present. There are thousands of BYOND players, and yet that forum is fairly barren in activity, aside from the lonely thread or two asking for advice or technical support.
I guess most BYOND players spend more time with their individual games (and many games have very active forums) and so could be considered more a part of said game's community, not BYOND's community.

Personally I'd have to say that the developer community is more the true BYOND community, than anything else.
You could point out some unsavoury characters on the developer side of things- (me, for instance ;) ), but generally the developers tend to be helpful, intelligent (well.) and active in various BYOND-related persuits.
It doesn't take an Elation (synonym with 'genius', you see) to see that the majority of BYOND members are developers too.
The very fact that the BYOND staff have begun consulting the developers over what kind of new features they want added shows that there are very close ties between the developers and the staff, and BYOND itself.

For every possible unhelpful or negative BYONDer (such as yourself, Joseph), we have a number of brilliant developers whose hard work and dedication to BYOND can be seen everywhere.

One could point out the many arguments that happen in the forums over trivial things such as games consoles, religion or (sigh) oil prices. Fact is, disagreement is all part of a healthy family and a strange human phenomenon called "not seeing eye-to-eye".

That's enough backslapping from me today, I think.
In response to Joseph Constantine
I agree that a segment on some show like that wouldn't be helpful, but you don't have the slightest clue about BYOND games, especially if you base "BYOND Games" off of the fan games (or current RPGs). Do you even spend any time to see what is in development? Do you even play some of the games on here? There are many great games on BYOND, games that have gameplay... You know, the kind of games not made by soulless, corporate companies itching to show you their new graphics and physics engines.

I'm not saying the majority of games on BYOND aren't full of crap, I just think you either a) Skip over all of the good ones, or b) have the oddest taste in games I've ever seen (I know you don't play for graphics).
What about trying to get Tom or Dan (yeah right) on the Attack of the Show thing? We could e-mail the peeps there. Just a thought.

-Frank (Yes, I havn't forgot about yall)
In response to Sariat
I'm not sure what 'Attack of the Show' is, but are you sure that, being dead, Dan would be suitable for showing on television?
All Byond is, is snes or nes graphics....but it would be possible to get maby a show...who knows...XD
G4 sucks, I hate anything that airs on it. Almost every show is full of fan boys that get an erection for the PS2 and Xbox and give the NGC almost no coverage at all.

I havent even turned G4 on in a year almost, so maybe its changed, but its like, IGN and Pocket Gamers, I wont buy or read anything from them anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I own all 3 systems, but when I watch a gameing channel for game news, I expect at least an attempt for equal, fair coverage except the same BS all the time.
In response to Shades
G4 sucks, I hate anything that airs on it. Almost every show is full of fan boys that get an erection for the PS2 and Xbox and give the NGC almost no coverage at all.

All G4 ever talks about is how good the graphics for the Xbox are, or at least when i was watching it. They talked about the Ps2 a bit, and hardly talked about the Gamecube at all.
In response to Kunark
In response to Joseph Constantine
just give it time and more polished games will come out... can't wait for the next byond update myself... then everything will change again!
In response to Elation
Attack of the Show is a sort of a renamed The Screen Savers, but crappier. Its still good though, but they lost most of the good guys like Leo, Pat, and Yoshi :(
In response to Joseph Constantine
I understand how people are scared off by the majority of our games. In fact, half of what is "published" shouldn't be published. The reviewer's rules weren't strict enough.

Our unpublished section is only a drain on the system. I haven't seen anything worthwhile in that that didn't get published soon for a long time (Minus the recent time when all of the reviewers are no more).

The new hub system will HOPEFULLY fix all of those problems. People can point to links that will completely filter out the crap, and yet the fan game rip kiddies will still be able to have whole channels deticated to their crap.
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Yup, after hearing about BYOND's appearance on Filter, I went to check out the Filter blog page... The host (Diane Mizota, I think is her name), made a farewell post and stuff...

Filter is officially cancelled...

Never really liked her or the Cheat! chick. The scripts on those shows are so corny and they really don't make it any better.
In response to Kunark
Just so you know, not everyone who makes a fan game is a "fan game rip kiddie". For instance, I SUCK at making icons, that's why I use some other game's icons, but I don't make the duplicate of a game that's already been publicly released. You are making a generalization that everyone who makes fan games are "fan game rip kiddies" and thier games are instantly crap.
In response to Polantaris
uh, I said "fan game rip kiddie" for a reason. If you don't "rip" games, you aren't a "fan game rip kiddie". There are pleanty of good fan games out there.
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