I wanted to know how much peole would like byond on G4 that would give byond more poularity and maby some sponsers and stuff. and if you do we can band together and like 100 people request that they have a segment on byond and other systems like it ??
BYOND already appeared on G4's Filter program.
In response to Nadrew
And boy did my heart jump when I saw it make #2 on the list.
In response to Chwgt
Too bad the show it was on got cancelled shortly after and the video clip never made it to the internet.
In response to Nadrew
I know >_>
In response to Chwgt
What was the countdown?
In response to Popisfizzy
It was like Top 3 Websites Countdown.

3: Dont remember
2: BYOND(Did a 2 minute segment)
1: Dont remember
In response to Nadrew
Yeah, all I caught when I flipped to that channel was the Byond logo and him saying a few words that I don't remember... They canceled Filter?
In response to EGUY
I know that Filter is still on. Maybe the episode was cancelled?
In response to Nadrew
I noticed CalusCoRPS tried to advertise BYOND on the G4 forums. Maybe it got noticed? Who knows?
In response to Popisfizzy
Filter itself got cancelled, they're going to finish showing what they have and that's it.
In response to Chwgt
Did they actually make a key and check BYOND out?
In response to Nadrew
Yup, after hearing about BYOND's appearance on Filter, I went to check out the Filter blog page... The host (Diane Mizota, I think is her name), made a farewell post and stuff...

Filter is officially cancelled...
In response to Blakdragon77
Blakdragon77 wrote:
Did they actually make a key and check BYOND out?

BYOND isn't much fun without a key, so I doubt they'd vote it 2nd without making one.
In response to Elation
Hmm, I wonder what that key was.
In response to Blakdragon77
For all we know, someone on the G4 Staff plays the games on BYOND all the time without telling anyone who he/she is, and we just don't even know it =P
In response to Polantaris
Polantaris wrote:
For all we know, someone on the G4 Staff plays the games on BYOND all the time without telling anyone who he/she is, and we just don't even know it =P

I bet 0.01 quid that it's Developous.
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Aww, that sucks. I loved Filter. For some reason I love any countdown, unless it's something retarded (Best Reality TV show, hottest fat chic, best rapper (you get the idea)).
In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
Aww, that sucks. I loved Filter. For some reason I love any countdown


In response to Elation
I'll add 1.inf# zenni to the bet.. Plenty of that stuff around though so I don't think i'll be out too much.
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