if("Owner Options")
switch(input("What would you like to do?","Your House")as null | anything in list("Set Users","Name House","Sell House","Cancel"))
if("Set Users")
usr<<"This feature isnt currently up"
if("Name House")"Name your house or put a message on door!","House Name", here it allows them to name their house.
if("Sell House")
usr << "You get 100,000 for your house. Hope you remembered to get your stuff out!"
world<<"<font color = blue>***[usr] has put [src] up for sale!***</font>"

Problem description:

Ok, what I'm want to do is make it save the name the user chooses for their house so I don't have to rename it every time someone buys a house. How can i just save this name, and nothing else? Thanks.
//You could try something like
//In a random 'look' verb;


//And thus you would save 'housename' as a mob var.

if("Name House")
usr.housename=input("Name","Housename") as text

//Do your stuff
In response to Mysame
Huh? Sorry, but I couldn't make head or tails of what you said, it's kinda jumbled up.
In response to Pyro_dragons
A little help please? Thank you.
In response to Pyro_dragons
Lol, another 3 day topic without a reply. May I please have some help? Thanks again.
In response to Pyro_dragons
I'm sure there's a rule somwehere against bumping that much.
In response to Magus_Christel
As long as it's a day after the last post in the thread, AND it is off the front page, it's legal. That's my understanding of the rules, at least.
In response to Jp
I think we're trying to move away from that old rule of thumb, though. (It was never actually a rule as such, just a convention.) Bumping is discouraged unless it adds more information.

Speaking of more information, it's needed in this case, because I don't quite get what the problem is. =) Why does the name get lost in the first place? What kind of object is a house - a datum? Turf? Something else?
In response to Crispy
The house is...well, you name the door of your house, or put a little catchphrase on it or something. Anyway, it's a turf.
In response to Pyro_dragons
All I want to do is save just the rename of the turf and nothing else. Any help here? Thanks much guys. (goes back to humming Reckless Fire) Heh, just wanted to put that in for fun. Ignore that.