I guess Sony laid off like 10,000 workers. While Sony and Microsfot actully sell more systems. They actully loose like around $100.00 a system, and even more as the savings we get go up.
Nintendo is the only company that is actully MAKING money on their stuff right now. Last time I read, with the final price of their gamecube, they are only loosing a few dollars a system..
People think Nintendo is going to die, but honestly, Id be more worried about Sony who is almost always in the red. Microsoft can afford to loose money, but thats what happens when your the richest copmany in the USA.
I doubt that..They made plenty of sales with the little GTA incident and lost plenty when they took them off the shelves. Heck, even I wanted my own copy but I just didn't get one.
Thats one interetsing article..Sounds exactly like whats happening and what is very likely to happen..
OOOOH, the GTA thing. BIG deal.
So Rockstar had a mini, softcore adult game in GTA. I mean, god forbid that, you can steal cars, shoot cops, and even bang hookers in your car, but the second there is a bit of pixelated skin, pepople go bonkers. Because of this crap, I will never vote for Hilary Clinton if she runs for office. Shes insane. Now I love porn. Can't get enough of it. That still didn't make me want to run out and buy a copy. Only a horny 15 year old kid, who can't get porn anywhere else is even going to bother with that. Or maybe a collector, since the version with the digital nipples might be worth more. But, who cares, San Andres was a crappy game to begin with. Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo all see rushes for games at one time, or another. |
Yep, lol..I knew you guys would get the wrong idea(I shoudla edited when I had the chance; not only that but crazy)...XD As you said, I meant as in getting it for collecting purposes since it might become worth a lil bit of money...Believe me..I would never go out and get a game just cuz it had animated sex in it; whats the point? By the age you can legally buy the game to watch it, you could be DOING it yourself..0_0
Nathandx82 wrote:
Would you like it if they stopped restricting how you drive too? However hard-core my iTunes playlist may be, it's not going to kill someone. I can understand restrictions placed on driving, but I can't understand why a greedy, faceless multinational evil corporation would go to such lengths to ensure they get that extra buck. Shared music can HELP the industry- one of Radiohead's albums was ripped (presumably by an employee of the recording studio) and put up on the net before the album was released commercially. However this acted like advertising and the album sold like hot cakes since people had already sampled the music. Also going by your statement, you clearly obtained everything on your PC legally, right? I first found an mp3 that was protected when my friend sent me one his dad had bought online (he sent it via msn). I dunno if that's legal or not... If you haven't, then kindly stfu, =( if you have, by all means stay pissed. _> |
Elation wrote:
Shared music can HELP the industry- one of Radiohead's albums was ripped (presumably by an employee of the recording studio) and put up on the net before the album was released commercially. However this acted like advertising and the album sold like hot cakes since people had already sampled the music. Have you ever considered that in the few cases where this happens, the bands are releasing good albums that would be successful without the illegal sharing? I mean it's not like peer-to-peer is the only way (or even a good way) to advertize. Why would anyone want to use an advertizing system where: A) You need to have heard of the song/album. B) You'll be happy with the 'sample' version if the song/album is anything less than great. C) They have no idea how well it's doing (ie, I release a pretty good album, heaps of people pirate it and I don't get a second album because I don't have the sales behind my first). Not to mention that when albums are leaked they're usually incomplete. Simple stuff like track order plays an extremely important part in whether an album is good or not and at the stage where most albums get leaked it's usually not finalized. A non-final version getting out can murder a great album. I think it'd be great if the honour system worked, but for every person who uses peer-to-peer to sample music they want to buy there are mountians of people who just take what they want. I'd like my friends to be able to send their songs over so I can sample them, but if people are going to abuse it and hurt the industry I'd rather just listen to it the next time I'm around their house. |
(<_<), People just want a variety of games, people don't want the same generation of games over and over, sooner or later, there will be no MGS, or Tekken for sony, new games will come and they will become the trademark games for sony. Same with Microsoft, it's been YEARS, and Mario, Zelda, and other games that has been around for a LOOOONG, time are still here, i mean i like the thought of bringing back a classic but having it be your flagship title and not having anything new to show nintendo fans, really isn't good.
Although there is one exception, which i seriously doubt nintendo will do with Mario and Zelda, and turn the series over to another character, like Metal Gear Solid, this isn't the -Final- MGS, sooner or later the game will be turned over either to Raiden or some other character, which will present new enemys, new Big Bosses, and best of all, a fresh new start. |
No, it might just be a misunderstood concept sony -may- have something -like- that in store, but someone misunderstood that. As i said before, it probably will be -optional- to get a game registered to your system, preventing theft, and possibly being able to track your games? It seems revolutionary to me. I'm all for a higher level of security, i just hope they don't mishandle this concept.
Nintendo don't just make Mario and Zelda games. Their most popular games tend to use characters they're known for. That makes sense though, they're game developers and generally developers have series/characters they're known for.
Mario and Zelda are still very popular, so of course they're going to give Mario/Zelda fans what they want. Also if you look at the types of games Nintendo makes it's only natural that Mario appears in heaps of them. If Mario Party featured an all new cast it wouldn't be as entertaining. The same goes with Super Smash Bros Melee. Those games are fun because they use familiar characters that you know and like. Party games aren't very fun if you don't like the characters, but on the other hand in a party game there's not much room to build characters. You can have them do some wacky animations, but most of the time you can't give them enough attention and they end up lame. I don't mean to sound like a Nintendo FanBoy, I feel that way about other non-Nintendo francises aswell. like Metal Gear Solid, this isn't the -Final- MGS, sooner or later the game will be turned over either to Raiden or some other character And Raiden is weak. I love Metal Gear, but Raiden isn't Metal Gear. A Metal Gear game with Raiden as the main character is just a Metal Gear-like game which Solid Snake refused to star in. =P Personally I'd rather they just stopped making the games related to each other Legend of Zelda style and kept Snake as the main character. Although that's probably just me. |
In Metal Gear Solid 5, Raiden will most likley have a more Battle scarred, rugged, look to him. I'm pretty sure they learned from Sons of liberty and they'll give him a more tougher look. :)
Which brings me to my point, when you said Mario Party wouldn't be as successful without mario well, i shudder to think what would happen to a nintendo WITHOUT Mario. Mario, brings games like super smash brothers, mario tennis, mario Kart, and other fairly popular games so really Mario=Nintendo? I just don't see nintendo without mario, maybe without Zelda, just not without Mario. |
Kalizen wrote:
In Metal Gear Solid 5, Raiden will most likley have a more Battle scarred, rugged, look to him. I'm pretty sure they learned from Sons of liberty and they'll give him a more tougher look. :) Yeah, but I think he's already been ruined by Sons of Liberty. Don't get me wrong. I liked MGS2 a lot but Raiden is always going to be a lame substitute for Solid Snake. Personally I'd rather see them remake the NES games using the modern engine rather than give Raiden his own game. Which brings me to my point, when you said Mario Party wouldn't be as successful without mario well, i shudder to think what would happen to a nintendo WITHOUT Mario. That will eventually happen. I know that one day these characters will get too old, I just don't think that day is today or in the near future. I think even without Mario they'd do well, but why waste a good thing? Even without Mario the Super Mario Sunshine concept works. It probably wouldn't do as well because when people see a flagship Mario game they know it'll be sweet, but it would still be a great game. The same goes for most of their other successful releases. and other fairly popular games so really Mario=Nintendo? Nah. If you view Nintendo against normal developers they're doing pretty good. Although old Mario, Zelda, Metroid and Pokemon are some pretty big names to have under their belts. On top of that they've got a pile of other games that aren't series (Nintendogs and Pikmin come to mind). |
I'm not sure of any of you that play SOE's online game, Star Wars Galaxies, but I used to.
What they've done in the last week is unviel a HUGE overhaul to the game. Taking out 90 percent of the content, changing it from a RPG to a third person shooter (think Gunz). Most of us vets hate it. You know what the final nail in the coffin is? They released the new expansion three days before announcing the changes to the game. 3 days, and then they completely change the game. They took out many of the classes that they've spent past publishes working on and they even added content to the new expansion for the now removed classes. Basically, they baited us to get the expansion so they could have the cash and then removed the significance of it. Nice sales tactic Sony. You just lost a customer for life. |
I played it for about an hour at a friends. To put it simply it didn't impress me much at all, and having played Battlefront 2, SWG is downright pathetic next to it. From what he was telling me the idea behind it is retooling and simplification for an upcoming console release.
They are offering refunds for the expansion though (see here) But it assumes you had bought it before they announced the changes. |
I've been playing it since I was 2. >_>