![]() Nov 12 2005, 1:17 pm
In response to Dark_Shadow_Ninja
Aye, but what you lack to realize is, they are spending billions and billions on the development of the Nintendo: R. They won't die if it flops, but they won't be in the console industry for a while if it does =(
Erm, yeah, your right on that. That's why I said they wouldn't go out of business.
I'll try to explain what I'm saying to say more clearly. Putting out money on a handheld compared to a console is like baking cookies compared to baking a layered cake. It's cheaper to make the cookies, to both the consumer and producer. If you mess up a cookie, no biggie. If you mess up a layered wedding cake, your in serious trouble. The handhelds don't cost as much money to design and mass produce as a console. The hardware that's put into it, the designers have to do things that push the limit of current technology in a console. Hopefully that was put together well enough to make it understandable =) |
I wish the NintendoR would cost this much. >_>
I was reffering to the orignal price like 150 or so I belive, the NintendoR will probably cost between 250~300 maybe, we will know by the end of the year unless they already done that crap.
I seriously doubt that Sony would do such a stupid thing, i think that's just a false rumor.
We'll see when it comes out. As a matter of fact i think i see what the Ps3 is trying to do i just think it's just a matter of privacy which it should be -Optional- to get a game registered to YOUR console to prevent theft. So this is either true or a misunderstood concept. |
Mecha, the price for the Sony ps3 hasn't been determined as of yet. It's just a possiblity that the console might go over $499. Sony has enough money and the Ps3 would sell big so i think the price will be around 300 bucks, which is a -reasonable- price for a NEXT-GEN console. Also, i think the special edition will go over 400 not the regular.
Yeah, i think i read through some informaton and some of it states that there will be two versions of the ps3 one holding the basic features(HardDrive to save games, Internet, etc), and the other will present special features like a special custom skin or something of that nature. So i think the regular will be under 300 bucks. :)
Not exactly because the Xbox is using this to get money for bigger projects, with the Xbox360 you literally HAVE to buy the special version or you would get ripped off if you bought the regular edition so you really don't have muc of a choice since most people would want a HardDrive to save their games..
Ps3, you don't exactly have to buy the special edition but it would be nice if you did, but you won't get ripped off if you bought the regular version. |
Nesso wrote:
Lets drag a huge expensive machine, thats probaly fragile, to a freind's house. Now THAT works :P heh. Of course it will be fragile. It's a sony product. |
Well, that is a very slim chance, because some critics and most fans say in thier reviews that the Nintendo:R has a 70% chance of flopping for their somewhat quirky ideas. So fans want new titles instead of the same Zelda and Mario games, so you're basically looking at the same nintendo, the playback feature(Which allows you to play Old Snes games) will not be -That- good because not that many people have their old snes games, nor will they buy some to play on the Nintendo:R.
Kalizen wrote:
Well, that is a very slim chance, because some critics and most fans say in thier reviews that the Nintendo:R has a 70% chance of flopping for their somewhat quirky ideas. So fans want new titles instead of the same Zelda and Mario games, so you're basically looking at the same nintendo, the playback feature(Which allows you to play Old Snes games) will not be -That- good because not that many people have their old snes games, nor will they buy some to play on the Nintendo:R. First of all Kalizen. What do you mean their "quirky" ideas? Nintendo is trying to take the video game industry and move it into a new direction. They are taking video games, and making them truely interactive. Years from now, I bet you can thank Nintendo for truely indepth games that are along the line from something like that anime DotHack. Did you know that the Nintendo DS is out selling the Sony PSP 3 to 1 in Japan? And that the Nintendo DS is still doing average in the USA? Guess what, ANY system you get, you will also meet the same line of charaters again. Do not get me started on all the Metal Gear series, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Dead or Alive and more games. So before you judge anyone for recycyeling their games, you better take a step back and look at your own beloved company. Also your wrong, the Nintendo Classic carts sold EXTREMELY well for the Nintendo GBA, but were limited edition much like the Nintnedo skined GBA SP unit. Fact is, many many fans will jump at the chance to download and play favorite games like Mario Brother All Stars, Super Metroid or even Star Fox 64. And even if there is a large fraction of people who do not want to buy them, Nintendo has nothing to loose at all. Since the ports will more then likley be emulated ports and they will have to spend ZERO time to port them over. Nintendos Tactic is a very smart one. While PS3 and Xbox sit there, flexing their muscels and trying to fight for the most powerful system out there (and bringing a expensive price tag with them...) Nintendo is trying to bring us a truley innavotive and intresting game play expuearance that will be more then just pretty graphics and and FPS that we can't even see. They wont be getting into a shoving match with Sony and Microsoft, instead, they will take another road, a road less traveled, and I blieve there is a good chance, that, that road they choose will be possibly one of the greatest choices they have ever made. |