![]() Nov 11 2005, 8:01 pm
According to this story, Sony MAY be making games playable only on one system preventing rentals and used games. If you don't understand, it means as in you buy your new MGS4 and play it(registering it) on your system, disallowing any other PS3 to play it. If that were to happen..I'd think they'd lose more money than they'd make..
Unless there's some other catch, like it only applies to games you can download, I really doubt Sony would be that stupid.
Most of their target audience buy games with the intention of playing them with friends (and thus taking their games to friends houses). |
If there games were about $5 apiece, this would be a smaller problem. But this is business suicide at it's best.
=/. If they done that, I dont see why many people are caring so much. There would be a way around it.
Smoko wrote:
There would be a way around it. So you're saying you wouldn't care if you had to crack/pirate games that you own legitimately just so that you can play them on a friends PS3? If you wouldn't mind, I guess that's fair enough, but most people who would buy PS3s wont be able to get around it as easily as you and don't feel they should have to. |
DarkView wrote:
Smoko wrote: :P I wouldnt be able to play my games on my friends PS3's. Unless they can emulate Rovolutions ans 360's. |
Or just take your PS3 over their house jsut to play..I'm sure plenty of people wouldn't be abel to get it if it does that, especially kids. $499+ for the system then $49+ for the games which can't be bought used or returned.
There's something about those mp4ps (protected) and such that makes me mad. I hate how all this digital rights stuff has got way out of hand, it's like health and safety regulations in the real world (although of course that's caused by an abundance of no-win-no-fee lawyers and a sue/compensation-culture).
It's just like, grr! Stop restricting me from using files I have on my computer. Maybe if all these faceless multi-national corporations started showing some compassion and friendliness towards us, their faithful user-base, then we'd stop trying to rip their games for free. Trying to oppress people more and more isn't the solution, never has been. |
I expect you'll be able to order games that are un-registerable by the PS3 as long as you can verify you are a rental company.
Dont get so worried alot of these rumors are simply put as rumors. I would rather wait for an official statement on this. I am pretty sure Sony wont do this, seeing as if they do they will seriously lose alot of money.
| <-- better.
Might as well hand the console industry over to Microsoft now. I'm getting a Nintendo: R, but still, XBox is going to outsell it. That's a given, and Sony just lost half to three quarters of their fanbase.
If Nintendo goes out of the game, I'm going out of the console industry. |
If it was downloadable, that would be cool.