Oct 1 2005, 3:01 pm (Edited on Oct 1 2005, 4:05 pm)
I'm pretty sure that everyone knows about the close program shorcut : Ctrl+Alt+Del . On my computer, it says the task manager has disabled by your administrator(me) but I didn't disable it or enable it apparently. How would I go about enabling it?
Oct 1 2005, 3:59 pm
I thought it was alt+ctrl+del. >_>
In response to Hell Ramen
Yeah lol..Damn..Idk how I put stuff different than what I was actually thinking..XD
In response to Hell Ramen
Nope; it's Ctrl-Alt-Delete. (Not that it matters which order the Ctrl and Alt keys are pressed in, so Alt-Ctrl-Delete works too.)
Go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy. There should be an option somewhere in there to enable it again. (I can't find it from a quick search, but I can't think where else it would be.) |
In response to Crispy
Which version of WIndows would that be on? I forgot mention I'm using XP.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
It's on XP, but to view 'administrative tools' you have to click the classic view option in the control panel (not your theme, there's a small toggle to the left on the control panel).
In response to Nadrew
Hmm..I don't see the Local Security Policy part. Just component services, computer management, event viewer, data soruces, framework configurations/wizards, performances, and services.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
Hmm..I don't see the Local Security Policy part. Just component services, computer management, event viewer, data soruces, framework configurations/wizards, performances, and services. You poor, poor, XP Home user. Like me. :P |
In response to Jon88
Aww that sucks.