if(src.stamina <= 0)
usr << "<font color=red><B><b><u>[M] You Need To Rest !!"

all u that play dbz games will no what i mean for the rest of u . u train then ur stamina gets 2 0 so as u can see usr. << "u need 2 rest" but u dont it dosnt stop trainning
a little help would b nice thanks
Firstly, write your own code.
Secondly, close your HTML tags.
Thirdly, no usr in proc, ungh!
In response to Elation
i did write that code dude
No Return Productions wrote:
> mob
> proc
> StaminaCheck(mob/M)
> if(src.stamina <= 0)
> usr << "<font color=red><B><b><u>[M] You Need To Rest !!"

all u that play dbz games will no what i mean for the rest of u . u train then ur stamina gets 2 0 so as u can see usr. << "u need 2 rest" but u dont it dosnt stop trainning
a little help would b nice thanks

Aside from what Elation said(And Elation, you forgot to tell him you don't need to use 2 bold tags), you don't need a proc for this unless you're going to write something large and bulky to stop stamina training. What would be a way is it do a while(staminatraining) loop to check to see if the usr's staminatraining var is set to 1 still, and inside of the loop do the stamina check itself;
if(usr.stamina<=0) {usr.staminatraining=0;usr<<"You stop training."}
In response to No Return Productions
No Return Productions wrote:
i did write that code dude

I don't think you really understood what Elation was saying. With "Own code" he obviously didn't mean that you ripped that code (wich'd be extremely stupid because nearly every coder is able to write that). But to think of your own original systems, instead of doing the same as all those dozens of DBZ games, wich I also recommond.

In response to Elation
why do you always say "write your own code"? I've seen atleast two replies you've said that in. I bet there are more.
In response to O-matic
O-matic wrote:
But to think of your own original systems, instead of doing the same as all those dozens of DBZ games, wich I also recommond.

I recommond that you learn how to spell, wich will set the example for new BYONDers. As regular forum users, we need to model good forum usage rather than displaying carelessness.
No Return Productions wrote:
> mob
> proc
> StaminaCheck(mob/M)
> if(src.stamina <= 0)
> usr << "<font color=red><B><b><u>[M] You Need To Rest !!"

all u that play dbz games will no what i mean for the rest of u . u train then ur stamina gets 2 0 so as u can see usr. << "u need 2 rest" but u dont it dosnt stop trainning
a little help would b nice thanks

As you can see, there are many problems with this code:

1. You're mixing an arguement, 'src', and 'usr', when you only need to use 'src'.
2. You're using 'usr' in a proc.
3. You're using 2 <'B'> tags...
4. You're not closing your tags.

The correct code you're looking for is something in the lines of this:
if(src.stamina<=0) src<<"<B><U>\=<font color=red> [src], you need to rest!</font></U></B>"

But of course, that can be a waste of space, when you can just put it inside of the training code. An example of code would be this.
set src in oview(0)
if(usr.stamina<6){usr<<"<B><U><font color=red>[usr], you need to rest!</font></U></B>";return}
/*If you can't read compacted statements this is the extended version:

usr<<"<B><U><font color=red>[usr], you need to rest!</font></U></B>"

//Since we have a 'return' to stop the verb when you don't have sufficent stamina, we don't need to use 'else'.
usr<<"You start training!"
sleep(50) //Stop the verb for about 5 seconds
usr<<"You stop training!"

/*Now if you're gonna use this code,
you must UNDERSTAND it, and have an
understanding in if(), mob/var, and
the difference between using 'usr'
and 'src' at the right times. If you
don't I'll hunt you down and eat*/

/*Now that we are set, we need to make it so you can't move while training...*/
if(src.movement) //If you are training...
return //Stop...
In response to PirateHead
PirateHead wrote:
O-matic wrote:
But to think of your own original systems, instead of doing the same as all those dozens of DBZ games, wich I also recommond.

I recommond that you learn how to spell, wich will set the example for new BYONDers. As regular forum users, we need to model good forum usage rather than displaying carelessness.
In response to PirateHead
In response to Y2kEric
damn you I was about to say that...
In response to D4RK3 54B3R
In response to Y2kEric
Y2kEric wrote:
PirateHead wrote:
O-matic wrote:
But to think of your own original systems, instead of doing the same as all those dozens of DBZ games, wich I also recommond.

I recommond that you learn how to spell, wich will set the example for new BYONDers. As regular forum users, we need to model good forum usage rather than displaying carelessness.

Well, apparently you don't know how to spell your self.

Yourself is a compound word. >_>
In response to Sinoflife
This topic isn't about correcting everyone. Nobody is perfect. If your not going to help anyone then don't post here. Thats called spam. I guess I should have never posted in the first place.
In response to Y2kEric
If you post correcting someone, then be sure to expect someone else to pounce your post. And I already did help him, if you'll scroll up a few posts. However, my post correcting your post was an attempt to help you understand what I stated in my first sentence on this post, and this post is to help you understand about my previous post and to help you realise that which I stated in my first sentence. Also, I already posted correcting PirateHead and you just basically restated what I said, the only difference being you spotted his misspelling of "reccomend", in which case that would have been all you'd have needed to say.
In response to PirateHead
PirateHead wrote:
I recommond that you learn how to spell, wich will set the example for new BYONDers. As regular forum users, we need to model good forum usage rather than displaying carelessness.

Getting offensive fast, eh? I still don't have a clue why, but I think you shouldn't be putting your nose in my spelling. You went off-topic there, I only made a point clear to him nothing more nor less. My spelling hasn't the slighest thing to do with the current problem No Return Productionsis is facing. " we need to model good forum usage" , read your own line very carefully.

wich will set the example for new BYONDers.

Examples? Err, good spelling is something that you have, or not. So what has my spelling to do with the new BYONDers' spelling? :|
