a=new a(locate(x,y+3,z))
b=new b(locate(x--,y+3,z))
c=new c(locate(x++,y+3,z))

Problem description:
Well, a's created, but the rest aren't.
Explain. =(

There might be a problem with New() where it is getting stuck in a loop and not returning, so the subsequent lines don't get run.
In response to Hazman
Nothing's wrong with New(), I've never overridden it for a mob to an extent to where it's not being called.
It could be something with swapmaps, or I may be creating them in a void, I'll go check. :|
Ol' Yeller wrote:
>           var/monster
> a=pick(encounter)
> b=pick(encounter)
> c=pick(encounter)
> a=new a(locate(x,y+3,z))
> b=new b(locate(x--,y+3,z))
> c=new c(locate(x++,y+3,z))

What is "a", specifically? You've defined a monster datum I'm guessing...

Something I see that could possibly cause problems, might be your use of x++ and x--. If I'm not mistaken, b should be put in the same location as a, or not created at all.

Why do I think this? You're changing the x value with x--, and I believe that reads it as an arg, then changes it afterwards. Try using x-1, or maybe even --x. I have the same theory for c.

A good way to test if they are being created:
. = ..()
if(.)world<<"New monster created!"
