In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
I expect with an 8K it's quite possible an established team like DDT could get in on the fray, and against our best developers it could turn out to be quite a competition!

We have been talking about revamping Guy's Conflict game, which might be a candidate...I better check out the blog post.
In response to Deadron
Deadron wrote:
We have been talking about revamping Guy's Conflict game, which might be a candidate...I better check out the blog post.

Ooh, that would be great. I'd love to see that game gain a following similar to LRS. After that, please revamp DMT. You know you want to.
In response to Strawgate
Strawgate wrote:
I'd love your money... The game I would make, would be to simple, i wouldnt win, there would really be no point.

Enter anyway. That what I'm doing.
The fact that I won the 4K challenge was just a fluke, so I'm going to try again, and hope for another one! =)
Enter for the fun of entering, and hope that the judges like it, even if it is simple.
In response to Cheetoz
Cheetoz wrote:
i think 8kb or 8000 kb

8KB is what I meant, which is a total of 8,192 bytes.

Lummox JR
In response to Blakdragon77
Blakdragon77 wrote:
Er, what do you mean by 8k? Im really confused. You mean like cartridge games for N64 and stuff or something different.

The code you use, excepting published libraries and the font files from DmiFonts, must be limited to 8K.

Lummox JR
In response to Hiead
Hiead wrote:
Lummox JR wrote:
..where published libraries are allowed as...

I suggest you make a publishing deadline of before 8/1/05, so that this is not exploited as a dumping ground for oversized procs.

I had considered that, but quickly realized there would be no way to track library updates. As it is I'm going to be updating DmiFonts for the sake of all entries in the contest.

Like if I had a proc that was 1024 KB(Wow!) and wanted it in my game, I might make and publish a library of related procs and then #include the published library.

Yeah, but for one thing that library would never be publishable in DM.Libraries if it was specific to your game, and for another even if a published library was updated to include a "code dump", it'd disqualify the entry.

Otherwise, it sounds great. And with my new computer(just bought yesterday), and a 3 month deadline, you know I'll enter.

Cool. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Lummox JR
You said lib's we use must be published and unedited. But what if the lib includes a demo (as many do), can we disable or delete those parts of the lib (the demo)?
In response to Jermman
Jermman wrote:
You said lib's we use must be published and unedited. But what if the lib includes a demo (as many do), can we disable or delete those parts of the lib (the demo)?

Generally the demo isn't included with the library itself on compilation, so it doesn't/shouldn't matter.
In response to Jon88
Sometimes it is, I think almost all of Darke's libs have demos within them.
In response to Jermman
Jermman wrote:
You said lib's we use must be published and unedited.

Well I didn't specify unedited, but that's how you use a library. If you edit a library you're no longer using it as one.

But what if the lib includes a demo (as many do), can we disable or delete those parts of the lib (the demo)?

Demos don't ged compiled when you use libraries, so this won't matter. A library's demo is only compiled if you compile just the library itself.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Demos don't ged compiled when you use libraries, so this won't matter. A library's demo is only compiled if you compile just the library itself.

Lummox JR

Oh, thanks for clearing this up.
In response to Ol' Yeller
Ol' Yeller wrote:
Sometimes it is, I think almost all of Darke's libs have demos within them.

On compilation, he said. That is, if you compile the library as part of another project, the demo does not go with it.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Well I didn't specify unedited, but that's how you use a library. If you edit a library you're no longer using it as one.

It wouldn't work very well anyway if the judges just have the version from the hub. I assume overriding library function from within your own .dm files is ok, though.
I'm new to all of this, I've never entered any contents on BYOND, although I did get quite mixed up with a 4k challenge from what I've heard from others. I thought I'd give this a try, maybe learn something new. But I have a question.
How exactly do I register?

I hope my computer lasts 'till then, as well. It's got a bad hard-drive and I don't know how long it will be able to possibly hold out. I've left it on during quite a bit of thunderstorms, and it may've been over-powered as I have no power surge protectors. Or, the hardware is not cooling effectively. 0.o
I don't see it posted anywhere, but what exactly are we supposed to do with the project? Publish it on the hub and send you a link? Send you the src files? And I don't think I have your e-mail or AIM s/n, or any other medium to send such data. X-X

In response to YMIHere
YMIHere wrote:
Lummox JR wrote:
Well I didn't specify unedited, but that's how you use a library. If you edit a library you're no longer using it as one.

It wouldn't work very well anyway if the judges just have the version from the hub. I assume overriding library function from within your own .dm files is ok, though.

Of course; libraries are meant to work that way. Still, most library proc names are long enough that I wouldn't recommend doing that too much.

Lummox JR
In response to CaptFalcon33035
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:
I'm new to all of this, I've never entered any contents on BYOND, although I did get quite mixed up with a 4k challenge from what I've heard from others. I thought I'd give this a try, maybe learn something new. But I have a question.
How exactly do I register?

I haven't put down any contact info yet for submitting entries, but basically it'll just entail e-mailing the project's source, along with a text file explaining the libraries you used. You don't have to register in advance, though.

Lummox JR
In response to Hiead
Hiead wrote:
I don't see it posted anywhere, but what exactly are we supposed to do with the project? Publish it on the hub and send you a link? Send you the src files? And I don't think I have your e-mail or AIM s/n, or any other medium to send such data. X-X

I didn't put down contact info yet but I will later on. Basically I'll be accepting submissions through e-mail.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Okay then, keep us updated

The question has come up as to how this can be scored effectively, particularly with judges being able to submit their own entries and whether they can be impartial (i.e., not mark other entries low to make their own look better). Although I won't pick anyone I wouldn't trust to be impartial to other entries, this is a worthy consideration. So here's sort of what the math behind the scoring will look like.

Let's say mythical key JudgeA has no entries, and is judging 10 submissions. (I hope for a lot more than 10 submissions!) He'll rank projects in order from #1 to #10, with #1 being the best. #1 gets 10 points, #2 9 points, and so on to #10 which gets just 1 point.

JudgeB has an entry in the competition herself, so she'll only be judging the other 9. Her #1 gets 9 points, #2 gets 8 points, etc.

"But wait!" you say. "JudgeA has 55 points to give away but JudgeB only has 45!" That's right; that's why the points need to be scaled. Taking the potential points of each judge, I'll find a least common multiple which will represent the entire point allotment for every judge. In this case, that would be 495. JudgeA's picks all have to be scaled up 9 times, JudgeB's 11 times. (55×9=45×11=495)

With a 495-point allotment, JudgeA's #1 pick now gets 90 points, #2 81, #3 72, and so on down to 9 points for #10. JudgeB however gets 99 points for her #1 pick, 88 for #2, and so on down to 11 for #9.

Each game's points are then totaled, and divided by the number of judges who scored them in order to find an average. Therefore 9 of the games will have an average score somewhere between what JudgeA and JudgeB picked, while JudgeB's game gets just the whole score from JudgeA.

Now I may have to adjust this system a bit depending on how the math works out. The thing that worries me with the above system is that JudgeB's picks are effectively weighted differently, with more of her allotment going to #1 (2/9 of it) than JudgeA's to his #1 pick (2/11 of his allotment). But these proportions will have to differ anyway, so maybe that part is moot. It may in fact be better just to let JudgeA be 10-1 points again, and have JudgeB allot 10-2 without a 10th slot; but this takes out some natural tiebreakers inherent in the other method. If I decide any changes to this, it'll be before scoring begins, so I won't be influencing the outcome after scores come in.

Lummox JR
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