Hello, Not sure this is the right place to post this but lets move on.

How do you figure out the x and y cordanites by an angle.

Like if somthing is 32 Degrees how would I get its x and y values. If the radius of the circle is 1? Do I use cos(32)=x; sin(32)=y?

Cause well Im stupid but I think I remember somthing about using square root of 2 values. Like 30 Degrees was (Square root of 2)*2/3 for x value and just (square root of 2)/3 for y.

Ps. I am actually stupid. And no not totally my fault. I was born with it. So don't make fun of my mental abilitys.

-- Green Lime
Do you mean in a triangle?
In response to DeathAwaitsU
DeathAwaitsU wrote:
Do you mean in a triangle?

In response to Green Lime
Draw a picture of what you mean to be x and y and post it here. You said "somthing is 32 Degrees", but we don't know what you mean by something. Also show the 32 degrees angle in the picture.
In response to DeathAwaitsU
Ok a little change as you can see from the picture. I want to get the angle and radius from the x and y instead.

Thanks for any help.

-- Green Lime
In response to Green Lime
Pythaguras will work out radius.

R = sqrt((x^2 + y^2))

So if x = 3 and y = 5, R will be 5.83(2dcp)

To work out the angle, a:

Tan a = y/x
a = Arctan(y/x)

You'll have to look up how to do Arctan by the way, since I'm not sure. If it helps, then Tan is:
return (sin(x)/cos(x))

Sorry if I've completely misunderstood you.
In response to DeathAwaitsU
DeathAwaitsU wrote:
Pythaguras will work out radius.

R = sqrt((x^2 + y^2))

Im guesing ^ are to the powers of, Is that right?

So if x = 3 and y = 5, R will be 5.83(2dcp)

What unit is (2dcp)?

To work out the angle, a:

Tan a = y/x
a = Arctan(y/x)

You'll have to look up how to do Arctan by the way, since I'm not sure. If it helps, then Tan is:
> proc/tan(x)
> return (sin(x)/cos(x))

Sorry if I've completely misunderstood you.

You hit it right on the money thanks.

-- Green Lime
In response to Green Lime
^ is to the power.

2dcp means rounded to 2 decimal places.
In response to DeathAwaitsU
Yeah, but don't use ^ in DM as "to the power", you have to use **.
cos(a)=x, sin(a)=y

It's from the actual definition of cosine and sine.