I have a d-link router, connected to two computers (linux and windows XP)

I plug in both the router and cable box, all of the lights turn on in the cable box, says information is being transfered.

The Router turns on, all three of the lights are flashing (data is being sent)

But we still cannot connect to the internet.

We tried rebooting (and in puppy, reconnecting).

It says data is being SENT from both the internet and my computer, but it says 0 under Data Received (internet)

Any Help?
Have you checked if both computers have the router in the internet connection? Thats what happened to mine one of mine didn't have the router connection.
[Edit] If you do then check your router manual for more instructions.
Like he said, make sure you check both computers and the manual for more instructions. If all else fells backup your settings to a floppy or jump drive and run a factory restore for the router.

In response to Makubezu
How would I go about checking this on my linux computer?
(Puppy linux)
my first question would be- is the cablemodem connected to the internet correctly (username/password and all that)?

second, is the router acting like a DHCP server for the home network (meaning does it handle all automatice assignment of IP addresses to computers connected to it)? if not, then maybe you need to assign IP addresses in the range the router expects.

answer these questions, and we'll go from there.
Goto your router config's status page and look for something like this(i have a DI-624+) dlink router so it might be the same.
My net wasnt working but it seemed properly configured.

MAC Address
DHCP Client Connected
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway

Make sure that the DHCP is connected otherwise it wont give you an IP and your internet will not configure. If its not connected, turn the power to the cable modem off, then put it back in.

In response to Critical
Critical wrote:
Make sure that the DHCP is connected otherwise it wont give you an IP and your internet will not configure. If its not connected, turn the power to the cable modem off, then put it back in.

ok- normally it's a good thing to give advice, but it's a bad thing to give wrong advice. Critical, turning off and on the cable modem will have nothing to do with changing a setting in a router configuration screen(s). this is also true if the cable-modem and router are combined in the same box. shutting it off then back on again generally has no effect since the settings are often stored in some kind of flash rom/eeprom bios-like chip-thingy. if not, then shutting it off might reset the device, which means entering all your connection data back into it. (yes i agree resetting it might turn on the DHCP service again, but i think that is over-kill for the posters current problem)
In response to digitalmouse
Worked for me, and i had the same problem.
In response to Critical
yes, but what worked for you- in your specific case- will not work for others. since i doubt you can see into his bedroom to diagnose the problem, giving him specific instructions for something he does not have will not be the solution.
In response to digitalmouse
Ok. Im scared now.
*looks around*

Anyway, I don't think I can get into my router's settings, because I can't get online to access the little
(numbers).(numbers).bla bla bla:bla bla bla

Um yeah....