As some suggestions (incase you're not sure yet).
I'd suggest a "seeker" variable for the client, which is attached to the /dreamseeker datum...
text //the only preset one
tabtype=TEXT //TEXT makes it so whatever value is it's text. If value has \n in it or HTML code it'll change everything accordingly
value="" //value = empty standardly.
//<insert nifty internal coding here which will change the value automatically
browser //this is a preset one, but not standardly added
value="about:blank" //value = URL to go
proc/go() //read value & go there with the browser
alt //preset ALT button; cannot be removed; in sttdef
command=".alt" //this command would be executed via client/Command()...basically it'd be as if you typed in the command yourself and pressed enter.
speechbubble //preset speech bubble
text="<img src=http://www.byond.com/images/speech_bubble.png">" //an image version. I think images should be on the web, so they're a bit easier to modify.
command=".toggle_say" //see above
echo //preset echo button
text="<img src=http://www.byond.com/images/echo.png>" //another image
command=".configure echo-commands" //this toggles, right?
chatbox_location=locate_screen(50,40) //this locate_screen() procedure should grab the screen resolution and make 16x16 or such "tiles" out of it. A special BYOND program could allow you to see which tiles are which?
chatbox_enabled=1 //if 0, chatbox is greyed out & no commands can be transmitted (commands on buttons can be transmitted)
As you can see, this would make it somewhat handy. Isn't this a good idea? Tabs would be able to be changed, and buttons on the screen.
I dunno.
Any comments on my idea?
To have it disappear entirely would be better than simply grayed out.