IF he didn't give me a raisE AND the hazard pay, I woulD quit. I'm just wondering wtf is up wit da pizza man crimes? They are just making it easier for you by delivering the pizza to you, while you sit yer lazy [bleep] on da couch...I WISH pizza could be delivered to my house..>.>
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Personally, I think that the world is just getting worse. A week or so ago, someone ran up to a policewoman, asled her for help, and as soon as they got where they couldn't be seen he raped and stabbed her. She survives, and she says he had ran up saying his baby was missing.
In response to Jamesburrow
Damn, people got nothing better to do...Maybe thats why they create so many violent games nowadays, cuz people are just gettin evil-er...
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
I could think of a lot of better things to do.
In response to Jamesburrow
So women shouldn't be police officers. 'Nuff said.

In response to Kujila
Eh, that wasn't exactly the point behind that post....
In response to Kujila
Kujila wrote:
So women shouldn't be police officers. 'Nuff said.


RIGHT ON! Kujila... you tell it like it is.

In response to Jiskuha
Jiskuha wrote:
RIGHT ON! Kujila... you tell it like it is.


Or rather, he tells it how you want it to be. :p
In response to Kujila
Kujila wrote:
So women shouldn't be police officers. 'Nuff said.

Any reason why? I know plenty of females who could beat the crap out of even strong guys. I'll admit females aren't as strong by default, but with extra work they can be fine police officers.
One thing that puzzles me about that story is how did he know she was going to be the officer that came out?
In response to DarkView
DarkView wrote:
One thing that puzzles me about that story is how did he know she was going to be the officer that came out?

He approached her in the first place.
In response to Elation
Someone said he called in that his baby was missing.
Heh. Reminds me of something out of Pizza (Australian show, used to be pretty funny).
In response to DarkView
DarkView wrote:
Heh. Reminds me of something out of Pizza (Australian show, used to be pretty funny).

What do you mean by "used to be funny", It still is.
In response to Smoko
The original series was funny, but it's been going down hill for ages. Although I haven't seen the latest series, hopefully it's started getting good again.
In response to DarkView
Jamesburrow wrote in [link] :
"She survives, and she says he had ran up saying his baby was missing."
Heh, this kind of thing happens alot, except the pizza guy ussually doesn't fare so well. Good for him. I wish he would have killed the kid though - then it would have gotten more press and maybe this kind of thing wouldn't happen so often. My dad was a pizza guy at one point and some guys tried to jump him, they didn't have a gun though, and I don't think they were sober, so they got their asses handed to them and my dad finished the night as though nothing had happened. You know what really pisses me off? When people don't tip delivery people...That really makes me mad, I don't care if you live in suburbia or ghetto island, if you're going to make someone come to your house and go through the trouble of finding it, give them some damn money. I once saw a woman come to the door with a change belt to give my dad exact change so that he wouldn't get anything extra. Those kind of people need mental reconstruction. Anyways...That guy rocks, I like how he was still holding the pizza when he pushed the kid to the ground.
In response to Rockinawsome
Yeah, I agree. I don't even ask for change and I hand em over a few dollars (the check being written over too). If a pizza guy has to come to your house, he deserves some extra money!
In response to Tiko
But that's why you pay the delivery fee. It's his job. You're pretty much going "you showed up for work today, good job".
I don't mind tipping, but I really don't get why American's feel the need to tip everyone reguardless of how good they did the job.
In the long run it's just an excuse to pay people on minimum wage less and make people think they're paying less for their pizza.
In response to DarkView
DarkView wrote:
I don't mind tipping, but I really don't get why American's feel the need to tip everyone reguardless of how good they did the job.

Yeah, agreed. I guess it's just a cultural thing, but in Australia it's quite unusual for someone to give a tip. Paying the exact amount and no more is expected; even encouraged.
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