Is there anyway that you could take away ALL verbs from soneone?
Yes, there is. For, instance.

mob/GM/verb/Take_Verbs_Away(mob/M as mob in world)
set category = "GM"
set name = "Remove Verbs"
set desc = "Take away all the verbs from someone."
M<<"Your verbs were taken away!"
In response to MasterLink2003
You don't need the second M.verbs -= thing. /mob/GM falls under /mob/ so /mob/verbs includes /mob/gm verbs. I think >.>
In response to N1ghtW1ng
N1ghtW1ng wrote:
You don't need the second M.verbs -= thing. /mob/GM falls under /mob/ so /mob/verbs includes /mob/gm verbs. I think >.>

You never know. I did that as a check. >.<
In response to MasterLink2003
Well, that is somewhat what I meant. I mean like ALL verbs, including commands that you have as soon as you login.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
Well, that is somewhat what I meant. I mean like ALL verbs, including commands that you have as soon as you login.

Same, thing with the login.

if(src.key == "Mecha Destroyer JD")
src.verbs -=typesof(/mob/verb)
src.verbs -=typesof(/mob/GM)

In response to MasterLink2003
Oh, thanks.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Wouldn't src.verbs.Cut() remove all verbs given to a player?
Simply doing something like:
src.verbs = list()

Should clear the verbs list totally.