![]() Feb 17 2005, 9:00 pm
In response to Nadrew
Doesn't really matter though. Square has been suffering for years, and Enix's purchase of Squaresoft has only helped to damn near kill 2 of the best RPG makers ever (for console). We need more of the classic games, like FF6 and FFT style, and less money-leeching POS games like FF:CC, FFX-2, and FFTA.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance wasn't anything all too special as it didn't do much more than Final Fantasy Tactics but I fail to see why FFTA is a money leeching game where as FFT isn't :P. Though compared to the root Final Fantasy series there was a decent amount of difference between the two versions.
Nathandx82 wrote:
Doesn't really matter though. Square has been suffering for years, and Enix's purchase of Squaresoft has only helped to damn near kill 2 of the best RPG makers ever (for console). We need more of the classic games, like FF6 and FFT style, and less money-leeching POS games like FF:CC, FFX-2, and FFTA. Oh dear, looks like someone doesn't have any sense of taste and good game play. >_> FF:CC was a breath of fresh air, a true innovation over the stagnant, rubbish Final Fantasy theme. I quote some of my favourite authors on the subject as handily they were discussing the best co-operative games on Gamecube at the time: ... Geraint: Yeah, it really is. The way everyone falls into a role, y'know, the fighter, the wizard, and so on - you've all got a specific part to play and it's the true essence of co-operative gaming. Marcus: And it's not - thankfully - a 'proper' FF game. It's much simpler than that, which makes it wonderfully accessible. And it looks amazing. Still one of the best Gamecube games, visually speaking, ever. Ever. Paul: Admittedly, my understanding of these things is small due to my shrunken brain, but the use of the GBA is really good, isn't it? RPGs are usually ruined by menu-management, which take you away from the action, but all you have to do here for your stat twiddling and equipment-fiddling (not that there's much of it) is look at your GBA. The action isn't interrupted at all. ... |
FF:CC was a breath of fresh air, a true innovation over the stagnant, rubbish Final Fantasy theme. Though I have yet to play it myself, everyone I've talked to says that FF:CC is not much different than an acid trip. "You have to defeat this dude, you see, but you only have a certain number of memories, see, and he tries to knock away your memories. If you hit zero memories, you die. But you can run around and catch the memories." I just sat there and wondered if he was high. =P I feel as though Final Fantasy was best at Final Fantasy VII -- which was the perfect blend of high science and high magic, though the game got a little less compelling towards the end. Incidentally, to address other points on this thread: I own the Xbox, GameCube, and PS2. This is the descending order of time I spend on each console, assuming a given one-month period: PS2, Xbox, and GameCube. PS2 is most superior because it has the widest range of games and gameplay and the very best controller design. Most PS2 games aren't about the graphics, and focus on the gameplay. Dark Cloud, for instance, is one of the most distilled games I've played in a while -- pure gameplay with decent (sometimes cartoony) graphics. Some PS2 games are rather twisted, though -- Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty was a great game as far as play was concerned, but totally ruined by a nonsensical and implausible story. Xbox is next most because of its sheer power. However, the machine is extraordinarily expensive. In the beginning, the controllers sucked, but the newer Controller S fixed that, and though it isn't quite as good as the PS2 controller, it is still a good device. Halo is a superb example of modern gaming technology, with great lighting effects, frantic gameplay, and carefully-planned play balance. Unfortunately, the Xbox is the next closest thing to a computer, and games such as The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind are much better on PC than they are on the Xbox. GameCube is last because of how restrictive Nintendo's licence is. They rarely produce any excellent games, it would be a cold day in Hell if they released any console-exclusive game with a Mature rating, and the controller can be difficult to use at times. Most of the appeal of the GameCube is in niche games, like Animal Crossing or The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Both of those games were quite good -- bordering on work sometimes, but if you appreciate that sort of thing, then they're perfect. (I tend to appreciate them.) |
i wouldnt get your hopes up for the PSP cause i think the DS is far more superior and the batery life issuer may b a problem if your a hardcore gamer
If you don't get disk errors, the PS2 has lots of great games.
If the harddrive doesn't crash on you, the Xbox has some better-looking great games. If you avoid a nuclear blast, the Gamecube has a few great games, but everyone with a system already owns them. As for the PSP, I'm not a big fan of the specs or production errors. |
Spuzzum said:
PS2 is most superior because it has the widest range of games and gameplay and the very best controller design. !? I've driven uni-cycles with punctured wheels that are easier to handle than that prehistoric relic of a controller. :P |
To tell you the truth the Nintendo DS has very good graphics but what I didn't like was that when I bought it and tried to play a game online it didn't work. Turns out the commercials saying "Online Play" is jsut a load of crap ,atleast for now anyway..Nintendo was talking about the "Future" when they said that. I got really mad at this seeing the only reason I bought it was to play online. Now PSP does the same thing but I'm not gonna go and buy it the first day. I'll play it at GameStop or some other store for a few hours and tell you how crappy/good it will be.
To wrap it up...I really havn't seen any good games come out besides metroid.....Most of the other ones are kid games.I'll so don't waste your money until a good game comes out or it gets a good review. |
CodingSkillz2 wrote:
To tell you the truth the Nintendo DS has very good graphics but what I didn't like was that when I bought it and tried to play a game online it didn't work. Turns out the commercials saying "Online Play" is jsut a load of crap ,atleast for now anyway..Nintendo was talking about the "Future" when they said that. I got really mad at this seeing the only reason I bought it was to play online. Now PSP does the same thing but I'm not gonna go and buy it the first day. I'll play it at GameStop or some other store for a few hours and tell you how crappy/good it will be. I have not seen a single commercial that says Online Play. not a single damn one. Now if you read articles online, it says that in the future, they will have NETWORKING hubs players can go to and hook up. Now if you want wireless gameplay, that is totally different and workable. I have done it with one of my friends alreayd. We seen how far it would work. I was on the 2nd floor of the house, my friend was on the other end of the house, downstairs on the couch and we still got a good connection. Matter of fact, if you read the boxes and manuals they dont even mention that much yet. its been out for a few months now, give them a break. |
Enix never bought Square. Enix were the ones who had everything to gain from Squares international muscle. A deal worth 100 billion yen. Let me garuntee you, Enix didn't fork that kind of money over.
Jermman wrote:
Read topic. Amen, however, it's Nintendo's fault the Playstation exists. SNES..was going to have a SNES-CD... Sony was helping Nintendo work on it.. Nintendo dumped it... Sony took it up and made the PS1. If it wasn't for that mistake, Sega might still be making first party games.. |
Shades wrote:
I own a NGC, PS3 and a MXB. When did the PS3 get released? If your calling the slim line PS2 the PS3 then you should be calling it the PS4. The time line that makes it by the PS4 is this: Ugly PS1 > Better looking PS1 > Ugly looking PS2 > Cool looking Slim line PS2. And I will be getting a DS and not eaven consiter the PSP because of these reasons: Low battery life Dead pixels Getting shot by the ejeting UMD or what ever media they use for games. |
good sides PSP: -DVD quality (as good as ps2) -DVD player (UMD) -MP3 player (uploadable, USB or something) -Video/picture viewer (uploadable) -ultraflat Analog stick, left cornor, looks like a speaker.. but NO! it's an analog stick! so you can look in all directions. Bad sides PSP: -only 1 screen, WTF U NEED WITH A GOD DAMN MAP SCREEN? like u gonna watch it without pausing the game? -no touch scree, GROW UP! DSer:"ooh look, i can draw on this screen" PSPer:"ooh look, i can watch DVD's on this screen!: Good sides NDS: -touchscreen... -2 screens... BAD sides NDS: -BAAAD QUALITY! i mean like.. NGC quality, wich is not much better then N64 btw.. -Games only.. you can only play games on it, no dvds, no mp3s, no pictures/videos.. only low quality KIDDY GAMES. -BAAAD controls.. no analog stick, just left, right, up, down... when PSP can go online vs. NDS: NDSer:"ooh! i'm gonna snipe ur ass of!.. leftt.... up... left.... down..... CRAP U KILLED ME!" PSPer: "That's the power of my analog stick" *blows above it, like it's a fired revolver* ((this situation will never happen, cuz PSP will stick to shooting aliens, and DS will stick to jumping on weird, walking muffins..)) now, PSP had 5 good sides, 2 bad sides.. DS had 2 good sides, 3 bad sides... 5-2= 3 = PSP score 2-3= -1 = NDS score PSP WINS!! (duuh) PS: someone released a napalm here! TOTAL FLAMING WAR! |
ShakerDeath wrote:
PSP!!! Would you be serious for a moment, its like your asking for a flame war. half of us have already agreed with have some sort of dvd or mp3 portable system already and we do not want to pay extra for it. Secdonly Nintendo has already put out on a market a smart card system you can buy that will also let you play and watch movies or music. That way the peopel who WANT to pay for those extra features can. Leave the rest of us out of it. Also leave the graphics out of it, we have already said that if graphics made or broke a system, why the hell do some of us still play SNES or Atari? Yeah, the Analog is great, if you managed to get a PSP where the analog wan't broken, or it fell off from use. The Nintendo DS dosent have need for tons of extra buttons because OF the touch screen. It has digital controls on the touch screen you can use in conjunstion with the other buttons and controls. And since the screen is made from a ultra durable materal, unless you takea key and scratch it, the chances of runing your screen from your fingers, or the stylus is a very small chance. You are telling us to grow up, when you are not taking this seriouly at all. The dual screens have already proven to be a intresting innovation. The Map on Mario 64 was a great new feature that I love, and Mr.Driller Spirits made extra gameplay out of the 2nd screen that made the game totally awesome and breathed new life into a totally reused game. Not only that, but the touch screens allow us try new and intresting ideas with video games other systems wont have been able to expermint with. Did you also know the Nintendo DS has a MIC in the system? It games like SPRUNG and Feel the Magic, they will sometimes actully use your voice or breath for gameplay. The dual screens have also been very useful with the chat system that comes pre-loaded with the Nintedo DS system. I have been able to pick up 3 or 4 kids around my neighbor hood, while in my own room. They bounce the signals off each system, so we can reach furhter. I know a chat system isnt that big of a deal, but it was a nice feature they added in, and I am sure kids willt ake advantage of it in school. As for the Nintnedo DS's Quatliy, dont you dare say its bad quality, compiaring it to the current and past HANDHELD market it is simply outstanding. And trying to say the NGC is along the same quality of the Nintendo 64 is a retardted comment. Also, stop saying going online, these systems wont be able to go online (if at all) for a lone time. All of the commercials and books say wireless, meaning using a central networking hub or playing directly from system to system, that includes the Sony PSP. And while alot of us believe it is very possible to some day play games PSP VS NDS, I don't think either developer will want to even make it possible, and it may be the game publisher's decision, which I am sure wont happen at all. And stop using this kiddy excuse, thats a poor reason, and it shows how poor your mentality is. Nintendo has already proven that they are not only in the kiddy market, and for anyone who still uses that excuse needs to be shot. Nintendo is in the Market for what is fun and popular. So excuse them that they dont release Tomb Raider 123 or Twisted Metal 12. Hell I just ordered Resident Evil 4 today and I can't wait to get it, it looks killer. When you listed the PSP Cons, you also forgot that due to the system shortages, no one can return their PSP, even if it exploded in your own hands. The thing is only slightly smaller then a damn Atari Lynx, and the screen quality has been mis-informed. A few webs sites have been trying to pass the screens off as High Def. Sorry, no. Also due to all your "features" the price is upped a considrable lot. Almost $100 more then the NDS. You are completely disreguarding a number of problems that the Sony PSP has that could make or break and system. Another big pro for the North Amercian users is the fact that we got the NDS first. And people are already hacking and system hardware. there is a contest right now for produing a Linux OS for the Nintendo DS. I don't know about you, but that in itself is freaking sweet. You seem very misinfored about the Nintendo DS, thinking of the quality as crap, and not being able to look in all directions and all sorts of other stuff, and Id bet my entire pay check that you havent even touched one yet. next time, don't get into a conversation unless you know what the hell you are talking about. |
Smoko wrote:
Shades wrote: Sorry I ment PS2. Oh and I Pre-ordered doom 3 for the Xbox, I hope it lives up to the hype, my PC isnt good enough to play the PC platform version. |