![]() Feb 15 2005, 9:07 am
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
Great key name, NAND! :D Agreed!! |
Yeah, Now that I think about it, he was right. There not really improving the game, just the graphics for a over done genre.
Depends on what you are looking for in a game console. My PS2 has served me well. I own all three major systems of the time (PS2, X-Box, and GameCube.) I have been having fun with my xbox here latly, but I still love my ps2 more. It balances gameplay with graphics, multiplayer with single player, and adventure with action. It gives me a good selection of a lot of genras, unlink the gamecube and xbox. Most of the developers I have grown to love make games for the ps2 (a lot of them are exclusively on the ps2.)
You have a right to your opinion, but people don't like people who don't justify their opinion (or can't, as the case is more often than not.) |
Video games! Enough with 'this console is better than this one' and 'this one is better than that one'. If you play video games you are a gamer, it's a matter of opinion on what games are good and bad.
Atari didn't just drop out of the market.
When they realised how poorly designed the first Atari Lynx was, they made a new one in the 1990's which was smaller, had better battery life, requires less batteries, and you could turn the light on it on and off. The Atari Lynx 2 was a awesome model of a hand held, but for like $150 when it first came out, and the games hard to find, it wasn't really worth it unless you bought into the Atari Lynx when it first came out. Don't get me wrong, sure I am a Nintendo Fanboy, who care, so I have a favorite, big deal, grow up. Bashing fan boys are just as bad as bashing systems. That dosent mean I dont give other systems a chance, I just found my Dreamcast, my Game Gear, Master System and PS1 in the wall space. I still have my xbox, but I just sold my PS2. I sold my Atari Lynx 2 with about 40 games back in 1997. And I brunt my game.com cause I cant believe I spent $5.00 on it at a garage sale. Sonic was never ment to move that slow. I had a Sega Nomad and a Neogeo Color Pocket too, but got rid of them a week or so after I had them. And to be honest, I havet played my Gamecube in a few months. But I am far too busy and beat the games I wanted to. With my order of Resident Evil 0,1,2,3,4 and Code Veronic for the Gamecube coming in, I'll be playing it alot more. And I just cant wait for the ned LOZ. Quite Frankly too, Nintendo was for the most part the RPG Super God until the N64, then Sony Took Over. But with the GBA, DS and Cube, RPGS are making a come back to Nintendo, and for all of them I have played, they are 'teh awesome'. |
No, I would post comments on it without playing it.
http://cdbgt2.slayn.net/HL2.PNG Also, I'm not degrading the game. HL-2 is fun, I love it. It's just nothing more than most other FPS except that it looks and sounds nicer. I still prefer a good RPG or the like on the SNES =) |
Yeah, the SNES is awesome.
If they released more games on it, it'd probably still be one of the top systems. |
Elation wrote:
The SNES has some of the best racing games around though. I'd take F-ZERO and Mario Kart over Gran Tourismo any day. i'd prefer rock and roll racing to f-zero and mario kart. but i'd take gran turismo 3 over all of them. it has way more content than the other 3 games combined, and kept me entertained for much longer. old games were good at the time of their release. most people remember them as being better than they actually are just because they were the best games at the time. and since people play them less now since there are new games, people tend to forget how much old games sucked. |
JordanUl wrote:
Not entirely true. Nintendo-Square relationships just fell apart, and in an act of revenge Square decided to develop for the competitor. It was only very recently that Nintendo actually funded the return of Square the the Gamecub. square isn't the only company that makes RPGs. the SNES had lots of RPGs. i can only think of one for the N64. there was probably more, but it was a long time after the release of the N64 that RPGs came out for it. |
Plus Square-Enix has revived the deal with Nintendo and ended the deal with Sony, after the current contract expires don't expect to be seeing many Square-Enix games on Sony consoles.
OneFishDown wrote:
old games were good at the time of their release. most people remember them as being better than they actually are just because they were the best games at the time. and since people play them less now since there are new games, people tend to forget how much old games sucked. I play my old games far more often than I play my new ones. I wouldn't say new games suck, though, I just play the old ones more than new ones because there are more of them. |
NAND Gate wrote:
I don't think it really matters what system it is, you have to decide based on the game, and it really does depend on what you like. I mean, if you like raceing games, theres no way you're going to say the snes is the best. You're proablaly going to worship the ps2 for gran turismo 3/4. But then again, maybe you're like me and you're really an rpg buff, and so you like sony's platforms because nintento likes to skimp on rpgs. Then again, maybe you like team play and such and theres nothing that can beat the x-box live system at then, unless you just like useing computers, which tends to cost more though. All in all I'm just saying, it depends on what you like. I'm not saying there aren't simply great games out there like metal gear solid, but you can't limit ALL good games to one system just because it had killer titles in the past. Although I must say, I think the jaguar flat out sucked. The Super Nintendo is nothing from the it's father ... the Nintendo! You want to talk about good roleplaying games ... Dragon Warrior ... Final Fantasy ... all of the good stuff. True gamers don't play Super Nintendo ... they're more into the Nintendo / Atari-ish type of perspective. I'd choose Centipede over Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past anytime due to its mindless fun! |
Super Nintendo rox, but some of Sony stuff is good. Just NOT the PSP. I know, because I wasted my money on something I'll probably rarely use.
JordanUl wrote:
But you started off with saying you are a fanboy. Which makes you completely biased. Which discredits most of your post, which already discredited on it's own accord. Duh! Before you reply with a smart-ass comment about how I just love the PSP, read my other posts. You PSP-Lover. |
Have you seen how many games are on the snes? It'd take weeks to play the first 5 mins of every GOOD game.
Nathandx82 wrote:
But alteast they aren't stupid fad items like Ipods. Christ every time I see some Real-world-esque person with one of those overpriced POSes, I just hate U2 and their sucky music even more. Have you actually used an iPod? They're actually worth the money. I've played around with heaps of portable MP3 players over the years and the majority of them stink. They're usually designed with only storage space and size in mind. They rarely have a decent PC interface. iTunes is great for playing music and really convenient when adding/removing songs from the iPod. The battery life is good, and you don't have to fully charge/discharge the battery when charging. Not to mention the amount of accessories you can get. A lot of them are pretty stupid, but the good ones are great. The only thing that the iPod doesn't have which surpized me is memory card support. However memory cards suck. If I want to transfer something I'll use a USB stick. On that note I can store files on my iPod. I don't really use that feature, but it's handy to have around. They may or may not be a fad, but it's not like a lot of other techno-fads. Apple have made a high quality device. |
What your talking about is the coveted Quest 64. It was reviewed horribly, but general concensus stands that it was great for a system launch game. Unless you want to count the Zelda's thats about it. Well that and Paper Mario, which was a sidescroller.
I am well aware Square isn't the only RPG developer. |