In response to Madcrackfiend
Hmp, I never thought how Hedge yelled at people helped at all.

Its a proven fact people get upset when they get yelled at, more likely they missed the whole point of what she said, because she yelled at them, and just thought she was a jerk.

She should have been more calm how she talked to people, but I guess some people are just like that, to boost their self esteem, they made others feel like trash.
In response to Foomer
One of these days... I'll make it to that list! Sadly enough, people with good graphical talent don't get credit for which is due... darn programmers stealin' the fame away from us!
I'm kind of an oldbie, and I'm still here... Sometimes...
In response to Shades
Heh... That story is similar to mine.

In the mid-90s, I got into ZZT, then suddenly to Megazeux. Then I discovered RPGMaker, moved up in the versions until I got to 2000, then found BYOND, and began to branch out into real languages, like C and Java.

I was one year old when you started programming, shades. ONE. That's crazy.
In response to Shades
Oh it is upsetting, however I DID diserve to be yelled at that time. But it just made me want to learn how to do it inspite of it all.

I dont really think it had to do with boosting her self esteem as much as being feed up with people asking questions in a really ignorant way. And when I responded to her yelling like I had a brain she really calmed down and helped. Plus hidden in her psychotic ravings are some really good points worth looking for. (I mean psycho in the most loving way possible)
In response to Wizkidd0123
Actually i just dont post that much on these forums usually private game forums, but im still alive and coding mwaha
In response to WildBlood
Actually, you just popped back up on the radar about 2 days ago. Quit trying to make people think you've been around and not slacking off. ;)
In response to Crashed
Depends who preaches :P

I've been here fer a long time. I'm also Wolf01. Yeah, I don't play many games unless I see a lotta work going into them.

I still want to see HrH 2, but I guess it stopped. Too bad.
In response to Asguard
But, if you look up "foomer programming", you get ~100 matches, while if you look up "foomer graphics" you get about ~300. Guess I'm not much known for programming around these parts.

And the people on that list are mostly people that I'm (or was) somewhat acquainted with.
In response to Shades
Watching Lexy yell at people was more entertainment for everyone else than it was beneficial for the victim.
In response to Jamesburrow
i have been here awhile...ive gone through some different keys though, the one i had was taken over
In response to Crashed
Actually, WildBlood has always been here. He published Harvest Moon: Trinity Ranch (he is always in that game) and he is currently creating another game which is always being tested by him. So eh- I guess you need a new radar or something....
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
So, for the most part, the people who've disappeared are Dan, Zilal, DerDragon, jobe, English, Lexy, WildBlood, Skysaw, Vortezz, and Polatrite.

Actually, Lexy is still alive and kicking. She's just not as frequent a poster since she started working on Star Harbor Nights. There are rumors of another project she might be working on for BYOND too, so I doubt we've enjoyed the last of her games.

In response to Foomer
In response to digitalmouse
digitalmouse scribbled in pink crayon:
with a few worthy exceptions (spuzzum, foomer, nadrew, maz, xooxer - to name a few), the majority of the 'oldbies' are over 25 and have lives outside of BYOND - whether it be families, significant others, careers, or a combination of these things.

Ouch. Hey, I'm 26, thank you very much. I also have a family, (sort of, I'm still debating on whether or not I want them), and many friends, a rather enjoyable social life, plus I have a steady job to keep things flowing. No hotties hangin off the arm right now, but I wouldn't go as far as saying I have no life.

In response to Xooxer
Thats a neat little site. I love the fist of the parakeet thats just too funny to believe. (Didn't actuallly read it just hink the name is funny)

If lexy is the author of the site then I am even more impressed with her abilities than I was before. If not then ;p mwahahaha (right... dont listen to that)
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
Deadron: 11/12/99 1/28/05 - Still alive, working on BYOND. Busy guy though.

True enough. However, I can say that right now all my available time is going into BYOND. Hopefully the results of that will be apparent over time.
In response to Deadron
And we are very apreciative of all the work you have done for the comunity. Heck, Id still be asking questions about savefiles if it wasnt for your, umm whats the word, lecture on save files and your char-handling library.

The same goes for the rest of you people out there who have been around long enough to get good enough to really help out. You folks do top rate work. Im proud to be a member of byond.

I only hope one day I can do the same for the rest of you folks.
In response to Madcrackfiend
Madcrackfiend wrote:
Thats a neat little site. I love the fist of the parakeet thats just too funny to believe. (Didn't actuallly read it just hink the name is funny)

<plug type="shameless">You should read them.

Fists of the Parakeet is about a martial arts master and trained assassin fighting crime and villainy using her very impressive skills, wits and connections. Her real name is Diana Peacock, but she goes by The Parakeet because of her fondness for birds and brightly colored outfits.

The Sands of Time is good for all around sci-fi and fantasy stories. It centers around a mystical wateringhole called The Sands of Time Club that exists in it's own space. It's run by an oracle named The Seeress. The bartender, Johnny Dark, is quite the character.

Those who know about The Club, and can enter within it's domain, already know where to find it, but the location is never the same. It's doors open to countless planets, realms and dimensions, making it the place to get sloshed, if you're mystical in nature, or posses mystical talents.

The Hex Kittens is about 3 sisters, Lilly, Dandy, and Willow Binder. They each have a cat spirit within them. Lilly has the aggressive spirit of the Tiger, Dandy benefits from the Loiness' defensive talents, and Willow is more spooky alleycat than human. They comprise the band The Hex Kittens, hence the name. They have some magical abilities, though Willow has an uncanny ease when it comes to magic. They're not much into the crimefighting as the other characters, they usually have their own issues and catastrophes (;p) to deal with to be bothered with petty crime.

Star Harbor Nights (Vol.2) chronicals the adventures of a group of superheroes, including the star character, Perfect Jones. You might want to start with Vol.1. This is the story that spawned the rest. After completing SHN Vol.1, she broke the largest characters and plotlines off into seperate stories, making for more content and more focused storylines.

Quinn Isley writes Crescent City Heroes, and convinced Lexy to write her own stories based on the characters she created years ago. It all started on Eventually, she moved her stories to their own website, where you can read them now.

If lexy is the author of the site then I am even more impressed with her abilities than I was before. If not then ;p mwahahaha (right... dont listen to that)

She's the author of the bulk of the stories, and often collaborates with another writer. The public can also submit stories to her site which she sometimes publishes, if they are good. If you mean the website itself, I helped her build it, and she's finishing it off and keeping it updated. It's written in PHP, a language I recently learned, erm, am still learning.

In response to YMIHere
Survival was pretty good until they added in magic. Where people could just teleport past doors and stuff, that was lame.

not to mention the difficudlty level. I dont want to spend 10 hours PLAYING a game, to build half a building, because half of the time I screw up and loose my supplys I spent the other 5 hours collecting.
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