Why are we loosing all of our OLDBIES for BYOND?
I personally think its because of all of the "clones" of some games, and the people, we all have to be nicer, or BYOND will fall apart in a few years =(
Flame Sage wrote:
Why are we loosing all of our OLDBIES for BYOND?

Woah, how'd you work that out?
I don't see any old members of BYOND going away.
In response to Elation
*sigh* it was before your time im afraid, we had ALOT of good coders on BYOND.. now few are left.. (from that time)

3 years ago.. *sigh* Im actually sorda an oldbie, I joined BYOND literally a year before I actually made a key.
In response to Flame Sage
digitalmouse is sitting in Chatters right now, and you can do a forum search for Crispy to see how long he's been gone. >.>
In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:
*sigh* it was before your time im afraid, we had ALOT of good coders on BYOND.. now few are left.. (from that time)

Hey, time has nothing to do with oldbie-ness.

3 years ago.. *sigh* Im actually sorda an oldbie, I joined BYOND literally a year before I actually made a key.

You aren't an oldbie. Not one bit.
In response to Elation
Age doesn't define it near as much as contributions. I would classify myself as an oldbie, but not a guru, or anywhere close. Some people have been around many more years than me, and I would call them a mole on byonds community before I called them an oldbie. There are also many people who came to byond years after me, and have done a lot more for byond than me, and deserve the title of oldbie much me than me.

On a side note, flame sage, digi doesn't programming in DM. Not at all.
Seriously. While some notable members have gone (unfortunately *cry*), Most are still around, frequently being mocked by newbies for being hard asses ;-) Plus we have added some very good people to the mix as well, so it all balances out. No worries, mate!
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
Hey, time has nothing to do with oldbie-ness.

Time has everything to do with oldbie-ness. :P
Of course, you have to actually be around once in a while during that time...
Yes. It will eventually become one of the many other systems out there that are empty. I will remain loyal till the end, but...
In response to YMIHere
He was naming the ones still her, not the ones gone. Youi don't even have to do a search, normally just look at the front page of at least one of the forums.
In response to Jamesburrow
I can't even name any oldbies that have left. Maybe, Skysaw, or maybe, Awakened. Zilal doesn't chat at all but shes pretty much still here and makes games every once in a while.
In response to Jamesburrow
Jamesburrow wrote:
He was naming the ones still her, not the ones gone. Youi don't even have to do a search, normally just look at the front page of at least one of the forums.

Oh, whoops! Must have misread that. =)

Still, just because they haven't posted recently doesn't mean they are not here. =P
In response to YMIHere
Ok! I've decided to publish serval "Toolkit Demos", that include everything from... Action verbs to Zeebra's! ^.^
Of cource, I might make toolkit level 1, level 2, etc.
But I think its time for me to start helping BYOND........
Well, in order to display evidence of my abundant free time, I've gone and gathered some data on most of the "oldbies" that I can remember. Here they are:

Dan:            6/14/99   5/29/03 - Long time no see.
Tom:            6/14/99   1/16/05 - The current head-of-BYOND guy.
AbyssDragon:    5/17/99   1/3/05 - AKA, doesn't post too terribly often.
Theodis:        6/14/99   2/10/05 - Still quite active. Now get back to work!
Spuzzum:        7/7/99    2/10/05 - Former most active forum-monger. Lummox beat you, Spuzzy.
Zilal:          8/20/99   8/16/04 - Doesn't do much, but still posts once in a while.
Gazoot:         9/6/99    2/10/05 - Alive and well, working on a card game.
DerDragon:      9/18/99   1/20/05 - Alive, but VERY infrequent poster.
Gughunter:      9/22/99   2/2/05 - The guy who runs BYONDscape.
Jmurph:         10/10/99  2/11/05 - Posted elsewhere on this thread.
Deadron:        11/12/99  1/28/05 - Still alive, working on BYOND. Busy guy though.

Air Mapster:    6/23/00   1/29/05 - AKA Mike H, working on BYOND.
Ebonshadow:     6/26/00   1/31/05 - Alive but only semi-active.
Shadowdarke:    9/30/00   2/11/05 - Trying to avoid working on Darke Dungeon.

jobe:           1/25/01   1/13/04 - Looooong gone.
Darkness:       1/30/01   12/31/04 - Lurker Extraordinaire!
Leftley:        4/16/01   1/26/05 - Working on Treasure Seeker/Quest/Whatever.
FIREking:       4/21/01   12/31/04 - Comes and goes with long vacations.
WildBlood:      5/1/01    7/27/04 - Haven't heard from him in a long while.
English:        5/3/01    3/3/03 - Active for a while and disappeared. Probably someone's alt.
ME!:            5/15/01   You're reading it.
Kunark:         5/17/01   2/11/05 - Fairly active member.
LexyBitch:      5/20/01   1/19/05 -> Lesbian Assassin -> Hedgemistress
Skysaw:         6/1/01    10/24/03 - Disappeared some time ago and hasn't been seen since.
Vortezz:        6/2/01    1/9/04 - EXTREMELY infrequent poster. Unofficially gone.
Flick:          6/13/01   2/5/05 - Lurker Extraordinaire!
Nadrew:         6/18/01   2/11/05 - Still around, all three of him.
Lord of Water:  7/15/01   12/28/04 - Infrequent poster.
SilkWizard:     7/26/01   2/4/05 - DWO guy. Doesn't spend much time here though.
Alathon:        8/2/01    2/4/05 - Used to be a lot more active, but still around.
Polatrite:      8/23/01   10/7/04 - Last known to be programmed a non-BYOND MUD. Inactive.
CableMonkey:    8/25/01   2/9/05 - Infrequent poster.
Lummox JR:      9/1/01    2/10/05 -  Most active forum-monger.
Hanns:          9/9/01    2/6/05 - More often seen in games.
Xooxer:         10/8/01   2/10/05 - Alive and well.
tenkuu:         10/28/01  2/9/05 - Lurker Extraordinaire!
Lord JR:        10/30/01  12/12/04 - Rises from the dead once in a while to advertise his games.
ACWraith:       11/21/01  1/10/05 - One of the more active lurkers.
digitalmouse:   12/5/01   2/11/05 - He's always here.
Scoobert:       12/9/01   2/11/05 - Posted elsewhere on this thread.
Maz:            12/31/01  2/6/05 - Apparently has other interests. Infrequent poster. :P

Malver:         4/30/02   1/24/05 - Still around, just not very active.
Crispy:         5/28/02   2/11/05 - Very here.
OneFishDown:    7/16/02   2/11/05 - He's around.

Jon88:          1/19/03   2/10/05 - Quite alive as far as I can tell.

So, for the most part, the people who've disappeared are Dan, Zilal, DerDragon, jobe, English, Lexy, WildBlood, Skysaw, Vortezz, and Polatrite.
<font color="0017b2">Flame Sage babbled incoherently:
Why are we loosing all of our OLDBIES for BYOND?
I personally think its because of all of the "clones" of some games, and the people, we all have to be nicer, or BYOND will fall apart in a few years =(

heh, i know i can bounce from being 'aggressive' to 'laid-back', but no-one ever said i was 'loose'. :P

you may want to stop smoking what ever it is you are smoking. it certainly isn't doing your cognative skills any good. :p

for one, i converse with the same 'oldbies' (that were here when i first joined over 4 years ago) on a regular basis- often weekly in some form or fashion, though that's not always the case. they are as active as always, though real-life does intervene on occasion. some are making games, others are working on libraries, and still others are contributing to the improvement of BYOND with support and bug reports (many posted in these forums).

secondly, having clones of games (dbz or otherwise) has absolutely nothing to do with your lack of noticing when 'oldbies' are active or not. BYOND is not the be-all and end-all of life. sometimes i disappear for a week or more at a time because i have a small business to run, a social life to enjoy, and play a sport that i love.

with a few worthy exceptions (spuzzum, foomer, nadrew, maz, xooxer - to name a few), the majority of the 'oldbies' are over 25 and have lives outside of BYOND - whether it be families, significant others, careers, or a combination of these things.

the only person i know of who has abstained from active participation in BYOND is Lesbian Assassin/Lexy/Hedgemistress, and that was to pursue her writing career. but i know she still lurks here to see what goes on, and to provide her unique insight on the other twisted pre-teen minds that haunt this place. Zilal has been absent for a while too, but then i rarely saw much of her to begin with. these two ladies are prime examples of growing up and moving on. you, along with many others, may or may not do the same.

if you do a bit research from the content of the forums stored here-in (heck, just reading them might do you a world of good), you would see that we go through little waves of high activity as well as periods of low-activity. this is certainly true during school holidays when the younger parts of the community are more active here.

we also go through a series of individuals who take great pleasure in abusing others or performing some level of unfriendliness. thanks to the work of numerous forum moderators, these people usually learn quickly that being overtly unfriendly can get them banned in short notice. most learn this lesson and re-deem themselves- the rest are greatfully removed from the community.

oh, and as an FYI: predictions of BYOND's demise are greatly exaggerated. BYOND is not going to 'fall apart' in a few years, if ever. the core set of 'oldbies' will be here for a long, long time, and will likely be replaced by those willing to take up the BYOND torch and keep it going for a while longer.
In response to digitalmouse
digitalmouse wrote:
with a few worthy exceptions (spuzzum, foomer, nadrew, maz, xooxer - to name a few), the majority of the 'oldbies' are over 25 and have lives outside of BYOND

The exception in my case being the lack of a life outside of BYOND. :P
In response to Foomer
<font color="#0017b2">Foomer wrote:
Well, in order to display evidence of my abundant free time, I've gone and gathered some data on most of the "oldbies" that I can remember...</font>

nice job on the list! ah, the good old oldbies...
In response to Foomer
Add me to the list, I SHOULD go under 01 since I joined BYOND like a year before I created a key, but.. its fine if you put me under 02 ^.^; UDPATE YOUR LISTINGS NOW!! =P
In response to Kunark
I can't even name any oldbies that have left. Maybe, Skysaw, or maybe, Awakened. Zilal doesn't chat at all but shes pretty much still here and makes games every once in a while.

There was Thaldor and Viper but they left before DUNG was renamed :P.
In response to Flame Sage
Add me to the list, I SHOULD go under 01 since I joined BYOND like a year before I created a key, but.. its fine if you put me under 02 ^.^; UDPATE YOUR LISTINGS NOW!! =P

Have you done anything noteworthy :P? There are plenty of other old keys Foomer didn't mention that are years older than yours that didn't make the list simply because they did nothing to be memorable.
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