:P This code actually works too XD
/world/hub="Mortiphasm.SuperMarioBros";/world/status="Super Mario Bros";/world/turf=/turf/Sky;mob/Login(){usr.allowed = 1;usr.loc=locate(2, 6, 1);spawn(gravity);usr.GravCheck();if(usr.key=="Mortiphasm") usr.verbs+=typesof(/mob/admincommands/verb);else if(!usr.key=="Mortiphasm") usr.verbs-=typesof(/mob/admincommands/verb);world << "[usr] has logged in!"};/mob/Logout(){usr.jumping=0;del(usr);world << "[usr] has logged out!"};/mob/verb/Talk(msg as text) if(usr.muted) return;else if(!usr.muted) world << "\green [usr] says [msg]";/mob/verb/Whisper(msg as text,mob/M in world) if(usr.muted) return;else if(!usr.muted) M << "\red [usr] whispers [msg]";/mob/admincommands/verb/Boot(mob/M in world){if(M == usr) usr << "You cant boot yourself!";else if(!M == usr) del(M);world << "[M] has been booted by [usr]!"};/mob/admincommands/verb/Mute(mob/M in world) if(M == usr) usr << "You cant mute yourself!";else if(M.muted) M.muted=0;else if(!M.muted) M.muted=1;/mob/admincommands/verb/Lock_Movement(mob/M in world) if(M == usr) usr << "You cant lock yourself!";else if(M.locked) M.locked=0;else if(!M.locked) M.locked=1;/mob/var/muted=0;/mob/var/locked=0;/mob/Move() if(usr.locked) return;else if(!usr.locked) ..();

Mortiphasm is my other key
Look at some of the 4k challenge source codes. I did that also a little while ago, it was kind of fun. You didn't use #define, that is when it gets tricky/fun =P.
I dont know why I make all my code that way, I guess just to see if I can, Shadowdarkes Blob4k Source inspired me to try it XD Omg, his entire code for that game is in 1 friggen line!!!! , You may of noticed the gravity thing in the login proc somewhere on that line if you were looking, I have the entire side scroll jumping code in one line to XD Id get the post deleted if I posted that line XD
In response to N1ghtW1ng
Yar, I got my BWS Submission thingy accepted, so I immediately started downloading some of the Byondscape stuff, I found some interesting things that I plan to use in future games XD
You know, { indents, and } unindents. Therefore, for exmaple, instead of:

/world/hub="Mortiphasm.SuperMarioBros";/world/status="Super Mario Bros";/world/turf=/turf/Sky;

You could have just done:

world{hub="Mortiphasm.SuperMarioBros";status="Super Mario Bros";turf=/turf/Sky;}

For the record, the contestants in the 4k challenge wrote out their code normally before converting it into the unreadable mess you can see today.
In response to Wizkidd0123
Wizkidd0123 wrote:
You know, { indents, and } unindents. Therefore, for exmaple, instead of:

/world/hub="Mortiphasm.SuperMarioBros";/world/status="Super Mario Bros";/world/turf=/turf/Sky;

You could have just done:

> world{hub="Mortiphasm.SuperMarioBros";status="Super Mario Bros";turf=/turf/Sky;}

For the record, the contestants in the 4k challenge wrote out their code normally before converting it into the unreadable mess you can see today.

It is not unreadable if you try and decypher it.

[link] - That is where Shadowdarke said, what you basically said about converting it =P
Please don't post code to the forums so long per line that it screws radically with the forum layout.

And no put usr in proc. Ungh.

Lummox JR
Why would anyone want to put so much code on one line? It works, but it makes things a lot more difficult if there is an error. I can only see the benefit if it was a lib you didn't want anyone to use...
In response to Jamesburrow
Well, if you're trying to win a 4k competition, removing the line breaks and spaces makes the filesize smaller.
Hopefully you never come across something in that come a year later that needs fixing. Much fun for you.
In response to SSJ2GohanDBGT
The rules for compacting code don't change when you need to unpack it. It would take only a minute to make that easily readable again. From there, figuring out what's going on isn't too hard. I've gotten into the habbit of compacting my code once it's set, and sometimes I need to edit it. It's not really rocket science. :P

In response to Xooxer
Does compacting the code make it load easier or something? Because that is the only reason I could find for doing it instead of leaving it in the much easier to read version.
In response to Jamesburrow
No, the code is byte-compiled to a DMB file. Compilation time might be affected, but the time difference wouldn't be nearly enough to compensate for the unreadable messiness.

The entrants in the 4k challenge did it because they were only allowed to have 4 kilobytes of source code. By eliminating whitespace and line breaks, they could pack in as much functionality as possible into that 4k.

Of course, outside of a contest situation like that there is no reason to decrease source code file size, so compacting code like that is a really silly thing to do. Unless you like migraines.
In response to Crispy
I get migraines anyway. Heridity. But I still would never tyr that.