Allow the clients to disable the BYOND banners which appear on the screen for no appearant reason?
It'd be handy sometimes. At some points I accidentally click a banner while I didn't want to click one. A feature to disable the banner would be handy.
The banner is going to be moved to the stand alone pager in either 3.5 or 4.0, but I don't think it will ever be completely removed.
In response to Shadowdarke
How do you know these things??? j/w
In response to Necro Night
If you hang around on the forums, or even run a search, you'd see most of these statements as they are made by Mike H and Tom (possibly Lummox JR).

Plus, I believe ShadowDarke hosts many of the Staff meetings in Darke Dungeon, and hangs out in the Athenaeum.
In response to Ter13
He is also a moderator on the forum and I think a hub reviewer so he is in the Know with stuff like this.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
I'm not a hub reviewer, but the rest is true. I don't host meetings in Darke Dungeon anymore though. Lummox gets very distracted in Darke Dungeon. I just open a BTG room if Guy isn't around to host.
In response to Shadowdarke
Shadowdarke wrote:
I'm not a hub reviewer, but the rest is true. I don't host meetings in Darke Dungeon anymore though. Lummox gets very distracted in Darke Dungeon. I just open a BTG room if Guy isn't around to host.

In response to Wizkidd0123
Wizkidd0123 wrote:

BYOND Tabletop Gaming, one of my programs. It was originally designed for playing pen and paper RPGs online, but it is a nice chatroom with useful security and it makes it easy to share data through storybox sheets.
In response to Shadowdarke
Shadowdarke wrote:
Lummox gets very distracted in Darke Dungeon.

Can't help but giggle at that.
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
Shadowdarke wrote:
Lummox gets very distracted in Darke Dungeon.

Can't help but giggle at that.

In response to Shadowdarke
You know, Chatters has all the features you could want, not to mention invitation-only channels and invisibilty settings. Really, I don't know why you'd use anything else. It would be quite easy to secure an invisible channel that's invitation-only access. Not to mention the nifty features, like showcode and showtext. :P

In response to Xooxer
You forgot "shameless plug" tags, Xoox.