How would I connect?
By: Hell Ramen:####, Hell.Ramen:####, Hell-Ramen:####, or what? I can't figure it out. :(
Please, help.
What do you mean? Are you hosting with DreamDaemon through a shell server? Locally? Well if it is locally type in the pink box (Command box) in DreamSeeker [IP]:[PORT] or [PORT]. The first way will work for shell server also.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
I'm doing it publicly with my own PC, and typing in just the port doesn't work-ish... :(
Neither the IP
In response to Hell Ramen
Open Location > localhost:[port]


.hub ping

Open Location > [IP]:[Port]
In response to Hell Ramen
Is it saying

 Connecting to: Localhost://[PORT]

If it is, try the first method of: [IP]:[PORT]. If you don't know your IP try by the way, do you have a router or something. If you do you will have to configure it.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
Nevermind, got it. :o
Is this how I'd set my "Connect to an online game!" thing in the HUB?
In response to Hell Ramen
Yeah, you put your [IP]:[Port] there.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
Whatismyip is loaded with spyware, etc, just type .hub ping in dreamseeker, it'll say..

What's that smell wafting through the ethers!?
You have a portal to the BYOND hub from IP address IP There)
In response to Lenox
Actually I don't think there is any spyware there at all....
In response to Lenox
No. is not filled with spyware. Prove it. Find the script(s).

In response to Jiskuha
Well, it might not be whatismyip, but it is SOME Ip checking place, it's better to use .hub ping though, it' :P