Has anyone gone and seen this movie? If so, did you enjoy it? I went and saw it last evening and didn't really enjoy it. If it wasn't for my company, I would have walked out. I mean it wasn't horrible, and I do admit there are a lot of creepy parts. Just wasn't my type of movie. How about you?
![]() Oct 28 2004, 3:30 am
Well, the americans screwed up two good movies then.
Then Ringu is a much scarier version then "The ring". The ring seemed like some 12 year old remake made to scare 6 year olds. It was a horrible movie that was trash. The grudge doesn't even effect me, i've seen the previews and every single time I do I just sit and stare, it doesn't scare me at all. This is most likely because of the noticably badly made graphics they use for everything "Scarey". It all looks as if you were looking into a computer and seeing CG animation on a game. It's crap, doesn't scare me at all. [EDIT] Heh, that would be funny if america started ripping japanese movies and remaking them. Naming them "Zeta Films". Hehe. |
Seeing as how it's just another remake of a japanese film, it won't be as good as the original, but you can still enjoy it.
For myself, i'd give it about a 2 on scarey, 4 on basic plots and storylines, and a 3 on graphics. If we can make things look real, WHY DON'T WE? The last thing a person wants is something that looks real to threaten there life, that's a scare tactic. The scare tactic that no one seems to be able to get unless they're playing in a game, and even then that's just adrenaline. I'd say make a movie that scares the hell out of everyone, rather then making it a house that has a spirt that haunts the houses visiters. Not scarey, you know how you don't get haunted? Don't visit the house! Oh, but then they'd probably throw in some corner block forcing her to stay there. Boo. |
I've found that storylines where you actually care about if the person dies or not, can make you scared for them, and make things more frightening.
That's why it is probably scarier to see something chasing around a little kid (I haven't seen this movie, but I think that it works this way, but I believe "It" is this way, and kind of the same with The Shining.), it's scarier because the kid is of such innocents you want him to live. In Movies where you see teenagers having sex a hundred times at some smoke-and-drink party, it makes it almost funny to see them die when Jason butchers them. |
I didn't find it scary or even that interesting at all. The previews kept calling it the "scariest movie of the year" and what not, but I didn't find that relevant at all. I liked the whole idea of it, but it was just trash, in my opinion.
I don't think anyone was affected by the previews. I laughed when she had a fist coming out of her head.
The creepiest thing was the 'cat-boy' thing. |
I didn't really find anything creepy about it. I laughed at every single "Scarey" thing in it.
(BTW, quick change of keys.) |
I didn't find it scary, enjoyable or interesting. The whiney cat kid along with being in a theater made up of mostly a black audience made it more of a bad comedy then anything else. I kind of expected it, after watching watching enough modern Japanese "horror". Watching two episodes of Buffy is more fun then this movie.
Actually we watched the Ringu 3 years ago in my Japanese class for halloween...Trust me, it's not better or scarier than the ring.
There has not been one good horror movie in the past few years. Do you want to know why that is? It is because it is all animated now! It does not even look real. I see the same damn things in video games, then what I see in the movies. It looks the same, too. And Kunark, I do agree with you on that. It is only scary when you do not want somebody to die, because like you said, you fear for them.
I have always noticed that females are always the main character of horror movies, which does, in a way, make it scarier (it is hard to explain why, but if I do, I might get flamed by people who disagree with me, which we do not need right now). The only thing is, is the main character! I sometimes hate how some horror movies have a main character. You know they will never die, so it is never really that scary. The horror movies I do like, and get suprised by, is when the main character does die, and yes, that does happen in some movies...such as Jeepers Creepers (the first one). That movie wasn't really that scary, it just suprised me to see the main character die. There are only a few good horror movies out there worth talking about. One of them is Final Destination. The reasons why I liked that movie is because you never know WHO is going to die nor what will happen to them. It is also very much original. Also, there is no main character. They are all the main characters and they all die. To be honest, I laughed at Freddy V.S. Jason. I found that movie to be so damn funny. Well, also because Freddy is humorious a lot of the time. |
GokuDBZ3128 wrote:
There are only a few good horror movies out there worth talking about. One of them is Final Destination. The reasons why I liked that movie is because you never know WHO is going to die nor what will happen to them. It is also very much original. Also, there is no main character. They are all the main characters and they all die. To be honest, I laughed at Freddy V.S. Jason. I found that movie to be so damn funny. Well, also because Freddy is humorious a lot of the time. Foma; Destonation is ace (I saw the second one) in my opinion, because it's like my nightmares come true. I'm a little clumsy in real life, so I can really relate to them when they end up killing themselves when sharpening pencils or cleaning the dishes. |
I saw the second one too, and it suprised me a lot. Every death was pretty much very unexpected. Such as the part when he was at the dentist and the wire caught fire, and the nitroce oxide went out of control while the birds were bashing into the window. Those three things, happened seperately and all at once, kept switching. But the thing is, it looked like all those things were going to kill that kid in the chair (at the dentist). It turns out none of them did, which brought up the suspense, A LOT. Then he walked outside and a huge thingy fell ontop of him. I mean, you don't expect any of this, it is great and you are like "what the hell is gonna' happen?! Wait, will he die? Wait!" through the whole entire movie. I loved it. Also, every death is shown completely. Pretty gruesome. Like when the thing fell on the kid, it showed his whole body being crushed and his bones and guts flew everywhere. |
OneFishDown wrote:
http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=2452 Pretty funny review. my favorite paragraph: "Sarah Michelle Gellar plays the role of Sarah Michelle Gellar in the Hollywood remake of the Japanese horror film "Ju-On: The Grudge." When a woman and her small child are murdered by their very hairy husband, their ghosts prowl throughout the house and downtown Tokyo, killing every single person who enters for some reason which is explained in a scene that can best be described as "very white and blue." Every horror film produced since "The Ring" has taken advantage of the glorious "white and blue" cinematic technique which guarantees their film will be at least 238% scarier, as it's a proven fact the colors blue and white are the most terrifying of the color wheel. For example, Booberry is white and blue and that guy is scary as all hell. I mean, a ghost that haunts breakfast cereals while wearing a derby and bow tie? Enough said." |
You mean, you can drive a van in reverse over rocks that cut your gas tank and run down this stream path to some other crap and then someone "Accidentally" lights it on fire with their cig? Don't think so. That movie over exaggerates death in every form. Definatly the part where the girl is stuck in the driver seat, and dies by getting knocked back into the spike. Boring.
I'd rather see bodies explode and have the camera covered in gore, but that would be a comedy for me. Then again I can just watch Kill Bill to tide me over. P.S (To Goku, under me.) I think all of the deaths were very easy to spot out, i knew exactly when someone was going to die 70% of the time, the other 20% were deaths that i either thought were completely stupid, or just caught me off guard. :P It's an "Ok" movie for younger people that haven't been exposed to such things, but the older people just sit back and insult it. |
I never even finished watching The Ring, but I bet if I seen The Ring's credits, I would of seen, the same damn directors name.
Not to metion the Ring is based of of The Ringu, and the Grudge is based off of, Suru Suru Grudeu or something like that...
Thats the last movie I go to by this director. Hes such a douch.