This is my view on them. I tend to be nicer to gothics because they usually deserve to have nice things done to them, but it is no longer "Your hatred shown through with black clothing and dark personality" it is now just a fasion trend. I personally WANT to meet a gothic with a very dark personality, because I am similar, but there just isn't a such thing where I live.
This is why I personally will not actually make friends with someone if they are considered a stereotype that spends a lot of time worrying about the way they look. This would include goths and some types of preppies. i can't stand it.
The funny thing about it is, people who "call" themselves gothic are usually just some kid looking for attention. I am much more deep and dark than the goths in my school, and I would make one helluva better one also... But I have no desire to wear black and worship satan, because I am true to myself.
Antoher thing that bugs me is all of the "gothic lesbians" there are. In fact, 80% of lesbians I've seen where I live bug me because they AREN'T lesbian. They all want to turn guys on, or they all turn lesbian because they think they can't get men. C'mon! Thinking one sex wont like you or having an urge to turn on members of the opposite sex is in no way, gay! I really commend the few lesbians that go through life and actually finding that girls are more beautiful than guys... And also, every single one of these girls I meet, seem to always be smart. All the other ones are always trying to turn on the wannabe gangsters er something.
Uhhg. School stereotypes etc just bug me. You want to look for meaning in your life, and find out who you are, find out who YOU are, not someone who some kid who you think is cool who sits next to you in Chemestry thinks (and what not)...
*rant over*
Some people get mad at me when they hear my philosophie on these kind of things:
I will leave a few small exceptions... If they were a close friend, of course I'd be sad and I wouldn't want them to go... However, I make sure none of my friends feel bad enough to do any of this stuff so I tend to not have this problem. My philosophie: You mutilate your body, like Jot said, you have no self control, and I'd rather not be around someone with no self control. Unless you are a CLOSE friend, I will shed no tears if you commit suicide. You gave up on life, left your family and friends to suffer, so I will not give in and allow you to have my remorse. You are a rotten person. If you are someone I hated who died, I will have no problem letting your friends know how the world is a better place without you and how they should spit on your grave. :) |
Kunark, that is what high school is all about (to most people). High school is nothing, it's useless, ETC. once you get into college, that is a whole new life. The friends you have now, no matter how good of friends you are, even if he saved your life one day, well, once you get into college, you will not keep in touch anymore. Personally, I do not care what others think. Although, I do wear the clothes most of the "cool" kids wear but not because I care what they think. I only wear it because I like the style and it looks good on me. It has nothing to do with anybody else. I usually wear polo shirts. That's the style now, I just like to wear it. It's comfortable.
I was on the bus and we saw a bunch of 12 year-old "white" kids wearing clothes that people assume "black" people should only wear. Then, some kids out of no where on the bus just say "You guys are white! Skin check!" I don't get why people have to do that. They like the clothing. I sometimes wear that stuff too, no big deal. I like the way it looks on me, that's all. I have friends from every so called "group". Such as the popular group, army group, and yes, even the (what people call them) "geeky" group. It's no big deal. I don't care who they hang out with nor what they do. I like their personality. They are cool kids who only want to be themselves. I respect that. I'd make friends with anyone despite who they are. |
This sorta ties in to what your saying. Post [link] Ignore the first paragraph, the paragraph saying like bloody wanker is the one i'm talking about.
Well, I have a friend who was molested by a family member, raped by a person who does haroin (needles, anyone?), goes to a school with about 12 hours of homework EVERY night, has been cheated on numerous times, was shot in the face with an arrow, was made fun of constantly because of her horrible acne in 6th grade, had few friends all throughout elementary school, and had a friend die from cancer.
If your friend has gone through more than that, I'd be suprised. Is this friend I have gothic? No. THis friend I have is like me. She hates the world deeply. She can be very sadistic at times, and can be callous as well, because life has shaped her that way. However, she LOVES life. Hear that? LOVES life, because she never gives up, and she has self control and love for her friends and herself. Also, I might point out, that a lot of the stuff like "I cant get a date", "My parents hate me", and stuff along those lines, ARE the victim's fault. I see SOO many gothic kids runing around SIMPLY for tese reasons, and then they kill themselves because of it. Boo freaken hoo. Their outlook on life is the only thing wrong with them. I don't know your friends, but I suspect these are half of their troubles, just like they are with 75% of the "goths" around here. |
i hate people who act like this place sucks, but live in the suberbs and then theres people who bring in 300 a year and are like, i love you family lets praise allah. Get over being so miserable and realise you dont have it bad, its like you give a kid so many options a few of em get so confused and just turn into this.
I didn't say I hate people who are fasionable. I hate people who worry about it. I like to look good in what I wear, too, but people bug me when they spend an hour every morning on their hair, or when a girl wears like 10 pounds of make-up. Yeach! The only make-up i can stand is mascara because it brings out their eyes, and it isn't in an area that is often touched.
Sadly, I see the society of kids younger and younger becoming corrupt with "fads" and people wanting to be like other people. |
cut yourself if you think its realy necissary, dont expect people to stop you, dont do it for attention. Guess what thats the only real reason you have, because your in the top 5 percent of the world with the highest standard of living. Goths in Canada, the US and the UK, Australia ect. just die already, im sick of it, your all whiners and quitters. So quit already stop telling us that your leaving and leave! Hate to sound harsh but im not putting up with it anymore, im not a sholder to cry on, you dont have it that bad, tough love works better than defending the problem.
My hair used to take me like 10 hours because I have the flip and all (my uncle calls it a ducks ass, because do you know how in the back of a ducks ass, it has a flip? Lol). Well, after a few months I've gotten' like pro at it. It's been a few years now and it takes me like 12 seconds to finish. All it takes is practice. =P
Kagayaku Kami wrote:
GokuDBZ3128 wrote: that may have been true 10 or even 20 years ago, but i'm 37 and would burn a Polo shirt before wearing one (i had one as a bandana/skull-cap once). i'll stick to my sweatshirts, tshirts, and the occassional un-tucked in button-up shirt with rolled up sleeves. |
Most of the time, it is people who make THEMSELVES suffer. They say the world sucks, the world is going to suck.
This world really does suck. We are destroying the world in just about every way, and probably close to destroying it with nuclear weapons. However, that doesn't mena people have to suffer. You can find a hobo on the streets sometimes and have him say "I love life" simply because of his personal outlook. |
my g/f has been depressed since september, she said she tried alot of different ways to express anger, but nothing worked. She finnaly couldnt take it anymore & just cut herself to see if it would help. I helped her out of it & she doesnt do it anymore though.
if she "tried a lot of ways" then obviously she did not try enough of them - self-mutilation is *not* a solution to depression or a method of 'dealing with hate'. you only hurt yourself and (indirectly) those who care about you, and that is just plain selfish and insensitive.
if anything, cutting yourself up shows how little regard you have for life which is practically the same as the source of the hate itself (meaning that people hate other people because they are unhappy with life for some inane reason). besides, self-mutilation only replaces emotional/mental pain with physical pain - it *does not* change anything (except make you more suceptable to really annoying things, like death and disease). |
I don't hate... But I do dislike the whole "Goth" trend...
I don't dislike the people, but I dislike their hypocrisy... From my understanding, Goths speak out about being different, and non-conforming, yet they all look and act the same... Yes, that's a very broad stereotype, and I know that they aren't all exactly the same, but they're all similar enough that it seems to me like they're all conforming to a set of "Goth" standards... The simple fact that there's a classification for them is enough to prove that they're all too similar to call themselves "non-conformists"... If you don't conform, you can't be placed into a group... Sure, they aren't conforming to what is considered "normal" (a relative term, but an identifiable state nonetheless), but they are conforming to the "Goth" theme... It's still conforming... From a group who say that comforming is bad... Hypocrisy... I'd be fine with it if they weren't always shouting out about not conforming... Then it would be just another style, like any other... But the instant they denounce others for conforming, or act like they're better because they aren't conforming, when in reality, they're conforming probably moreso than most, I don't like it... So again, I've got no personal problems with someone who calls themselves a Goth or acts or dresses like one (unless they do something bad enough to give me a decent reason to), but I disagree with their philosophy... On top of all of that, I also don't understand them... My emotions are all well under control (perhaps too well), and things like depression or rage are hardly experienced in my life... So when I see people who seem to be wallowing in these senseless emotions, I just don't get it... I don't see any reason for it... My thoughts are usually just, "Get over it!" As insensitive as that may be (I don't know what kind of mental trauma they've gone through to get this way, so it might be a warranted state of mind), but I just can't help myself but wonder why they just don't move on, or get help... No one needs to go through life in a negative state of mind... Unless they secretly want to, to fit into a group, or some other reason (like they enjoy it), in which case, they need mental help... It's not normal... It's not healthy... As for your "cutter" friend, she might be the nicest person in the world, but she definitely needs help, more than most others... Willingly harming yourself is contrary to all that life stands for... She's as abnormal and messed up as you can get (well, she could be worse, much worse, but you get my's not good)... There are many other more positive and productive ways to deal with anger, sadness, etc than to physically hurt anything, much less your own self... If she's doing that because it keeps her from doing it to others, then that too is a sign that she's screwed up... She shouldn't be having urges to do it to anyone... Keep in mind that I'm not trying to say she's a bad person... I'm saying that she's a sick person, and she needs to get help to make herself well again... Just like someone with a physical illness needs to take medicine to get better... It may or may not be that person's fault, but it's something that needs to be taken care of... |
Every time someone says goths are stupid there are miles of people lining up to tell them how great goths are and how they're just given a bad rap because they're differnt.
To those people I say this, goths are for the most part complete and utter a-holes. I know a lot of goths who are nice people, but I know WAY more goths who have very bad attitudes and are extremely agressive. The part I find really annoying is no one sticks up for the other groups like this. Take for instance jocks. Everyone hates jocks and no one will every stick up for them, despite the fact that the good jock:bad jock ratio is much, much better then the good goth:bad goth ratio. People are always quick to mention how jocks beat up everyone they don't like, but they really don't. It's just because a jock can beat most people up and manage to get away with being a jerk constantly. So a single jerk jock can do enough damage to give all jocks a bad name. The interesting part is the fact is you'll get the crap kicked out of you if you walk into a gothic club and either A) not fit in, or B) accidently offend someone, but nobody notices that. I can't count the amount of times I've been having a drink, having a good time and listneing to some music when some loser with plastic fangs pick a fight with me for some stupid reason (ie, letting his girlfriend use my lighter). The best I can figure out as to why people are so quick to stick up for goths is people feel like they're doing something charitable by sticking up for a group that's essentially made up of losers (or at least what they see as losers). |
Kagayaku Kami wrote:
Actually, cutting yourself isn't just apart of a "Fashion". Actually cutting is a pretty serious psychological disorder. Get these people help. Unlike piercing and other forms of body modification, a person who cuts themselves doesn't do it for image; it's just that they're really messed up. What's alarming is the attempt to rationalize this as normal behavior for some or pass it off as a trend. Lummox JR |
That too. :P