Oct 5 2004, 11:49 am
I was wondering if there could be a section made on the BYOND website that could host any programs MADE by anyone. So if we wanted to create a program for the game we could share it with everyone. I saw that detached screen program the other day and was quite impressed and thought it could be good if it were put up on the BYOND website. I am also learning to program in Python and i hope to create some programs for the BYOND community to use. I understand that there may be problems with viruses etc but i dunno, just a suggestion I guess.
In response to Covering Fire
Covering Fire, Tom already stated that he will add in the detachable full-screen in BYOND 4.0. Also, if the BYOND games loading lag you, that is your computer. My laptop loads every game in a matter of seconds with no lag whatsoever.
In response to GokuDBZ3128
He's not adding the one the person made, DM/DS will have built-in options for it, this has been planned for a while.
In response to Nadrew
Yeah I know, Lol. =P
In response to Covering Fire
Covering Fire wrote:
There are two reasons BYOND will never do this. Actually 3. Actually 4: Most game downloads are no longer hosted at all on BYOND's servers. So BYOND would never host a non-BYOND game download if they're not hosting BYOND-related downloads. Lummox JR |
1st off the already laggy BYOND downloads will lag more.
2nd BYOND would be liable for any viruses someone got. Unless the stated a waiver which is tottaly unreliable especially over the internet.
3rd BYOND people are lazy! =P lol JK!