Does anyone know how to add meters over ot below characters? Not on the HUD!!
1 simple word. HUD. 3 simpler, Heads Up Display. =D
In response to Metroid
One simple word: wrong.

A few more simple words: this has been asked about half a dozen times within the past few days. Try, you know, looking at the threads below this one.
In response to Garthor
Actually, it would work. I've done it. So another simple word. Right!
In response to Metroid
Then obviously you misunderstood him, because it WOULDN'T work.
In response to Metroid
Metroid wrote:
1 simple word. HUD. 3 simpler, Heads Up Display. =D

I don't know he edited his post to include "not on the HUD" after you wrote this (and the follow-up), so you get the benefit of the doubt on this, but HUD and overhead are two different concepts.

Lummox JR