You know what I saw? I went to page 2 of the unpublished games list. EVERYTHING on that page had the word "Dragonball" in it and some moronic idiotic icon next to it.
I do not wish to see those.
As the mods as busy, and can't do this, I propose a feature for the BYOND site.
HUB Filters. Yep. You press a "filter" button while browsing a category in the hub. Via that, you may change your filters. It says like...
Words to colorize: [ ] Words to filter: [ ] Blocked List: [Select a blocked item to unblock it] Submit
It basically looks like the example above.
Words work like word, word2, word3. So if I'd wish to colorize a game with the word "Big" in it and "Furion", it'd type in words to colorize: Big, Furion
Same works for the filter.
Now, I wish to get rid of all of those DBZ games I see on the unpublished games, right?
I type in words to filter: "Dragonball"
Poof! All of the DBZ games dissapear of my screen. Well, all the ones that had Dragonball in them. This reduces my Dragonball-Seen-On-The-HUB Meter to 20%!
Now, what if I happen to see a DBZ game with the name "Chaos United", instead of "Dragonball Z: Chaos United"? That's where this feature comes in handy. You see, next to each hub entry, there's a small block button. If I press it, the game will be supressed from my personal listing. I can remove the game from the list, too [see example above].
This simple way may help to surpess those nasty DBZ games you see everyday.
Now, on HUB Searching, it is common you see DBZ games in them. Therefor, the HUB Searching has it's own set of features. Not only can you limit what you see by filtering it out just like you do with any hub category, but you can also tell if you WANT the entries to be filtered.
This way, you can search for a DBZ game if you want to, and iof you don't want to, you can surpress them. Handy and neat. =)
How about it? Shall this feature be inserted, somehow? And if it is, how will it affect the community? Will the 10% that hate DBZ games activate the filter?! Vote for this addition then!
Note: I may point out that the DBZ games *will* hate this. It will remove them from the listing. Anyway, it is strictly PRIVATE, which means that only the key browsing will get the things from the filter removed.
Anyway, coming to the point, if you're logged in as a guest, you may not use the filter feature. This is to encourage people to try BYOND.
OR, you could, if you're a guest, make it so standard all DBZ games are blocked off of the HUB.
P.S. Also, I wonder how all those DBZ games get a hold of SHELL LINUX SERVERS. How on earth can such a RIP get a **UNIX shell server?! I mean, it's basically impossible to get a hold of one without paying for it yourself. I can tell, I live in a different country and my parents won't allow me to buy such a server. Now I have to sit in agony waiting for my currently *free* server to go down because there isn't enough money to keep up DNS..