In response to Kujila
Same thing.

I hate when people get all "WOAH MY GOD THAT'S SO EEZY!". Not all schools are the same, and some actually make it hard >.>
In response to Airjoe
Well here are three easy ways you can use AIM or any other instant massager.

1. linux with
- likely to get you in trouble if they found out

2. windows with
- likey to get you in trouble if they found out

3. use aim express. (AIM only, I think Yahoo has one too.)
- depends on your school chat room polices if you get in trouble or not.

I use my own system on campus so they don't say much. but for you hi-school students it might be better just to suck it up, rather then risk geting trouble.
In response to Xzar
Eh, never heard o' the HTTP tunneling stuff, I might want to give it a whzbang and see how she does...

As for AIM express, that's blocked along with places like Hotmail and such. (At semester, eBay was unbanned, and they finally caught on and banned the Japanese Hotmail)

I've got a PocketPC now, and I also have gotten a WiFi card for it, but I think I need some WEP encryption stuff to use it with the school....

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