In response to Kusanagi
This movie falls back to the beginnings of Weyland Yutani, so this is pre-alien but post predator. The movie is about when Charles Weyland was starting up the Corporation(Pre-Yutani I'm hoping they don't set it's name as it was after the merger, which didn't happen until a little before they made the Ripley clone.)

I'm pretty sure that the Company was called Weyland-Yutani even in the first Alien -- it shows up on one of the monitors, though I think it's spelled "Weylan" without a D.

I'm just wondering what kind of weapons they will give the researchers, if any at all, because Pulse Rifles weren't invented at this time, well by the Dark Horse comics they weren't.

Well, I haven't read the Dark Horse comics, but I did read their sequels to The Thing and I decided they weren't what really happened, so I don't see why Alien should be any different. :)

In my opinion, I'm betting they are going to end it with the humans and predators surviving.

Probably a good bet. I guess I should hope for that, and root for the warriors over the hive animals and all, but the Aliens are just so nifty...

A good site that has a small section for the movie is, a gamespy network site for the Alien versus Predator series of games, which I recommend trying out if you have not already.

Thanks for the pointer!
In response to Gughunter
Gughunter wrote:
I'm pretty sure that the Company was called Weyland-Yutani even in the first Alien -- it shows up on one of the monitors, though I think it's spelled "Weylan" without a D.

I never really noticed that it was called Weyland-Yutani before number three, and even though three wasn't really that great, it was a part of the story. Although, using Resurrection as a reference would be blasphemy.

On another note, from everything I'v seen, it's been spelt Weyland.
In response to Gughunter
Gughunter wrote:
I've always suspected the one in Alien 3 was just another android built to the Bishop model. But then it doesn't pay to try to apply too much thought to Alien 3. :)

It's been a while since I'v seen Alien 3, but if I recall he was human. Ripley was surprised when she saw who she thought was Bishop, but then Charles tells her that he is not Bishop, but the person Bishop was modeled after. Modeling an android after another android doesn't seem very likely to me. Plus he showed fear when she was going to attack him, and if he was an android I doubt he would have all those bodyguards ready to release fire on Ripley, since he would be replaceable, and much harder to kill than your average man.(Example: Bishop getting ripped in half by the queen but still surviving.)
In response to Kusanagi
Kusanagi wrote:
It's been a while since I'v seen Alien 3, but if I recall he was human. Ripley was surprised when she saw who she thought was Bishop, but then Charles tells her that he is not Bishop, but the person Bishop was modeled after.

Yes, but was he telling the truth? Maybe he was created to pretend to be the real thing as a show for Ripley.
In response to Kusanagi
I haven't followed the movie hype much, and aside from a few people here sounding frighteningly similar to some imms I know on an AvP MUD, I must say that my take on this is that hopefully, the movie focuses mostly on the preditors and their hunting of the aliens. hopefully i won't be something like the arcade, where a coupel human soldiers are working with the preditors, and uncover some government plot.

In response to Nathandx82
Nathandx82 wrote:
I haven't followed the movie hype much, and aside from a few people here sounding frighteningly similar to some imms I know on an AvP MUD, I must say that my take on this is that hopefully, the movie focuses mostly on the preditors and their hunting of the aliens. hopefully i won't be something like the arcade, where a coupel human soldiers are working with the preditors, and uncover some government plot.

Well, the old arcade game was vaguely based on the universe. In fact, the only things that it really had going for it was the license for the creatures. In that situation(The arcade storyline) it would seem more likely the predators would not side with anybody else, especially since they are all adult predators with their most powerful tribal weaponry at hand. In the movie these are predators who are in a more controlled enviroment just leaving their childhood and becoming adults. Since the humans broke the balance that the test presented to the child predators, the predators would probably come to an understanding of bending their own laws in this circumstance in order to complete testing. Although, it does seem rather unlikely, knowing how well these writers like to keep to the background rules of the story, I think this is the direction they are going to take it.

Plus, a lot of the admins I used to know from AvP mud were not that enriched on the AvP universe. They just played the games and left their knowledge at that.
In response to Kusanagi
Here's some info from an Alien FAQ (presented with DM syntax highlighting for added utility):

Q: What IS the name of the company?
A: The Weyland-Yutani Corporation. It can be seen, mirror-reversed,
on a blast shield after the discussion of the atmosphere processor
blowing up. It appears as "Weylan-Yutani" on all beer cans in _ALIEN_
but is too small. In _ALIEN^3_ it is written on a computer screen in
an extreme close-up near the end. In the director's cut of _ALIENS_,
during the additional footage of the colony (prior to the alien
infestation) we see a logo of the company which reads:

__ __ __ __
\ \ \ \ ___ / / / /
\ \ \ / _ \ / / /
\ \_/ / \ \_/ /

Building Better Worlds

Also, a very good shot of the logo can be seen in the director's cut,
when Simpson and Lydecker yell at the playing kids, immediately before
the cut to the Jordan family discovering the derelict ship.
The Weyland-Yutani logo also has some chinese (japanese?) characters
below them. These cannot be viewed well (at all) in the movies. Alien
War in London has worked out this logo. Merchandising also has these
signs on them. The symbols are pronounced "Weyland Yutani
kabushiki-kaisha" and mean "Weyland Yutani joint-stock corporation"

And here's a fun link (watch out, popups galore):

I'm about 90% sure it shows up that way on one of the monitors in the first movie, too.

Well, I'm glad I've helped clear up that very important question... :)

In response to Stealth 2k
Well I think Predator would Whoop there butts, But Im going to have to say that They both Die when the humans Explode a huge bomb or one of the Predators Explode themselves.
Preditor because preditor is the fricken most awesome movie monster ever created, in my oppinion. Even if they end up not being as strong, they gain points in my book for looking so fricken cool.
In response to Kujila
But if humanity doesn't win, it will also be a suprise. I would like to see at least 1 evil win, even if the humans also escape or something. That would be more suprising, and I personally want an evil to win so it would be better for me.
In response to Kunark
That would be more suprising, and I personally want an evil to win so it would be better for me.

Much as I hate to say it, I think the Predators will probably win against the Aliens (regardless of what the humans end up doing) because if the Aliens win, they will wipe out humanity (or at least give it the ol' college try), whereas if the Predators win, they will... go home.

Then again it takes place in Antarctica, so the Aliens might end up frozen. Which brings up the incredibly wonderful prospect of... Alien vs. The Thing!
In response to Gughunter
Now that would be no competition, unless xenomorph blood can work like fire against the Thing, they lose.
In response to Gughunter
Gughunter wrote:
Then again it takes place in Antarctica, so the Aliens might end up frozen. Which brings up the incredibly wonderful prospect of... Alien vs. The Thing!

That or a out of place corny sequal when future scientists find the Alien and take him to the U.S. and put him in the defroster for a few minutes ;) I wish they would surprise us and have the Alien win =P
Well I've seen Alien an hour of it and I'm not sure anything about them besides the body weapons which are evil. I seen predator beginning to end but I kept changing the channel when I get bored.
Alien I have no clue if they got a body temperature.
Predator is just cool even tho he can only see heat with that helmet on and without it I'm not sure if he can see anything at all. So if Alien has no heat then how is Predator gonna beat Alien if he can't see the enemy?
Predator would win if Alien had heat temp.

I say Predator would win either way since he's just cool.
In response to HolyDoomKnight
I'm trying to fully understand your post so correct me if I'm not correcting you correctly, thats quite a use of the word correct. You simply made a really hard to comprehend post is what I'm trying to say here. In the Predator movies, the hunter they were showing was only hunting mammals, so all it needed was one vision mode, which was the thermal vision mode. In this movie, since it has aliens and humans, the predator will probably use a different mode for viewing the aliens, this is how the games and comics portrayed the predator's mask style. Plus, predators can see without their mask, they have a type of infrared vision naturally, you see what it looks like from a maskless view in the first movie. Also, everything has a temperature, I believe what you were trying to say is if the aliens were cold blooded or warm blooded.
At this point it seems the movie is pretty much made. I saw a big(and I do mean big)cardboard advertisement for it at the movie theater last night. I believe the title simple said AVP.
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
If some stupid marines win, im gunna kill someone.. The aliens better win, there just so fricken cool. Lol.
In response to Kusanagi
Kusanagi wrote:
Gughunter wrote:
I've always suspected the one in Alien 3 was just another android built to the Bishop model. But then it doesn't pay to try to apply too much thought to Alien 3. :)

It's been a while since I'v seen Alien 3, but if I recall he was human. Ripley was surprised when she saw who she thought was Bishop, but then Charles tells her that he is not Bishop, but the person Bishop was modeled after. Modeling an android after another android doesn't seem very likely to me. Plus he showed fear when she was going to attack him, and if he was an android I doubt he would have all those bodyguards ready to release fire on Ripley, since he would be replaceable, and much harder to kill than your average man.(Example: Bishop getting ripped in half by the queen but still surviving.)

In response to DarkView
DarkView wrote:
Stealth 2k wrote:
Lol, Superman Vs Batman. Sounds like a Comedy. Don't even make sense considering they are both "good guys" I wouldn't see it.

It's happened before. It's not the straight out fight you'd expect. The plot would be something like Superman turned evil because of [something] and Batman is forced to find a way to either turn him back... or destroy him!
It's not really a fair fight however, Batman is too smart. If they face off Batman is likily to invent artificial kryptonite out of like a toilet roll holder and a can of spray paint.
The only way Superman would win is if he just went flat out and bashed Batman, however since the only way they'll ever fight is if Superman or Batman turns evil, either Superman wont be able to finish Batman or Batman will get a window too escape while Superman struggles with the internal good/evil conflict.

In response to Jermman
Just to add on without making another thread. I guess they were deciding wether to make the AvP movie, or another Alien movie which would be Alien 5. That one is going to star Sigourny Weaver(sp?) unlike AvP because AvP is in present time, not future. Weaver actually agreed to join onto another Alien movie if ever made, and even suggested a basic idea for the movie, but not sure if they'd go for it. She wanted Alien 5 to take place on the Aliens home planet. There is info about an Alien 5 on Yahoo movies, but its not a confirmed movie to be made.
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