when I use this code i get an error when I play the game
runtime error: type mismatch
proc name: Spend (/mob/proc/Spend)
usr: Jus (/mob/Player)
src: Jus (/mob/Player)
call stack:
Jus (/mob/Player): Spend()
OK (/obj/hud/Borders/OK): Click(Grass2 (4,2,1) (/turf/Grass2))
for this code
switch(input("Please choose something to spend on. [usr.canspend] points to use")in list("HP","MP","Strength","Defense","Agility","Inteligence"))
usr.HP += 3
usr.canspend -= 1
usr.MP += 3
usr.canspend -= 1
usr.Strength += 3
usr.canspend -= 1
usr.Defense += 3
usr.canspend -= 1
usr.Agility += 3
usr.canspend -= 1
usr.Inteligence += 3
usr.canspend -= 1
![]() Apr 20 2004, 1:49 am
Dark_Prince101 wrote:
i tried using src and not putting anythingy but I still get the type mismatch error :( Ungh, Look at what the error's telling you. Type mismatch, meaning you're pairing up two different types along the way, most likely comparing a number to a text string, or a mob to a list, mob to a number, mob to a text string, etc... |
Ok. But I still dont have a solution for my problem do I use usr? src? what do I do?? I keep getting the same error!
You use src. And you need to post the error message, with the line number, and point out which line that is. Then we can go from there. =)
I get this error when I select HP,MP,Strength,etc any of those then this error pops up
runtime error: type mismatch proc name: Spend (/mob/proc/Spend) source file: Login.dm,213 usr: Justin (/mob/Player) src: Justin (/mob/Player) call stack: Justin (/mob/Player): Spend() OK (/obj/hud/Borders/OK): Click(Grass2 (4,2,1) (/turf/Grass2)) so its line 213 when i select hp the usr.HP += 1 or usr.MP += 1 gets the error.gtg to school post more later |
Lummox JR