Well as I'm programming my current project, which is a strategy game where you create towns and develop those towns...

I'm realizing I don't know how far to take it, where is the point where people get bored of "developing" their towns?

Would it be frustrating if I made the max levels of everything extremely hard to reach just to keep it so you never hit a wall and have done everything so now it's boring?

or would you rather get to the max level fast and then worry about a combat stance - conquering eachothers towns? To allow fast paced gameplay?

How long would one want to develop their town?
10 mins tops?
30 mins?
an hour?
or longer?

also, what about spam messages...
"you gained this much money this month"
and so on... would you want to see those messages or would you rather not have anything to do with it?

if you'd like to point out any other things then please by all means go ahead!
Well I personally really like building up cities and such, but only if I get to smash down other peoples as well! I like it when it's a challenge to build things. Like X has to be within 5 of Y, but Y has to be within 6 of Z, e.t.c. so you can't just build ten thousand of a certain building, so that you generate loads of money. I really liked "Zeus : Master Of Olympus" for it was quite challenging if a disaster occured, but I suddenly had a change of heart when I saw the lack of different military units. Also, I don't like to be spammed either, it gets annoying, and I like talking to other players.

I would much prefer that the "max levels" were stupidly, extraordinarily high, so that I would almost never reach them, then they were "high" and I could reach them with a little bit of effort.

People get bored developing anything when there is nothing new or interesting to add/do with them. If all it boils down to is adding more of the same buildings over and over, while not even defending or maintaining what you already have, then it gets boring.

But I haven't played it so that's all I have to add.
I, myself, have what I've come to describe as "turrets syndrome". I cannot have enough of them.

I tend not to get bored with advancing my town/base/whatever until there is no longer new "technologies" or "buildings" to place, or more ways to place them. I love creating huge hardened defenses and... tend to lose because I never mobilize and attack anyone else.

So long as theres still things to DO, I don't get bored, unless those things start becoming repetitive and there isn't any real sense of progression.
I like diffrent fields of tech. Like say X is working on a really strong millitary, and focuses all his buildings to make his units do the most damage. But Y is working on making sure his men last really long, he things defence is the best affence. While Z on the otherhand thinks that if you cant be seen, you are invenciable, so he works on his stealth Tech. See? This allows for a very dynamic system that will let people choose thier own style, even if they are the same country/race/whatnot as another player. And once they master Stealth, they can start working on defence or affence. Another good point would be how much time it would take to get to the max in all 3(or more) skills. Also, the more you want your units to have, the longer the building time, cost, and training time. So advacment will get harder, rather than feeling like you are starting over, but keeping the old.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
Another good point would be how much time it would take to get to the max in all 3(or more) skills.

Why not have the differnt aspects have no caps, and the effectiveness of each use of the skill is decided using both parties skills, or possibly have "counter skills"?
It would have to become harder to progress as you advanced, but it would make it so that you couldn't just focus everything on one aspect. That way you would have to take into account the armies of the people who are most likily to attack you.
It could also bring a diplomatic side to unit development. "Our sources indicate that [Scoober.army_name] have recently upped their stealth development" would indicate that they are preparing to attack my army (which is most vunerable to stealth attacks).
In response to DerDragon
DerDragon wrote:
I love creating huge hardened defenses and... tend to lose because I never mobilize and attack anyone else.

That's exactly like me... =)

Make the base building extend as far as you want, but make sure that the upgrades are interesting variations. A new type of building that just makes a soldier with 5 more attack isn't interesting. A better building upgrade would be, for example, one that gives nearby buildings the ability to lift off and move around (like in Starcraft).
I get bored instantly if there's nothing interesting to be doing.
In response to Crispy
you just gave me a great idea, all of you that is. For my units I'm going to have stealth and such instead of attack and defense upgrades... hehe great idea :)
As for monthly information, why not allow players to select how much detail they get? You want to hear about this stuff, toggle it on. You want to ignore this stuff, toggle it off.
You know you all had some great points, and because of the comments made here I decided to change a few things.

Coming with this Sunday's launch, is going to be an ability to torture eachother's towns (through spells acquired by godly worship) or give benefits, either/or.

the thing is that it doesn't say who was conversing with the gods to do damage on their town or whatever, instead you have to figure it out by using spy technology and even then you can only figure out what god they are worshiping, and how much.
of course with spying will come the ability to sabotage, and steal info from other towns :)

But that might not be in yet this sunday...