WildTangent won't go away! Spybot can't delete, nor Ad-Aware. I don't know what to do! I ran search, deleted everything it found. But it's still there, and whenever I start going on internet explorer, ads just pop-up. They go through my pop-up blocker thats been successful and has stopped every single pop-up since I downloaded it. And I looked up the description, and it said creates ads while web surfing and transfers information about you. Please help!

In the words of Tim Harrington, "Reformat! Reformat! Reformat!"
Update Spybot. I found Wild Tangent and got rid it with spybot.
In response to EGUY
EGUY wrote:
Update Spybot. I found Wild Tangent and got rid it with spybot.

I updated it, still couldn't get rid of it. It said some problems couldn't be fixed, and asked if to Run Spybot at next system start up. I dont know how to get rid of this.
It says that its still in use(memory).
In response to Mertek
Worked for me.
In response to SSJ4_Gohan_Majin
If you reboot your system it will run Spybot at startup before Windows loads, at that time you can remove it.