In response to SSunlimited
No offense, but if he asks for a compass but really wants a coordinate system, then it's him that doesn't have a clue... and if his request makes perfect sense to you, that puts you in the same boat. If you want a glass of water but ask for pizza, you shouldn't complain when you're given pizza.

You'd want to use src, not usr, to reference those x,y,z variables. usr will -usually- behave the way you expect it to, it will -usually- refer to the mob you want it to in the Stat() proc, but src will -always- be correct. Why would you want a procedure that -usually- works when you can have one that -always- does?

To expand on that... all the other variables you reference, you didn't use usr on... guess what the default is? src. So what you did is use src for everything else, and usr for those three variables. Why change for them? There's nothing special about them (except that they're built in and meant to be read-only, but that doesn't make a difference for this purpose)... the fact that you plug usr in for them and not for anything else is a good indication of "voodoo coding"... you're not sure why something works, you only know that it does (or seems to) so you keep doing it without question, and if someone tries to correct you, you cling to your ways out of sheer superstition.

"I always chant before I light the fire. If I don't chant, maybe the fire will be offended and never come again."
In response to Hedgemistress
hmm thank you. oh yea could you please answer this too?? index.cgi?action=message_read&id=241685&forum=8&view=0

thank you,

In response to Jon88
According to this, usr totally safe in mob/Stat(). Ungh.

Well you still have to know the difference to use it effectivly. scr is the atom whose Stat() proc you're calling and usr is the mob viewing the Stat(). If this Stat() proc was called from another atom it would display incorrect data unless you wanted the location of the viewer and not the source atom.
In response to SSunlimited
does that mean that u never played any? heh I bet at least 80% of u here in this post who replied never played 1.

Hah! I've played my own exclusive DBZ game that few were granted access!
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