Feb 7 2004, 2:24 pm
ho w to create a login screen and window s or make a mob talk
Feb 7 2004, 2:29 pm
I thin k you shoul d have poste d this in Newbi e Centra l.
I think this should be in "Newbie Central" and you really should use correct grammer. If you don't think it's important enough to spend one minute on a post then it must not be..
To talk to a mob you will need to know the "output" command like this "<<" and how to make a verb attached to a mob/obj ot whatever you want your NPC's to be, like mob/Npc tab enter then verb/Talk() then tab enter usr << "Hello". And to make a npc ask you something and have it give you a choice "switch" is what you will want to use. Use F1 in DM to learn about it. |
In response to HendrixandCamo
HendrixandCamo wrote:
I think this should be in "Newbie Central" and you really should use correct grammer. If you don't think it's important enough to spend one minute on a post then it must not be.. Irony. |
In response to Garthor
I'm not asking for help I'm giving it... He's lucky he can read what I have to say. ;)
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
I thin k you shoul d have poste d this in Newbi e Centra l. hehee yo u should n't tak e the mic k like tha t its just nast y |