![]() Dec 30 2003, 7:38 am
In response to Zzo38computer
Get a 386 or 486 with some version of DOS 6. Don't run any unnecessary drivers, or install windows. Program in QBasic and don't buy a mouse. It'll be much faster, too.
Maybe you should ask yourself... "Why NOT own a computer that can handle virtually everything?" You're acting like the fact that Macintosh can run Windows programs is a liability or a problem...
Its a problem because its WINDOWS, lol ^^;!
I'm asking why would you want to run something thats so "horrible" and rant about how its horrible, then try to emulate it. Oh, just because its the general OS and usually gets everything first*? Thought so. * This excludes mac or linux (etc) based programs, which usually aren't good to begin with. |
Well, you've now declared many programs, that ALSO run on Windows, to be not good. How could you say such a thing about Dream Seeker, Dream Maker, and Dream Daemon?
They aren't programs? (Well, whatever, i saw a post about it and some oldbie said it wasn't a program, so forgive me for listening to an oldbie, i should stop anyway.)
Karasu Kami wrote:
I'm asking why would you want to run something thats so "horrible" and rant about how its horrible, then try to emulate it. Because when showing people an improvement in computing, often it is required to ween them steadily off of one OS and on to the other. People using windows are used to using windows-based programs. By emulating windows, it allows the prospective convert to still be productive while learning the new system. When they are ready they can stop using the emulation and begin using the native applications, plus enjoy the benefits of a more stable and secure operating system. Oh, just because its the general OS and usually gets everything first*? Thought so. And you thought wrong. Dozens of internationally used programs have come out for Linux-based systems before they are ported to Windows. Opponents of Linux argue that there are no applications available for the systems to run. The truth is that there is free software available for the Linux OS for almost any task imaginable. While you may not be able to walk into a store and buy Linux versions of every niche Windows product, the equivalents are out there, and they are usually less expensive. *This excludes mac or linux (etc) based programs, which usually aren't good to begin with. Can we say "open mouth and insert foot"? I knew you could... there goes a perfect example of why you have no clue what you are talking about. Ever heard of the Apache web server? Considered by most web developers to be the most popular, robust, flexible and secure web server out there, and guess what? It was developed originally for unix/linux/bsd-based systems- the Windows port was almost an afterthought. How about GAIM- a very well-written multiprotocol IM system that allows you to use MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, AIM, Jabber, and several other protocols with just one program- again originally developed for Linux-based systems, and has the ability to use a message encryption system that makes other solutions look like secret decoder rings. Again developed for Linux-based systems before the Windows port was available. And let us not forget PHP/MySQL (or even Perl/MySQL depending on who you talk to) - one of the most powerful programming language/database combos for website development. Built for Linux-based systems before Windows. Beowulf clusters, essentially home-grown supercomputers, originated with unix/linux-based systems. Nmap- a very popular network monitoring/sniffing tool featured in the movie "Matrix:Reloaded" (Trinity used a version of it to crack into a computer system)- built first with Linux. And I can come up with at least a dozen more examples of applications, utilities, and even some cool games that got their start on *nix-based systems before being ported to Windows. Next time you might want to actually read-up on current technology before you spout off about things you don't know about. |
For christmas I got:
Scarface on DVD The Godfather series on DVD True Crimes: Streets of LA OJ Simpson Throwback Michael Jordan (Bulls) Throwback This year was more about giving than receiving though. I gave more in one year than I probally have ever in my entire life. What possessed me to do so, I may never know... The Pink Panther |
Woah, an OJ Simpson throwback and a MJ throwback? Sweet. I don't know what an OJ Simpson throwback would look like, got any pics?
digitalmouse wrote:
Karasu Kami wrote: Linux is all good, but macs, you just cant customize them enough. Windows and Linux are for developers, and macs are for people who just want something simple. And all you people who seem to a) say Windows is crap and install a windows emulator on your mac b) buy a mac because they dont want to give money to Bill Gates My answer to you is. A) Your an idiot, stop emulating and go buy two computers, one mac, one winodws. B) Bill Gates bought out mac, and now owns them, because macs were going to become bankrupt. Just get over your selfs, all operating systems are good, it just depends on what sort of person you are. |
After i read "Apache" i stopped reading!
Yes, apache may be good for people who have the time to sit there for 3 days and set it up, but Abyss is catching up, easily. I'm not going to tell you why its better already, but you can see for yourselves? Aprelium |
Mrhat99au wrote:
digitalmouse wrote:> B) Bill Gates bought out mac, and now owns them, because macs were going to become bankrupt. Just get over your selfs, all operating systems are good, it just depends on what sort of person you are. All to be said, we win. Request to stop this non-sense judge? |
We dont win, as i said before, macs are for computer noobs and people who seem to think that files without extenstions are fun. It just depends on what you like. I find windows computers to be better, because you can mod them up. It all comes down to choice.
The Macintosh is an artful computer, where Windows is artless... this gives the impression that Windows computers are more "real computers", because some people expect their computers to be artless.
You say Windows are for "developers"... depends on what you're developing. Macintosh still kicks the most ass of all the birds in the sea when it comes to media production... they're just more powerful and intuitive when it comes to graphic design and music. You also say Macintosh is for "computer noobs"... guess what? A lot of people I know in technical support, after being Windows users for life then learning Macintosh so we could give technical support are now switching over to Macintosh. The lack of visible file extensions doesn't mean anything... Macintosh just displays the full name of the file type... and in this day and age where 40 GB is small for a new hard drive, isn't it silly to keep using 3-4 letter abbreviations for file type? That would be like still using a two digit number to track the year. Lack of customizability? You must be talking about hardware. Macintoshes come with top of the line sound and graphics support, and G5 comes with a processor so powerful that it has its own army of eunuchs waving palm fronds to keep it cool. There's not really anywhere to go but down. "I find windows computers to be better, because you can mod them up" is like saying, "I like piece of crap cars because I can blow money fixing them." I work in tech support... I loathed Macs based on the old ones that I'd used before... but after receiving a little training on the new ones, and spending a few months teching both Windows and Macintosh, I have to say, I'm a convert. Apple has made a computer that CAN be used by computer noobs without sacrificing power or functionality. The fact that a 4 year old child or an 80 year old grandparent can sit down and use a Mac with little instruction doesn't mean that its capabilities have been dumbed down... it means Apple's people know more about designing a useable product then Microsoft's do. |
> B) Bill Gates bought out mac, and now owns them, because macs were going to become bankrupt.
All to be said, we win. You "win" a conversation by making up outrageous lies? If Bill Gates bought a share of Apple stock... heck, if he bought an Apple logo mousepad or t-shirt, the government would be all over him like a ton of bricks. But if this is how you "win" a conversation: I bought out Bill Gates and can shoot lasers from my nose. I win! |
Hedgemistress wrote:
> B) Bill Gates bought out mac, and now owns them, because macs were going to become bankrupt. Well, Bill Gates didn't, but Microsoft did buy $150 million worth of non-voting shares a number of years ago, in exchange for making Internet Explorer the default browser on the Mac, along with some other arrangements. But if this is how you "win" a conversation: Those aren't lasers... |