I got...
a cell phone,
a hammock,
The Aliens series on DVD in an 8 disc set with 2 versions for each movie,
Beavis and Butthead Do America on DVD,
an mp3 player,
a new shower head,
a book by Henry Rollins called Solipsist,
a new cd player,
Postal 2,
and the Matrix, plus The Matrix Reloaded on DVD.
There were a few more that I can't recall at the moment, but these are the gifts I got from my brother and sister, I got a few other ones from my grandma and soon-to-be step dad that I just can't remember.
[EDIT]: Oh yea, my STBSD got me Alien versus Predator 2.... a game I already had =P. Oh, and a close friend gave me a bottle of Candies for men.
That is so true, when I got a hammock I laughed at myself thinking what would I use it for, but now I have some indoor/outdoor poles and I sleep on it more than my own bed.
If your making fun of his inability to spell correctly then your a very uninformed person, and cruel at that. Zz is French and so his English isn't very sharp.
Post [link]
And somewhere, which I'll find later, Spuzzum found and corrected all his [Zzwhatshisname] spelling errors, but Zz didn't even notice. The word is of not uv. I learn spanish in school, but I can spell it. And still, he has to know what of means because he reads these forum posts....Unless he kicks up babblefish and just translates... |
If you don't care about what we say, then why even post here, because that just means we wont care what you have to say.
Kusanagi wrote:
If your making fun of his inability to spell correctly then your a very uninformed person, and cruel at that. Zz is French and so his English isn't very sharp. French? Where do you get that? I've never seen anything to the effect that Zzo is French. However, if he was, then he would already have the correct spellings to words like "suggestion" (at least to the point of having the double-g and i in there), and he would have no difficulty whatsoever with "of". Furthermore he would have learned even a little bit by now, and would have acknowledged posts bringing up this issue. He doesn't do any of that. And I've seen many French people interact in English chats and forums; in every case the spelling tends to be quite good (because of similar spelling relationships in French and English), but their grammar is usually atrocious (owing to French using a completely different grammar). In short, there's absolutely no reason whatsoever to believe that Zzo is French, let alone that English is not his first language. There's considerable evidence that he grew up speaking English, and it's a dead certainty that his misspellings are intentional. The uninformed party here is yourself. You haven't seen enough foreign-language speakers online to grasp which mistakes are common, uncommon, or even just plain possible. (There is no way in any universe that "uv" is a possible mistake, except if the person is 4 years old and already fluent in spoken English; such a spelling wouldn't be considered phonetic in any other language. Even then, if they're just learning to read, chances are they would have seen "of" in kids' books enough to know that one. Zzo is clearly not a 4-year-old. He is also literate.) You have managed, though, to pick a detail up out of thin air that nobody else (to my knowledge) on these forums has ever seen, unless you actually bothered to read his Web site. In any case it's downright bizarre that you'd simply take his word for it, particularly when he's never mentioned anything about it here by way of explaining himself. Lummox JR |
Actually I believe somebody a long time ago posted about his spelling problems and commented that he was French, so it was only my basic assumption that he was. I personally have never even talked to him to know.
Thats not really much of an explanation for why you post here, nor does it make much sense. Dousing yourself in gasoline and lighting a match is something to do, but you obviously havn't done that yet.
Kusanagi wrote:
Actually I believe somebody a long time ago posted about his spelling problems and commented that he was French, so it was only my basic assumption that he was. I personally have never even talked to him to know. Ah, the post in question would be [link] by DiZzyBonne, who said that Zzo sounds French based on the fact that, as he said, in French "f" is usually pronounced as "v". This being a load of dingo's kidneys, it proves that DiZzyBonne knows about as much about French as how to use banana stems for anti-gravity propulsion. You've basically completely misinterpreted as true the offhand comment of someone who had no facts at hand but only a desperate need for a clue. (No offense meant to DiZzyBonne there, but yegads, he just wasn't thinking when he wrote that.) You've now repeated that far-left-field speculation as fact, with about as little basis for doing so. To call someone uninformed because they didn't "know" something that hasn't even been established is a little ridiculous, particularly in light of the fact that others here who've had vastly more experience with English-as-a-second-language types haven't bought Zzo, nor has he ever offered that as an explanation. (...Which just goes to prove it wouldn't be true anyway, since someone just learning English would have said something about that long before now in response to numerous comments.) Lummox JR |
Aw, ok. I just spent around 20 minutes searching for that post to verify if what I said was true myself, unfortunately for me you found it before I and corrected me before I could get to correcting me. Also, I'm very sorry if I came off like I was saying you were uninformed, because in no way had I. Thanks for pointing all of that out though.
Kusanagi wrote:
Aw, ok. I just spent around 20 minutes searching for that post to verify if what I said was true myself, unfortunately for me you found it before I and corrected me before I could get to correcting me. Also, I'm very sorry if I came off like I was saying you were uninformed, because in no way had I. Thanks for pointing all of that out though. Just to be clear, you said Karasu Kami was uninformed; I wasn't implying you'd called me that. He's been following this issue, though. Lummox JR |
Airjoe wrote:
#1 Reason I'd never get a Mac: No BYOND :'( oh ye of little faith! hast tho forgotten the great Oracle Google? VirtualPC (http://www.apple.com/macosx/applications/virtualpc/) will satisfy thine Mac woes. (runs BYOND very nicely on a G4 Powerbook under MacOS X, thank you very much) |
Jon88 wrote:
There's text mode BYOND(if you have MacOS X). and because of the BSD core in MacOS X, it ought to be possible to recompile the Linux or BSD source for MacOS X... something that has been talked about before, and might be done in the future. |
So the BSD version currently available won't run on MacOS X in any way?
[edit]Well it would, through an emulator of some kind. I just realized that the BSD version available would be for BSD on an x86. Macs run on a different processor.[/edit] |