Free means that you can choose for youself. That is free. I can only show you the door, you have to CHOOSE for yourself. That is freedom!
Funny, you say you don't try to impose your beliefs on anyone, but yet - you state that Atheist's are bad people, and should only believe in Christianity. And, another thing - nearly ALL (if not all) religions contradict them selves VERY poorly, as I do recall from when I was younger (I was forced to go to church as a child) it said "God" loved everyone except homosexuals. Also, how can you sit there and soak in your own disorientated beliefs and safely say that all Atheist's are "bad"? I'm an Atheist, and I am probably THE last person to care about stuff like this normally, but you just piss me off. You try to make your religion sound good & true and to be the, "true" religion. Sure, sounds good - that's why every religion uses the same concept: "Believe in our religion or you go to hell".
Religion in my opinion isn't "free will". It's either "my way or the highway", simply because it tells you, that you must do this & that to be "accepted into the afterlife". It's not free will, it's brainwashing. And, I highly doubt that you were born into this world thinking like this, most likely your parents and others pressed it upon you, made you fear God's wrath, fear that he may spite you and send you to hell for doing anything wrong. It's not a matter of beliefs, it's nothing more than fear.
Anarchy Robot wrote:
Free means that you can choose for youself. That is free. I can only show you the door, you have to CHOOSE for yourself. That is freedom! thats kind of a funny thing anarchy, because, the things youve said suggest that you are pointing towards the door, we are on the outside, and you are trying your damndest to stay in your safe and cozy closet by inviting us in. |
Quite true. I am in no way trying to force anything on anyone, so please don't be offended by it. Or do be offended by it. At the very least, our constitution says NOWHERE that you have the right to not be offended. always remember that. Anyway, i have regthought what i said. I think that "what is right" is meant to be what helps and doesn't hurt other people. What i meant was how can there be "good" or "evil" without christianity? Like, i know that killing someone is wrong, but is it "good" or "evil"? Good and evil are defined by the culture not the religion though in many cases religion plays a big factor. The concepts of good and evil predate christianity. If you kill someone with a mask, then you are a terrorist. But if you kill someone with a uniform, then you are a hero. You see, it's all very wierd. Yeah but you fail to mention who you are killing and the cause for it. Killing without cause is evil. Killing for a cause that is deemed evil such stealing is evil. But killing in self defense isn't. I think that trying to save yourself from eternal suffering is not selfish; Uh if you're doing something for yourself it's a selfish act that's just how it's defined. If you're trying to save yourself you're being selfish no matter how you look at it. |
On these forums, you have to follow the rules, or else you'd get banned. The forum guidelines tell you what to do. So, are the forums brainwashing us? No, because nothing is forcing us to use the forums, just like nothing is forcing you to go to Heaven.
Maybe three or four hundred years ago people feared God's wrath, and obeyed God out of fear. But, I don't live my life in fear of going to hell, and I doubt that a lot of people do. Besides, there's that whole "forgiveness" deal. Its not like you'll be sent right to hell if you sin once. |
AR, you raise many important questions that deserve to be discussed. They're also probably too controversial to survive long on the BYOND forums, even Off Topic. You might be able to discuss them on the BYONDscape forum, though, as long as everyone stays civil.
Your idiotic, just like the rest of the christians you try to force your beliefs on another person.
It is wrong to force someone, using scare tactics, to believe in something that can be believed or not. I waasn't going to post on this thread until you had to say what you just did. We aren't afraid, we just aren't gullible or stupid. This is how it works, we believe what we want to believe, and you do the same. (Though some of us, like myself, don't believe in anything at all.) |
Anarchy Robot wrote:
So what you're saying is that the thought of eternal suffering hasn't bothered you a bit? Ok then. Just making sure. Back to our robot lives where we can die hollow shells of humanity that we lost so long ago. All hail money! Where you will die in your hollow beliefs thinking the sinners will go to something of fictional story tales and bulls**t copied from the wiccan religion. Your stupid anarchy (How dare you even use that name.). |
Your retarded, thats a mental impairity.
If you have so much freedom why can't you choose weither you feel like going to church or not? Hmm? Robot. As my idiotic friend says "If you don't go to church you have sins, if you sin too much you will go to hell" He isn't my friend anymore. |
Maybe three or four hundred years ago people feared God's wrath, and obeyed God out of fear. But, I don't live my life in fear of going to hell, and I doubt that a lot of people do. Besides, there's that whole "forgiveness" deal. Its not like you'll be sent right to hell if you sin once. Very true, you might not fear going to hell (Doesn't exist anyway) but christians use scare tactics on the foreigners to get them to believe that if they don't follow the christian path they will indeed burn in hell for the rest of their lives, but you can only burn once and die. |
It's funny how 98% of you all share more or less the same train of thought and horribly messed up views about what christianity really is. Without knowing at all, which I assume you don't, you charge me with false accusations based on the knowledge of something which you know nothing about. It is interesting to me, to see how soicety molds us, and how the Illuminati predetermine our demenors. If they can shape HOW we think, they they can shape WHAT we think thus controlling us. Why is this bad you ask? Because they seek to...whatever, i honestly don't feel like arguing with you guys. It is interesting to note, however, that our government favors atheism and in fact tries to instigate a school of thought that favors atheism and "science", and guess what? So do where did those ideas in your head come from....
If you don't believe in anything then how is it that I am idiotic? Doesn't that mean that you hold me to some standards? And you are judging me and comparing me to those standards which makes me idiotic and stupid? wow, you people really don't know what you're talking about.
Look, people get all kinds of mad about basically anything, so let's just stop posting so people won't be mad. I would ask each of you to visit they can answer any questions you have. Remember: how can you have an opinion about something if you know nothing about it?
You actually make me laugh! You lay it on soooo thick! You act like you are so sure of yourself. Well, since you dont' believe in religion, then answer me this: what proof do you have that hell doesn't exist? more importantly, can you do this for me? if you can ill shut up forever
prove god DOESN'T exist! |
Anarchy Robot wrote:
Look, people get all kinds of mad about basically anything, so let's just stop posting so people won't be mad. I would ask each of you to visit they can answer any questions you have. Remember: how can you have an opinion about something if you know nothing about it? but anarchy, your pointing us to a christian run website, as you say, thats like me pointing you to saying they will tell you the truth about the american government.. Get a brain in that head, youve been reading too many books by nutcases, talking fast using big words wrapped up in a happy package to make you think your being controlled.. when in reality, you're not.. THERE IS NO ILLUMINATI, what would their gains be? you couldnt even answer that in your own post, then tried to cover it up by saying you throw ur hands up to us all... you need to grow up and realize the world is not as controlling as you WISH it were |
its not like that garthor, hes trying to use loaded words and big sentances, that really make no sense except to convert more people into his way of thought and anarchy