That is something pretty neat... I believe I've read it a few other places recently, too...

I believe it works along the same lines as when you look at a picture of a square, but one side is incomplete, your mind "fills in" the blank space and you perceive it as a whole square...

You see words that resemble words you know, and begin and end with familiar letters, yet the middles are all goofed up... So, your mind "fills in the blanks" and you see the right word...

And for those of you trying to knock Ease down there, you've missed the point...

The point of this is that your mind sees what appears to be a jumbled mess of letters, and it compares it to all of the words it has stored that might resemble that jumbled word... It then picks the closest fit to replace the word with...

It only uses the first and last letters, along with perhaps the length... Everything in between is irrelevant (although, seeing the right letters in the wrong order might help, but irocmcet ltefrds claod silrl be in trihe, and you celud sdlil do it)

As long as enough of the word matches some stored word in your head, then your brain will pick the best match... It doesn't matter if all of the letters are there, the spelling can be a little (sometimes even a lot) off, and it would still work...

So, if your brain had stored a lot of different words in different languages that resemble closely enough to the misspelled words, then it could very well pick one of them (sentence structure doesn't matter much... it doesn't need to make sense for your brain to try to apply words to the mixed up ones)...

Of course, your far more likely to pick the ones that make sense, and most closely match whatever letters your given to form a complete sentence, but it is perfectly possible to choose words from other languages that fit only semi-closely...
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
sentence structure doesn't matter much... it doesn't need to make sense for your brain to try to apply words to the mixed up ones

For me it does. When I read I read in some odd order. My brain picks the words out, then applies them to each other to figure out what is written.
So if I only read parts of the sentance, then fill in the blanks automatically. So for me sentance structure matters a lot, although only with speed reading.
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
but irocmcet ltefrds claod silrl be in trihe, and you celud sdlil do it

Heh. I had to stop and reread that a few times to get what you were saying.
I saw something similar to this a while ago and thought it was neat enough to make a Python script for it. Here it is, if anyone's interested.

# usage: python filename.txt
# output: filename.html

import sys

infile = open(sys.argv[1], 'r')
outfile = open(sys.argv[1].replace('.txt','.html'), 'w')
curWord = ''
finalText = ''

def Nonfuscate(aString):
result = aString[:1] + MessUp(aString[1:-1])
if len(aString) > 1: result += aString[-1:]
return result

def MessUp(aString):
return ReverseStr(aString)

# if method == "2":
# finalStr = ''
# for i in range(len(aString)):
# if not (i % 2):
# finalStr += aString[i + 1: i + 2] + aString[i: i + 1]
# return finalStr

def ReverseStr(aString):
rev = list(aString)
return ''.join(rev)

inText ='\n', '<br>')
for curLetter in inText:
if curLetter.isalpha():
curWord += curLetter
if curWord:
finalText += Nonfuscate(curWord)
curWord = ''
finalText += curLetter

finalText = "<html><title>Nonfuscated Text</title><body>" + finalText + "</body></html>"
print finalText
In response to FuZzY DiCe
As did I. Its a lot more difficult when you throw in the wrong letters.
In response to Jotdaniel
But the point is that it is still possible...

Which means that as long as Ease (or anyone else) knows any word (foreign or otherwise) that begins and ends with the proper letters, it is possible for them to "see" those foreign words (as everyone down below seems to be denying)
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
It's just the way we are taught to read that makes it so we can see the whole word. This does not apply to other cultures, because they are schooled differently than us. So eventhough it is possibly, it most likely isn't true.
In response to FuZzY DiCe
This isn't a cultural, or educational thing... It's a fundamental way that the human brain works... All human brains...

The brain is always seeking to make sense out of what it sees... One of the methods it employs to do this is to compare what it sees to what it knows (well, actually this one is the most common method...but there are others)...

Your eyes see a "word" that is jumbled up... Your brain takes that input, and attempts to figure out what it most likely is by running through everything that it knows that looks similar, and it picks the best match...

The same thing happens when you look at properly spelled words as well... The initial input is meaningless... Your brain sees the word, and figures out which one it is by running through your stored vocabulary to find the one that matches...

Of course, being spelled exactly helps immensely in this process... You are obviously more likely to recognize the word if it is exactly what you have "on file"... But if it isn't, then your brain does a pretty good job of narrowing it down...

And t hat's how this little "trick" works... You see a word that looks a lot like a word you already know, and so your brain decides that the word must be the one you know...

So the process works with all languages and cultures... It has nothing to do with how we are taught, but with how the mind is "programmed" to work...

And yes, the process even works with eastern languages, like Japanese or Chinese... A lot of their vocabulary comes in the form of characters that stand for entire words or ideas (and concepts that can't be explained using these are written out with another set of characters that represent sounds, like our letters)... But, when they see these characters, their minds compare the image they see to all of the symbols they know, and it picks which one it is (based on the number of lines used, the positions of the lines, the lengths of the lines, etc)... Just like we do with letters in our words...

But none of this is really relavent to the point that I'm trying to make...

My point is that Ease's claim that he sees words from foreign languages in that sentence is perfectly valid and possible, while numerous people seem to be calling it impossible...
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Feh. Believe what you want.
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