One of my family members has cancer(my mom, age 47) and she's gone through the oxy platten treatment and kemo and neither of them work for her... the oxy because she gets an alergic reaction and kemo just made her lose her hair and grow 20 years of age.
I was wondering if anyone here had any info, maybe on things that she should eat, etc... We've looked online and such for treatments, things to eat, etc but a lot of it is controversy... it's really sad that cancer has been around for so long and kemo is still one of the main leading treatments... You'd think they woulda developed something better by now :(
We do know a lot about cancer already but I'm hoping some of you know some things we don't... or the doctors don't. Heh... hoping :P
Well any help would be appreciated - links, or whatever, thanks
![]() Oct 23 2003, 12:17 pm (Edited on Oct 23 2003, 12:36 pm)
ya right now we've been pretty much giving up hope, the doctor told us the oxy is working but she has an allergic reaction to it... not sure why the hell he told us it was working then, to give us hope then smash it?
I've been a pretty big mess myself and my mom hasn't even passed away yet, probably because I've been living with her since the beginning of when she got it. When she first started going through kemo she looked young, now she looks like she's 92 and lost all her hair... If anything kemo made the cancer worst because my mom couldn't eat anything really and keep it down, so her body got weaker and weaker and eventually the cancer started spreading. The doctors now days, atleast where I live aren't that great... They told my mom a month or 2 ago if she's lucky she'll live a month or 2, but we don't really believe anything the doctors say anymore... I think in all honesty they don't have a clue they are just guessing... The thing that makes me mad is they don't give my mom a list of things she should eat while she has cancer (to have her body fight it off at the best of it's ability and so on) instead they say to live your life to the best of her ability and enjoy it but then put her on kemo therapy, a treatment that leaves you imobile and basically a vegitable while you're doing the treatment. |
I remember watching T.V., and a channel was on about cancer, I watched it and an experiment was going on, 10 people where being injected with cancerous cells to "beaf-up" their defence system, inturn, making them more defensive against cancer, and pushing their alert and defence systems into overdrive to search and destroy any and all cancer cells, or cells alike cancer. Yea, I've seen somthing simlier in the news not to long ago. It was about how England & American doctors compare in finding cancer the first viset. American dotors have more revists, while england does not, some say this is better. However there is a big But. The US doctors find cancer more often and earyer. The good news was the Cancer Vacine in development, it works by puting week cancer cells into bodys to bost defence.It has been haveing very good triles. but it's a long way before it gets released :(. |
Jon Snow wrote:
One of my family members has cancer(my mom, age 47) and she's gone through the oxy platten treatment and kemo and neither of them work for her... the oxy because she gets an alergic reaction and kemo just made her lose her hair and grow 20 years of age. Sorry to hear about that. Unfortunately, there's no good treatment that will work for all cancers, because cancer is really a catch-all name for a large variety of cell growth disorders. Treatments that work for some forms don't work for others. The only thing close to a catch-all is chemotherapy, which basically aims to poison the body just enough to kill cancer cells while doing as little damage as possible to the rest. But really it's a little misleading to think of it as the standard treatment because it consists of a custom mix of drugs that target known properties of the type of cancer. Lummox JR |
Lots of Green Tea and Anti-Oxidants. Also you should avoid eating food from a microwave and burnt food such as fries and smoked salmon...that kind of stuff, because it's basically a much smaller form of smoking a cigarette.
I feel like this is a good time to bring up cloning! Now, do not fret. When i say cloning, i mean cloning small, individual enzymes, cells, etc, such as all important bone marrow cells, and even spinal cord nerves. I in no way support full Human being cloning, for cloning isn't accurate enough to even make it worth the try.
If i remember right, cancer is an uncontroled cellular reproduction. The special enzyme that controls the cell's reproduction process normally malfuntions or there is a lack of it's presense when cancer is found. Therefore, Cloning the healthy cells in that area, and encouraging enzyme production, Inserting these special bred cells into the cancer could help to slow, and if reseached enough, can stop cancer growth. It will be awhile before people in our society will even begin to start to comprehend cloning. As of right now, we in the U.S. have for some reason shut out the idea completely, because if the litteral definition of Ignorance. Try to become informed on cloning as much as possible, and talk to people about it. So, if cloning was allowed, possibly something of a cure could have been developed for your mother...all i can say is that you should read up on cloning, and hope that we can someday be able to use it's promising health benefits. Never give up hope! Help your mom to be strong, let her know that she can not be worried about you. Do chores around the house, be responsible, it'll your mom as well as your family in general. |
FenrirXIII wrote:
I feel like this is a good time to bring up cloning! Please don't. *shelters, waiting for the inevitable flame war* I'll just stay out of this... |
really? Could you give me some links about this stuff though? Microwave food really? Hmm doctor never said anything about that ;P
Heavily cooked food (there's a better adjective, but I can't quite recall it right now) is supposed to increase your risk of cancer. I don't know if that's true, though; I've only heard about one study that came up with those results. As far as I know, it hasn't been repeated. Google probably has some answers!
I think the idea has something to do with the amount of carbonized residue (blackened, ashy stuff) is on the food... it's supposed to increase the amount of free radicals in your body, which are supposedly the x-factor in a lot of cases of cancer.
Microwaves don't really result in much of this carbonization, because a microwave cooks food by exciting water molecules and therefore it's almost impossible to exceed 212 degrees in a microwave... I mean, some budget gourmet pasta dishes which get most of their moisture from the sauce, the edges end up burning because the sauce is stuck in a big frozen glob in the center (pet peeve stuck in my head at the moment because I've got a freezer full of these things)... but basically, when you microwave food, you're not doing anything differently than when you cook by boiling water. |
I'm sorry to hear that Jon :( My Grandma passed away in August because of Brain Cancer. But there is a cure! Okay this will probably take a few months (started working for my Grandma, then she died) , but my Drama teacher taught me this:
Have you mom for about 1/2 an hour to and hour a day relax and forget everything in the world. Tell her to get rid of all the stress in her body. (Tell her to stretch her legs. clench her fists, open her mouth really wide and count to 3 or 5 like 1..2..3..4..5.. and then tell her to let go.) To stretch her muscles (if she can) and take deep breaths. Try and make her stretch every area possible on her body. Do it for about 1/2 an hour to and hour a day and you should see improvements. My Drama teacher taught the class this because she had cancer on her nose and she did that for a few months and it cleared right up now shes had no problems with cancer ever since. This is the best way for treating Cancer right now, although millions may not know it. I just don't want anyone to die of Cancer anymore (Its a bitch to see a ,loved one die.) So try it and in a few months if she looks any better it is working. The main reason anyone gets sick is because we have to much stress in our bodies. And that stress builds up on certain parts of our bodies and takes over it. Even when you are doing it with you mom you should do it to. Its makes my world a whole lot better cause your relaxed and ready for the day. (If ya do it in the morning.) So, yeah try that and you might see improvments. Trust me it works for anyone. |
There are no known absolute cures to Cancer, healthy eating is merely a caution in order to reduce the risk of developing cancer.
Actually, the main reason we get sick is because disease organisms invade our bodies... we can actually see these disease organisms with microscopes and other instruments. Are you saying that these organisms are drawn to stress, or somehow spontaneously created by stress?
Cancer is not necessarily caused by an organism (although a lot of new research has linked specific cancers to some viruses)... cancer is cells growing unchecked by the things that normally put limits on their reproduction, and that can be caused by certain genetic disorders, cellular damage from radiation, or the presence of certain chemicals in the body. Like any other disease, cancer sometimes gets cured when it suddenly reverses itself (spontaneous remission, they call it with cancer), and like any disease, your state of mind and your physical health in general can play a part in whether you survive long enough to happen (although it won't happen for everyone). With that in mind, a daily yoga or tai chi routine sure ain't going to hurt, but if you go around saying "this is a cure for cancer and it will work for anyone!"... you're running the risk that someone will actually listen to you, ignore actual medical advice, and die where real treatment might have helped them. Not that medical treatment is a guarantee, either... with cancer, you can do everything right, with sunscreen and not smoking and antioxidants and a positive mental attitude and everything and you can still get sick from it, because in the end, these things are all factors but there is no one cause. Cancer is scary because it's got so many unknowns and because it presents a foe we cannot fight: our own body run wild. It's nice and comforting to think that we have some way of taking control back from the cancer... but it's just not so. |
Hedgemistress wrote:
Are you saying that these organisms are drawn to stress? Cancer is not necessarily caused by an organism (although a lot of new research has linked specific cancers to some viruses)... cancer is cells growing unchecked by the things that normally put limits on their reproduction, and that can be caused by certain genetic disorders, cellular damage from radiation, or the presence of certain chemicals in the body.Certains Chemicals, a definate yes. Just think of all the stuff we put in our bodies. Even from cooking on a stove or oven we are putting just a little gas in ourselfs.</font> Like any other disease, cancer sometimes gets cured when it suddenly reverses itself (spontaneous remission, they call it with cancer), and like any disease, your state of mind and your physical health in general can play a part in whether you survive long enough to happen (although it won't happen for everyone). With that in mind, a daily yoga or tai chi routine sure ain't going to hurt. "this is a cure for cancer and it will work for anyone!"... you're running the risk that someone will actually listen to you, ignore actual medical advice, and die where real treatment might have helped them. Cancer is scary wild. It's nice and comforting to think that we have some way of taking control back from the cancer. |
Im very sorry to hear that Jon. My mother had ovarian cancer for 4 years before passing away, and I wish I could've read into some of what she knew. She spent the entire 4 years dedicating most of her free time to cancer research, talks with specialists across the world, etc. I can tell you that half the time, the doctors guess is a wildshot (Related to time left to live), although it depends entirely on the person and their condition. My mother lived a year and a week more than they predicted.
She tried it all, more or less. My mother eventually stopped treatments, to live life while she had it. If you really want to look into the subject, I know we travelled to specialist doctors in England, Denmark and Mexico for her to get treatment. There is a place just over the Mexican border from California that she went to for a while, a cancer treatment centre. But as others have mentioned, there is a wide amount of cancer types. Honestly, I think one thing that helps is trying to live life while you have it. I dont know if it boosts the body (Large, unending discussion amongst medical professionals whether the emotional state of a human being affects its state), but if anything it gives you time together not spent under treatment. If you need someone to talk to, please get in touch with me, im more than willing to talk. [email protected] || AIM: trinity123G || MSN: (email) || ICQ: 106872590 |
Diseases and viruses are not drawn to stress... they're little organisms that seek out food and a welcome environment in much the same way as an animal or other ambulatory organism does.
It's a fact that stress can depress your immune system (eustress or "good" stress probably bolsters it, but I've never seen any studies on it), but the organisms are either there or they're not... these organisms are what causes you to get sick, not stress. Stress can be a factor, particularly in how sick you get and how long you stay sick, but that's a factor, not the cause. Again, cancer is not always caused by a virus but the same principles apply. Stress might depress your ability's body to fight it... but stress doesn't "cause" it, and having no stress doesn't magically make it go away. As you said, spontaneous remission is very rare... well, that's what happened to save your drama teacher: the cancer went into remission on its own. That's like winning the lottery... you can't count on it, even if you use whatever methor or system the last winner said they used, because in the end, it's all luck. As for "mind over body sometimes help"... yes, but the words that should be bolded, underlined, and italicized for emphasis are "sometimes" and "helps." Mind over body doesn't magically cure cancer... it only helps, and even then, only sometimes. You're talking about what amounts to nothing more than yoga and meditation as if it were a universal cure for cancer. It isn't. If you want to say, "a good state of mind can't hurt, and by gosh, it might do you some good!", then I'd say, heck yeah, you're right... if nothing else, stress and a poor mental attitude decreases the quality of life over all... we all have only so much time anyway, and none of us know how long we have, so we might as well be unstressed and enjoy it as best we can. |
Cancer is scary because it's got so many unknowns and because it presents a foe we cannot fight: our own body run wild. It's nice and comforting to think that we have some way of taking control back from the cancer... but it's just not so. Exactly. Most people think, "Why can't we cure cancer? It's just a disease!" The problem is, cancer isn't a disease. It's just your body growing. The problem lies in the fact that your body isn't supposed to be growing. In other words, how do you stop the body from doing what it is designed to do without actually killing it? It's for that reason that I'm skeptical that a cure for cancer will ever be found, short of genetic modification -- and in that case, it'd be a pre-programmed "vaccine" from conception. |
I have seen a few people with cancer, and today I am more annoyed and upset than ever because my grandma died not long ago with breast cancer. It hurts like hell and I am just not very stable right now.
Although, cancer is a very dangerous thing to have, it doesn't mean it is incurable.
I know of Kemo therapy, but I have never heard of the oxy one, all the people I know who had cancer where treated with Kemo, some succeeded and others ended up dieing like my grandma today :(
I don't know how they survive and what have you, but with me being in such a state right now, I am more than likely babbling nonsence... If I am, then my point is that I severely hope that your mother survives and gets rid of the cancerous cells within her body.
I remember watching T.V., and a channel was on about cancer, I watched it and an experiment was going on, 10 people where being injected with cancerous cells to "beaf-up" their defence system, inturn, making them more defensive against cancer, and pushing their alert and defence systems into overdrive to search and destroy any and all cancer cells, or cells alike cancer.
It was something to do with the DNA strands, but not too sure on it.
The main way to get rid of cancer that I know of or at least to treat it, is to find the cancerous cells at an early state of cancerous development, and to treat it when you find it.
I am sorry I can't offer as much help as I want to, but I do hope your mother succeeds in where my grandma failed...